Tom Brady - Michigan Man

Submitted by WindyCityWolverine on

In case you didn't see this before last evenings Patriots - Falcons game. 

Tom wasn't the only Pats player to do this, but it says a lot about his character.


Tom Brady giving high fives to the military on hand for tonight's #Patriots #Falcons game.

— Raul Martinez (@RaulNBCBoston) October 22, 2017



I saw a tweet about Brady and some other players taking the time to give high-fives to members of the military before the game and thought it was a nice gesture on their part to show their appreciation to those who serve our country. As a veteran myself, I appreciate when someone takes the time to say, "thank you for your service.", and I always reply, "your welcome."

Seeing as how Tom Brady took part, and he played football here, is an alum, and has supported this University, I thought it was something positive.

In no way, was I making a political statement. If that's what you took from this, well it's just.....sad.

His Dudeness

October 23rd, 2017 at 1:08 PM ^

I think he means that our wars are now fought in foreign lands rather than literally defending the homeland on US soil if invaded.

The military is very pro-active since the end of WWII.

Say what you will, but I appreciate not having bombs dropped over our heads before we act... but that's just one mans opinion.

His Dudeness

October 23rd, 2017 at 1:31 PM ^

Valid points, but A) I truly don't know. Probably not, but ... ???

B) I think a 9/11 situation is at least equal in devastation to a Pearl Harbor. Again that may not be true. I was not at either event.

I think a lot of why we meddle overseas now is to prevent another 9/11 event. And you could argue that our meddling is a cause of some awful future event, but we just don't know. I think we are doing ok? I don't fear for my life on a daily basis. Is it ok to trade that non-fear so that others probably do have that fear? I dont know? Probably not?

Again, very spicy meatball. I liek to think the higher ups in the military are doing the very best job they can with the information that they have at the time. That's my assumption. We could very well have some monster in command who just wants to harm people. I choose to not believe that. That's my opinion on it.

His Dudeness

October 23rd, 2017 at 1:47 PM ^

I don't choose to believe all of the devastation in the Middle East is solely our doing. I could be wrong about that. They could all be doe-eyed innocents. I don't believe that though. Last I checked the United States is not actively taking part in genocide. I do believe they have our best interest in mind because at the very least they have their self interest in mind. I'm not sure "the Germans" is the analogy you were searching for there.


October 23rd, 2017 at 2:55 PM ^

How the fuck does Syria fit into this narrative (I'll give you Iraq)?  Maybe if we had fought to clear out the current regime things would be better for the Syrian people now, but that involves fighting on someone else's soil which is what the whole complaint was about.


October 23rd, 2017 at 11:58 PM ^

Most former service persons are just good solid people trying to protect their country, feed their family, and or follow in an honored loved one's footsteps.

When I used to property manage. I always loved them as applicants because in general - at least the ones I ever dealt with - were respectful and respectable, polite, trustworthy, and more likely to be impressive.

I have nothing but respect for people like that, who have reasons like that, who have made sacrifices that are real.

But we've got to start being honest about what these people are being used for. We're squandering some of our best people and their sacrifices for things far less noble than the lie we tell our selve that they're all out just protecting the homeland. 

Not admitting it because it's uncomfortable or because the reality is unconscionable is far more disrespecful than stuff about songs and high fives. 


October 23rd, 2017 at 1:13 PM ^

Seeing that there are more downvotes than upvotes I guess you are delusional bud. Sure votes on op don't tell all, but gives a pretty general direction on how people feel.


October 23rd, 2017 at 1:23 PM ^

It seems that only one person here is making this political. I'm sure the military guys loved what tom brady did and democrats/republicans, left/right/middle will all agree.  With the exception of Maizeblue11, but it might just be that time of the month for it. 


October 23rd, 2017 at 1:54 PM ^

Politicians kiss babies and shake hands. It's not something that needs to be celebrated. Doesn't take much courage to shake the hands of members of the military that were specifically placed there by the NFL and the team owners for a photo opp.


October 23rd, 2017 at 4:01 PM ^

I agree with you that there is no intrinsic link between glad handing American military personal and being a "Michigan Man," what ever that means...

I don't want to get too deep into this political discussion. I think we would probably agree on a lot of political points, but I want to respect the no politics rule on this blog.


SirJack II

October 23rd, 2017 at 3:33 PM ^

I agree, I don't think it says anything at all about Brady. Chumming it up with soldiers is pretty much the lowest-hanging fruit of virtue. It takes nothing and it's guaranteed the public, which largely admires all things military, will think it's really commendable. 



October 23rd, 2017 at 3:37 PM ^

I'm really surprised that there are actually people out there that think respecting those that have kept us safe is actually just a conservative value. That is a scary thought considering the amount of hate that permeates when you label something conservative. If enough people label brushing your teeth as a conservative value, then half of the nation will get rotten teeth...and the other half will stock up on toothbrushes and brush in secret. Where is the common sense? 

SirJack II

October 23rd, 2017 at 3:50 PM ^

I think some people take exception to the naive language and sentimental pomp that often surrounds the military. I'm not asserting anything here, but I think most nations seek to have their populations revere the military because it tends to make leaders' policy decisions in regard to using military force more palatable.

So I like to think that everyone of course respects the selflessness and courage that comes with serving in the military. But some might nonetheless find the heavy-handed photo ops and mindless flagwaving at places like NFL stadiums offputting. 


October 23rd, 2017 at 3:42 PM ^

People are right be suspect of the OP's political intent, and I think the OP is being disengenuous and manipulative in denying it. High-fiving the military is a nice show of respect for people deserving of our respect, but it is a pretty pedestrian move by Brady. It's not a big deal. The OP is making it out to be waaay more of a deal that it is because it is occurred in the midst of all the political turmoil around kneeling for the national anthem.

To suggest that something as commonplace as this is exemplary of being a Michigan Man is to politicize what it means to be a Michigan Man. The OP knows he/she was doing it, and so to many in the audience. 


October 23rd, 2017 at 5:26 PM ^

So if this were purely political then he has done an action that should make both sides upset. Perhaps he has his own thoughts that do not fit nicely into our fake binary discussion of politics and its intersection with sports.

Perhaps he actually has an optinion that sees valid and invalid points on both sides. Maybe sports fans and players are being immature? I think it is a reach to suggest that applauding a young person in uniform is political.  This position should be held by those that applaud kneeling and those that don't. There is room for both thoughts.

Long Live Tom Brady



October 23rd, 2017 at 6:42 PM ^

Neither you nor anyone else responding to this post knows me or my intentions for making the post and I take exception to saying that I'm being disengenouse and manipulative in denying it. 

If I had wanted to make a statement regarding the politics of kneeling vs. standing during the national anthem, I would have done so long ago, when the OL of the Steelers, also a veteran, chose to stand on the field while his teammates were in the locker room. I could have made a post about about Jim Brown advising the Browns players that they should stand and show respect and if they felt a need to protest, use another forum to do so. There are many examples that I could have used to make a political statement. But I didn't. 

Like I said, i saw the video, felt good to see Tom Brady, someone that I, along with many Michigan faithful respect, taking the time to recognize those that serve our country. What's wrong with respecting and recognizing those that serve. If you're butthurt becuase you think this was some political post or statement that's on you. 

Unfortuntaely this board has turned into something that I don't enjoy as much as I used to. My intention was to only show something positive in a sea of negativity. 

Someone once said, "All negativity is an illusionn created by the limited mind to protect and defend itself.