Tom Brady - Michigan Man

Submitted by WindyCityWolverine on

In case you didn't see this before last evenings Patriots - Falcons game. 

Tom wasn't the only Pats player to do this, but it says a lot about his character.


Tom Brady giving high fives to the military on hand for tonight's #Patriots #Falcons game.

— Raul Martinez (@RaulNBCBoston) October 22, 2017



I saw a tweet about Brady and some other players taking the time to give high-fives to members of the military before the game and thought it was a nice gesture on their part to show their appreciation to those who serve our country. As a veteran myself, I appreciate when someone takes the time to say, "thank you for your service.", and I always reply, "your welcome."

Seeing as how Tom Brady took part, and he played football here, is an alum, and has supported this University, I thought it was something positive.

In no way, was I making a political statement. If that's what you took from this, well it's just.....sad.

His Dudeness

October 23rd, 2017 at 2:50 PM ^

It's not my business, but I know about it. He's famous. I think he is a scumbag for leaving his preggo GF. Seems like a scumbag thing to do. He's a grown up. He knows how babies are made. He made one and left. Of course I'm judging him for that. That's my right. He's not some infallible god because he threw a football at Michigan. Bucking responsibility has a lot to do with character in my opinion.

Benoit Balls

October 23rd, 2017 at 3:50 PM ^

what if she really did pull the goalie? What if, as the relationship neared its end, her behavior became erratic, because he was becoming "cold and distant" and she was very much in love with him and didnt want to lose him. What if she figured "maybe if I get pregnant he will stay"

No one knows if that happened. No one knows if it didnt happen. I know its a real thing that has happened to people in the past, so its entirely plausible that it could have been a thing that did happen.  You dont know. I dont know. No one really knows. So how bout we all just shaddup about it.

You think you know something, and you judged Tom Brady for it. You made that judgment with no verifiable facts, only heresay.  Its your opinion and youre entitled to it. But to tell people not to judge situations without facts when you are doing the exact same thing is pretty lame

Benoit Balls

October 23rd, 2017 at 3:59 PM ^

Did I say that I did?  My point (which you seem to be ignoring on purpose, as youve always seemed pretty intelligent) is that you shouldnt tell people to make judgments without facts when you, yourself are making judgments without facts.  In the information thats out in public, a good story can be concocted in both directions (to make TB look like a heel or a hero). Nobody knows.


So, lets not tell people not to act like they know because they dont know and in the next breath act like you know, ya know?

His Dudeness

October 23rd, 2017 at 4:06 PM ^

I've not asked anyone to judge Tom Brady. I'm all worked up over Jimmy Idiot-brain over here. I don't care that other people like Tom Brady. I wish I could like him. It's like if MJ went to Michigan or something. That would be great! I just can't like him because of this (domestic stuff), that (cheating scandalS) and the other (it is my opinion that he is on PEDs). You guys have every right to love him though. Be my guest!

Blue Kool Aid

October 24th, 2017 at 11:21 AM ^

how many times do you have to be told you have your facts wrong, and because of that, your opinions are a joke?  My guess is that you are the kind  of loser who only gets attention by being an you are doing now..


Look in the mirror and say to yourself "I need to stop being an asshole, I need to stop being an asshole" and keep repeating that until you are acutally able to stop spewing garbage at people.


October 23rd, 2017 at 2:47 PM ^

He says she stopped taking birth control without telling him with the hope that he'd marry her.  That's no way to get into a marraige, and I wouldn't blame him for bolting - she's proven herself untrustworthy - if it's true.  Two sides to every story, blah blah blah...  I won't judge either way, there's too much bullshit in the world to make judgements on how someone else lives within the law.

Benoit Balls

October 23rd, 2017 at 3:55 PM ^

in a similar boat.  Wife thought he might be looking to leave, especially as she was involved in a new career, working 60 hours a week and only home on the weekends. Wifes job was about to require the both of them to relocate, away from the Husbands family and all of his firends, where he had lived his entire life (except for 4 years of college).  Husband was thinkign about filing for divorce and just staying in his home town. next thing he hears, wife isnt on the pill anymore and is pregnant.

To the husbands credit, he stuck around,. He even played Mr. Mom while the Wife had her dream job. From what I hear, the resentment is pretty high.  TL;DR - having a kid to save a relationship is ALWAYS a bad idea

Perkis-Size Me

October 23rd, 2017 at 4:12 PM ^

What you appear to be implying with your posts is that liberals as a whole don't value them and conservatives do. Which is total horseshit and just another reason why this country, among many other reasons, is splitting in half. One side is always right and one side is always wrong. One is good and one is evil. It's this no middle ground, my way or the highway crap.  

It's possible for those sitting on both sides of the fence to show love and respect for the military.  

His Dudeness

October 23rd, 2017 at 12:47 PM ^

Showing respect to the military and veterans is NOT a conservative value. It's something we all should do.

I'm very very liberal and my uncle, grandfather and great uncle all served and I respect any and all who did, unless they prove they dont deserve it.



October 23rd, 2017 at 12:53 PM ^

You know those political facebook pages your family members are always interacting with? How often do you see the liberal ones posting about the military and how people who kneel for the anthem are disrepectful towards the military?

Perkis-Size Me

October 23rd, 2017 at 1:49 PM ^

Ahh yes, the old "if you're a liberal you must hate America and it's troops" mantra. Before this thread gets nuked from orbit:

This is why I hate discussing politics. There's no room for compromise, respectful disagreement, or productive dialogue anymore. Especially given the times we live in now. You're one side or the other, and if you're the other side, you're the enemy. If you're a liberal, then you're a communist / terrorist who hates the military and kills babies. If you're a conservative, you're a chauvinistic, sexist pig trying to keep the rich white men in power while telling women they have no right to their bodies because a two millenium old book says they don't, and that if you don't believe in that book to a T, you're going to hell in a hand-basket. I'm not endorsing either side, but that is what our political world has devolved into. Finger-pointing and using personal tragedy for political gain.

I realize the irony in me telling everyone I hate politics while simultaneously contributing to the discussion.  But it is possible to appreciate the military and be a liberal. It's possible to be a feminist and a conservative. This shit doesn't belong here on this blog. I'd rather come here just to vent my frustration about how inept our offense is.