Desmond blasts college athletes sense of entitlement at black coaches convention

Submitted by aaamichfan on

Interesting comments from Desmond. My only problem is that he seems to be implying Denard has a sense of entitlement, when in reality it's the media who has pumped him up. IMO, one of the most humble guys we've had come through the program in a while.

Give it a quick read. Decently thought provoking for a boring Thursday night.


May 26th, 2011 at 11:38 PM ^

I think Howard was just saying the team would move on! As GREAT as Demard is, the team hasn't done much with him here. (Granted, defense isn't his fault) I don't think he was trying to say that Denard felt entitled at all. He was just giving an example. Most of these kids need to understand some humility!


May 26th, 2011 at 11:45 PM ^

But I feel the same way about this that I do about jalen's DUI, harbaughs remarks, Roy tarpleys drug issues, or skrepanek running for congress as a republican. I personally disagree with them, but adults make decisions and I can't lose sleep over all of them.


May 26th, 2011 at 11:54 PM ^

Is there some law has that been passed that our former stars have to run their mouth and (intentionally or not) denigrate either current or former coaches or players at U of M in the media and speeches? 

Desmond couldn't have made his larger point and used Cam Newton or the Tat 5 ("me" players clearly involved in shady stuff) instead of Denard Robinson (who has handled stardom far better and more humbly than most 19 year olds)?


May 26th, 2011 at 11:59 PM ^

This part of the story seems the most relevant to me.

All the noise in Ann Arbor is, 'Is Denard Robinson going to stay or leave?

He was commenting on the media and the fan base. If any thing it seemed to imply he had respect for his talent but could see how even a guy like Denard could, I repeat, could get a big head with all the attention shown toward one player.


May 27th, 2011 at 12:20 AM ^

Yeah, it seems perfecly clear to me.  That was the buzz and there was a lot of hand wringing and arrows shot at Brandon for making a choice that might not be in the best interests of Denard.  That wasn't Denard's fault, it was some fans and the media.  Desmond might have done better not to single out a player to make an otherwise perfectly valid point.


May 27th, 2011 at 12:06 AM ^

why he would throw DENARD ROBINSON of all guys under the bus.. he has never once boasted or bragged of any of his accomplishments at UM nor said that he has done "anything" as Dez said. i am very dissapointed to hear Desmond of all people to say something like this. if it were braylon or harbaugh i wouldnt be surprised but DH? im speechless. also to be completely honest i have never met nor seen a more humble and presentable young man than Denard Robinson and am proud to have the opportunity to see him play at UM. to bash him is absurd in my mind


May 27th, 2011 at 12:07 AM ^

are driving me insane tonight! Lloyd Carr, RRod, Hoke, Chris Perry, Desmond (which I agree with Zone Left must be out of context)....we all need to see some popcorn .gifs, read more tsio bashing, watch some cats say, "i can HAZ 4*?!?!, Denard anything, Lloyd Brady, etc, etc, and unite until the season starts and we kick some @ss on the field.


May 27th, 2011 at 12:14 AM ^

Those 5 games against nobody...probably woulda been 3 games against nobody.

quite frankly he was the sole reason we had any wins at all last season as far as im concerned


May 27th, 2011 at 1:06 AM ^

Well, that settles it.  DRobb now needs to win a Heisman so he can speak at conferences using Desmond Howard as an awkward allegory to make a good point.


May 27th, 2011 at 4:00 AM ^

Totally get what Desmond was saying, but he chose a very poor way to phrase it. In today's world, you have to see the headline as you're speaking. What he said could have easily been misconstrued and spun, so it was a bad PR job.



May 27th, 2011 at 6:22 AM ^

Herbbie messing with his head on how to handle your school.

Seriously though in Bo's book he was sick of the recruiting in the end. Having a dictator as a head coach doesn't go over well with kids these days. Joe Pa is the last of the old school and he is more of a teacher than a Bo/Woody/Bear tyrant HC. Ahh the good old days were water was a privilege and not a right.


May 27th, 2011 at 7:08 AM ^

Let me start by saying that I love Denard. So much so that my son and I have matching #16 jerseys. The kid is awesome on and off the field.
<br>But, I was not as bothered by what he said as others will be. I viewed it as a comment on fans and the media of college fb. He was talking in the context of how so man Michigan fans were freaking out about a potential denArd transfer. Also he said "if" he transfers before going into the whole "don't letter door hit you" thing. He said that denard is a tremendous talent but was making the point that even a tremendous talent is not as big as the program especially until you accomplish something.
<br>Poorly worded. Yes. Would I have prefers he use a different example? Yes. But o not going to get worked up because his intent is pretty obvious.


May 27th, 2011 at 7:21 AM ^

Denard had a sense of entitlement, that he needed to be cajoled to stay in Ann Arbor, on top of which he completely and condescendingly dismissed Denard's achievements last season.

Intentional or not, all of this is nothing less than character assassination of a current UM player who has done nothing but bust his ass for the team, played hurt, and has never uttered a single public word that's critical either of any of the coaches or of UM in general. There is literally no indication whatsoever that Denard ever seriously considered leaving, or that he expected Brady Hoke to kiss his ass in order for him to stay.

What's especially ridiculous is that Desmond had a hugely appropriate target right in front of him for an entitled athlete who left: Justin Boren.

This just confirms what I've been thinking about Desmond for a while—he runs his pie hole without engaging his brain.


May 27th, 2011 at 8:01 AM ^

He's a little dumb to use Denard as an example if Howard's only purpose was to make a point about the entitlement of athletes generally (b/c as many have already stated, there are so many more appropriate examples).

He's really really smart if he's trying to motivate the Michigan team in the off-season to understand that the team/program is bigger than any one of them.  By using Denard as an example, the players should understand that if he's not bigger than the team, than none of them are--particularly b/c none of them have accomplished any team goals to date.  My guess is that Desmond, if he was being smart, knows (1) something going on within the program this summer that compels giving the team this reminder, and/or (2) that Denard can handle being made an example of.

Given the recent garbage statements of other Michigan alum (yes, Braylon, I'm looking at you) lately, it's not difficult to see Desmond being a little dumb.  Given the great ambassador of Michigan that Desmond has been, it's certainly possible he was being really really smart. 

The off-season really can't end soon enough though. 

Blue in Yarmouth

May 27th, 2011 at 10:28 AM ^

but I think there is about a 0% chance his intent was what you described in your post when pontificating about what could make his remarks smart. That just sounds way too  far fetched IMHE.

I think behind the scenes BH and company have this team on an even keel and can't imagine anyone on this team having any grandiose feelings of themselves. Sorry, I just think the potential that his comments fit your "he's really really smart" critera are very unlikely.

Again, I am not saying he isn't smart, I'm just saying I don't think that is the case here.


May 27th, 2011 at 8:11 AM ^

all the reasons some on this board are upset.  Denard is a great role model at this point in his life, therefore if he used a Cam Newton, his point would have been muddled because Newton already has a terrible connotation associated with his name.  By using Denard, he gives an example of a fine upstanding man and football player and how fans and media go bonkers over a young man making a decision that could affect his entire life and creating a situation empowering an individual to affext something bigger than himself.  It is much more meaningful than talking about someone who has already been dogged to death by fans and media.

Blue in Yarmouth

May 27th, 2011 at 10:35 AM ^

So you're saying that if Desmond used an example of an actual athlete who the entire football world would agree had a feeling of entitlement to portray an athlete with a feeling of entitlement it wouldn't carry as much weight as using a guy who is the polar opposite of an athlete with a feeling of entitlement.... I have to say that makes absolutely zero sense in my book.

I am of the opinion that his quote is being taken out of context in this thread and that he actually is speaking to the media and fanbase as opposed to DR, but your post seems to be talking about his overall message which was about feelings of entitlment and saying DR was a good person to use as an example. I just think that reasonning is flawed.


May 27th, 2011 at 8:13 AM ^

... is full of great players who have won Big 10 championships.  I believe Denard would be the first to agree he hasn't won anything. 

Why people have to get their panties in a knot over what Desmond said is just plain womanly.  Sure Denard is a great kid and appears to be the ultimate program guy, but Desmond just challenged him to go win something.  Michigan football is not about racking up wins and stats in September.  It is about racking up wins and championships in October and November.  All present and former Michigan players, coaches and alumni need to hold the program to this standard.


May 27th, 2011 at 9:50 AM ^

Aw c'mon, say what you really mean—all of us who think Desmond's comments gratuitously criticize a current player without any justification whatsoever have sand in our vaginas.


May 27th, 2011 at 11:02 AM ^

... a thorough douching could help.

Denard is a great player, no doubt.  But the team is mediocre.  Until the team is back to OUR standards, the focus should be on the team and team goals, not one player.  EVERYBODY who is paying attention (including Desmond) knows Denard did not draw attention to himself. 

People who twist context to create drama need ...


May 27th, 2011 at 9:57 AM ^

" All present and former Michigan players, coaches and alumni need to hold the program to this standard."

By your stated standard then, Desmond should next criticize Lloyd Carr for compiling a 1-6 record against Ohio State in November, including four straight losses, and zero conference championships in that span. Funny, I haven't heard that yet from Desmond.


May 27th, 2011 at 9:12 AM ^

What a classless, mindless, ignorant example. It was a stupid example when these thoughts popped up inbetween his ears to himself. To actually open his mouth in public and say what he said was denegrating to the most humble kid to wear the winged helmet in my lifetime of 43 years.

Howard's wild imagination of what "must be" going through Robinson's head when Rodriguez was fired is, IMO, 180 degress from the truth. Maybe Howard talked to Robinson about his decision at the time, but I really don't believe that at all.

One player drops to a knee after he scores, to thank God for his ability - the other strikes a Heisman Pose before they even vote on the award. Which one speaks of entitlement to you?

Thank God Denard is made of dilithium, and he can just dust off the dirt and move on. Somebody better get a tow truck to move the overturned bus though.


May 27th, 2011 at 10:30 AM ^

Dude, you completely missed the point.  Desmond's comment is so striking exactly because Denard is the posterchild for what Desmond is saying athletes should be.  He used Denard to show that even someone that does buy into the system is inundated with media and fan fawning.


May 27th, 2011 at 9:38 AM ^

No one can convince me what Denard Robinson accomplished last year was anything less than historic. 

'You ain't won nothing in Ann Arbor, son! Not so much we need to worry about if you're going to be here next year or not.'

That's bush league Desmond.  Denard has to look out for Denard much like Desmond looked out for himself by leaving a year early.

oriental andrew

May 27th, 2011 at 9:42 AM ^

But I don't see how you can see Desmond's comments as anything BUT an attack on Denard Robinson.  The only thing he said that can be remotely attributed to fan perception and hype is his last statement that "we [don't] need to worry about if you're going to be here next year or not.' "

Otherwise, the entire thing is about how it doesn't matter if he stays or goes, how he did great against a bunch of crap teams, didn't do anything against good teams, and how he didn't win anything so poo on him.  

If anything, this is probably the LEAST perfect example Desmond could have come up with.  I get he's trying to stay relevant and everything, but I guess he figures it's easier to slam current players at his own school than former players at another school (I'm looking at you, Cam Newton).  If he wanted to be REALLY relevant and accurate, why not call out ohio state?  The tattoos, cars, and cover up are, in fact, PERFECT examples of the sense of entitlement he tried to convey.  Denard?  Not so much.

I love Desmond, but that was a dumbass and douchey thing to say.  


May 27th, 2011 at 10:33 AM ^

"Otherwise, the entire thing is about how it doesn't matter if he stays or goes, how he did great against a bunch of crap teams, didn't do anything against good teams, and how he didn't win anything so poo on him.  "


The entire thing?  What entire thing?  The 4-line quote from an entire speech?  Did you read the article?  What do you think Desmond said in the speech immediately following that quote?


May 27th, 2011 at 9:45 AM ^

Let's keep in mind that we're not getting his speech verbatim and the context could be different.  However, considering how the paper sets it up, Desmond goes from talking about the recruiting process and how it gives recruits a sense of entitlement and then singles out Denard Robinson who probably has next to zero sense of entitlement as to his position on the football team.  If your point is to show that the recruiting process is part of the problem (along with fan reactions to recruits), it would probably serve your point better to bring up examples of hyped recruits who seem to have an overinflated sense of their importance to a team.

Waters Demos

May 27th, 2011 at 5:46 PM ^

Perhaps the biggest part IMHE.

And for all its benefits (there are many), sites like this one only exacerbate the problem when they devote so much space to recruit profiles, recruit interviews, threads, user reactions, etc...

Unfortunately, that's what brings so many people here. 

I'd be interested to know, for example, what TomVH thinks of Desmond's comments.  That's not a solicitation because he probably has better things to do, but it would be interesting. 


May 27th, 2011 at 10:17 AM ^

Denard Big10 Season:

198 pyg, 119 rpg. 317 ypg total.

Desmond was one of the most entitled players around, just ask his NFL buddies. Dude was so in love with his first half performance in the SuperBowl he forgot to come out for the kickoff. Granted he got MVP but Desmond sure loves Desmond.


May 27th, 2011 at 10:41 AM ^

Desmond said Denard did not produce against good competition. That is not factually correct. Who cares if he got the Superbowl MVP? Plenty of entitled aholes have won that award. Phil Simms for example.

Anyone defending Desmond for ripping Denard is the one being ridiculous. Desmond has not put a coherent sentence together in his entire life, watching him on Saturday is painful.


May 27th, 2011 at 1:47 PM ^

Was Desmond factually incorrect?  We all know that Denard is a great guy (and talented player), but did he really do so well against good competition?  He tore up Umass, BGSU, Indiana and Illinois, but he was the Heisman frontrunner before we hit real competition and he faded.

"Desmond has not put a coherent sentence together in his entire life"?  Really?  Great argument.  

Promote RichRod

May 27th, 2011 at 10:24 AM ^

I feel bad for Denard.  The guy has to be throwing his hands in the air and wondering "what exactly should I have done differently?"

He never said a word about his own accomplishments.  He always, ALWAYS gave all credit to the team, his OL and the coaches.  He always recognized his opponents and gave them credit.  He drops to one knee after a TD to thank God.  He is nervous in front of cameras and generally shy.  He engages all fans and is a nice guy around campus (allegedly, never met him).  He never sought out the media to give any sort of opinion on anything.  He's not on Twitter talking trash.  He's never talked trash.  He stayed.  He did not hold a press conference to say he's staying.  He never commented on Hoke's arrival (though it's potentially bad for him career-wise) except to praise Hoke and stay positive.  He never lamented RR/staff's firing, though he clearly liked the old staff.  He broke a shitton of records.  He never talked about breaking these records.  He played 100%, always.  He played injured without a word of complaint.

Why, Desmond?  Why hang a kid like this out to dry?  Can you even possibly imagine a guy that's a better ambassador for Michigan?


May 27th, 2011 at 10:33 AM ^

Denard does seem like a great guy, and Desmond's comment doesn't do right by Denard.  That being said, Desmond was (trying, it seems) to talk about players being treated as bigger than the team...not players treating themselves as bigger than the team.  When he talked about the concern about Denard leaving (see, for example, the nervous tears shed on this blog), it wasn't coming from Denard.  Denard, as you said, just acted as best as anyone could ask of him (although your notion that Hoke is bad for him career-wise is contradicted by everyone who knows football).

This is an easily fixable thing.  Desmond clarifies that he wasn't talking about the player, but the way the players are fawned over.  He says he loves Denard, who is clearly his stunt double, and everyone moves on (except those who still seek to "promote richrod").

Promote RichRod

May 27th, 2011 at 11:13 AM ^

but why use Denard as the example if his intent was to call out the fans/media?  It waters down his point so much as to render it meaningless.  His thesis is "fans/media obsessing over a single player = that single player becomes entitled, self-centered and hurts the team, which is bad for football generally."  OK, I agree.  But then you use Denard as the example?  That contradicts his entire point.  He was fawned over and did everything right and never got an inflated ego.

The digs of "you haven't won anything!" don't really serve a purpose either.  He did everything he could for the team, kept a team first attitude throughout and happened to rack up a ton of individual awards along the way (which he never mentions).  His individual greatness did nothing but help the team.  If the rest of the team was on Denard's level they would have "won something."  Desmond just really, really screwed up here.  I doubt he has any ill-will towards Denard but he needs to clarify his comments.