Wife Day Activities?!

Submitted by gobluepenn6 on
Today the wife has me going to the apple orchard for apple picking, donuts and cider. Followed by dinner and a movie. Maybe an afternoon game on tv during the nap.... one can hope. What you got?


October 15th, 2016 at 12:32 PM ^

On vacation in the yoop. Just left Marquette on our way to Houghton. Caught NMU hockey last night (and I thought Michigan had struggled lately barring last year, Jesus that was painful) and now we will catch Tech hockey tonight.

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October 15th, 2016 at 12:40 PM ^

Amateurs!! I'll be gaining piles of "awww, such a good husband" points after telling the wife that I'm going to skip watching the Michigan game. "Really, you aren't going to watch?" "Look, I'm sure you could use my help around the house and I'd rather spend time with you than watch the game today." This plan helps if your wife doesn't follow the team. :)

Louie C

October 15th, 2016 at 12:48 PM ^

I'm glued to the couch with severe back spasms. After the Toradol/Norflex shots wear off, it's on to my Valium script. Looks like this weekend is gonna be a big blur.

it's Science

October 15th, 2016 at 12:58 PM ^

Live in London, so went to a new neighborhood, bought the wife a new purse and clothes, then sent her off antique shopping while I'm having a few pints at the pub. Should buy me a few more weeks of hustling home to turn the game on.

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Franch Dressing

October 15th, 2016 at 1:00 PM ^

from Colorado to Oregon, to watch my buddy who plays for the Portland Timbers, attempt to make the playoffs in MLS. Timbers vs Rapids 5pm, Sunday, espn 2. Hotel pools, hottubs, eating out, goonies house and rock, arcades, ice cream, etc.etc. We classify as having year round school. 2 week fall break, 3 week xmas break, 2 week spring break, 1-2 days off surrounding weekend every 3 weeks or so, and only 2 month summer. It actually is pretty awesome having breaks at different times in the year.

Franch Dressing

October 15th, 2016 at 3:22 PM ^

the past 3 days. Absolutely miserable. Rain and wind cut our power for 15+ hours once it got dark. Pretty hard with a 4, 6, and 8 year old! Going to the stadium in a few hours to pass out beer to the Timbers fans that are already lined up for the game tomorrow. I do like Oregon though!


October 15th, 2016 at 1:06 PM ^

Septoplasty, bilateral turbinate reduction, tonsilectomy, uvulaectomy and had what was left of my adenoids out as well on Thursday.  Felt pretty good yesterday, but the throat situation is definately on the decline - supposed to get worse until Wednesday.  Good times.


October 15th, 2016 at 1:58 PM ^

Just spent two hours chasing my 19 month around a church at my wife's grandpas funeral. Worn out and hoping to watch some ball, but since it is wife's weekend I don't think that will happen.


October 15th, 2016 at 2:05 PM ^

At Disneyland with the wife and kids. Already got into it with some people wearing OSU gear! Can't wait for Nov 29. We are going to take it to them in their own house.

14 Wolverine

October 15th, 2016 at 2:13 PM ^

Jealous of all of those getting cider and donuts...  That was something my wife and I made sure to do on our trip to MI a few weeks back.  Sooo good.  Best time I've spent getting swarmed by bees.  Ever.

Got to sleep in.  Made breakfast, fixed a toy, now drywalling a closet for some renovating.  Probably going to hang some pictures and tackle a few other home projects.  Being industrious and working through the withdrawal.

Later we'll take my daughter to a b-day party go shopping w/the wife.  The irony though is that she'd rather be watching FB too, so we just kind of mope through the day.  : )


October 15th, 2016 at 2:26 PM ^

Kids swimming lessons, donuts, cider and apple picking, maybe some putt putt. Already heard how nice this was that she may need to limit me to two games on weekends. MGoWifeDay potentially back firing.

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Hill Street Blue

October 15th, 2016 at 2:31 PM ^

The household inventory with the semi-annual Costco supply run. Generally doing whatever the wife aks the rest of the day, including grilling yummy dead animals for dinner. Old friends over later for brews and football after that.


October 15th, 2016 at 3:02 PM ^

Went shopping with my wife, which I pledged I wouldn't do on this hallowed bye week Saturday.
Going to my wife's second favorite activity tonight (after shopping), which is NHL hockey. At the risk of pissing off the Wings fans, Go Bolts!

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