Harbaugh & American Sniper

Submitted by MichiganMAN47 on

There is some controversy on campus about the University showing American Sniper. It was cancelled after some protest, but it has since been rescheduled.  I know that politics aren't supposed to be talked about on the board, but it involves our beloved coach. 

Harbaugh weighed in on the matter via twitter:  

"Michigan Football will watch "American Sniper"! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!"

Apologies for not being sure how to embed twitter posts.



Harbaugh has stirred a bit of controversy on campus with this tweet- a minority of students have complained about this.  

My personal opinion on this is that I like Harbaugh more because of it. He is not afraid to step on people's toes, and voice his opinion. He is unapologetic. That's exactly how a coach should be. 

As far as the film goes, I would prefer the University show it. Although I am not a big fan of Chris Kyle, I can understand why people would be. There are a lot of inspirational things about him, but also some negatives. I think the film addresses the negatives of war adequately, and makes a nuanced argument- Kyle is a controversial figure.  

[ED-Seth: Aaaaand we're locked. Handed out one ban. Leaving because it's news that Harbaugh waded into it. This is why we don't talk about politics. But see Comment 14 for a good example of why I wish we could sometimes.]


April 9th, 2015 at 10:04 AM ^

I wish our football coach would not get involved with situations like this, at the very least with a polarizing figure like Chris Kyle.  Its all good to be proud to be an american and to be proud of our military as a whole, but to be proud of a person who by a lot of accounts was a shitty human being and a psychopath just because they served in said military is stupid.  There are plenty of really, really shitty humans in the general population, we don't worship these people, why should we worship the ones in the military?  I just wish he would have left it alone.


April 9th, 2015 at 10:46 AM ^

the average movie ticket price in 2014 was $8.14.  There were an estimated 242.7 million people over the age of 18 in the U.S. in 2013.  If 51% of those people went to see that movie it would have grossed $1,007,787,321.  The book has sold around 1.2 million copies.  I'm assuming that if you like chris kyle you are going to see the movie or own the book, so def not the majority


April 9th, 2015 at 10:14 AM ^

As a Muslim-American and a student at Michigan. The problem isn't that American Sniper makes me feel uncomfortable, the problem is that the movie makes people hate me because of who I am. I have received actual verbal abuse in a movie theater from people who have JUST watch the movie, these portrayals have real effects on real people.


April 9th, 2015 at 10:50 AM ^

I'm sorry that this has happened to you. I came away from the movie with a feeling of appreciation for what our servicemen do, and to not take for granted what we have, immediately calling to talk to my family. I didn't think the movie endorsed hating Muslims, but I think people that are already racists against Muslims can come away with that, just looking for reasons to hate.


April 9th, 2015 at 11:03 AM ^

it'd be a lot better if more muslims and muslim leaders spoke out against terrorist stuff, but they generally don't. sometimes people need to be the change they want to see. if hasidic jews were blowing themselves up and killing innocent people left and right in the name of judaism while their leaders stayed tight lipped, there would be similar connotations about them. it is what it is right now, but hopefully it changes soon.


April 9th, 2015 at 11:01 AM ^

Yep, the group most dangerous to the U.S. isn't an external terrorist organization, its the hyper-patriotic americans who think America means white christian english speakers and putting our military on a pedestal.  I'm a white and I've had issues with these people, I can't imagine how much shit you've had to deal with from people who think like this.  People who say things like "its time to take back america" are dangerous people


April 9th, 2015 at 11:24 AM ^

solely blaming the movie for those feelings. Muslim terrorism has been plastered all over every news source since 9/11. ISIL has only dumped gallons of fuel on that fire. Let's not blame one movie for all anti Muslim sentiment when there's been a decade-plus of terrorist coverage in the news.

Cold War

April 9th, 2015 at 10:15 AM ^

Love Harbaugh, but he has made a mistake by being so in-your face about this. As a person who represents the university and has to appreciate his job has a PR aspect to it, he could have made the decision to see the film but explained it more like the OP did.

James Earl Jon…

April 9th, 2015 at 10:17 AM ^

I offered two replies to Coach Harbaugh's tweet on twitter which I want to share here:

@skyhits: @CoachJim4UM I love steak, potatoes, and apple pie, and if that offends anybody, I've made peace with my maker. Also, Go Blue

@skyhits: @CoachJim4UM "Life is a precious gift, but we realize this only when we give it to others." - @Pontifex

My first was a response to the notion that a football coach "supporting the troops" is somehow courageous. It is not. It is quite normalized.

With the second I hoped to point out to Coach Harbaugh that Pope Francis (whom he retweets regularly from his public university-related twitter account) would probably disagree with him on this one.


April 9th, 2015 at 10:17 AM ^

1. I would not have pulled the movie - and Michigan apparently agrees with that now.

2. Pulling the movie wasn't censorship.  The school is under no obilgation to show a movie at all.

3. I hope people can sympathize with the students who opposed showing the movie even if they disagree with them.  The U.S. is not always a safe place for Muslims/Arabs/Middle Easterners/North Africans, and it's very understandable that they would be leery of a movie that they believe dehumanizes people like them.  It's deeply unfair to write these folks off as simply people who had their feelings hurt. 


April 9th, 2015 at 11:18 AM ^

Which, of course, would be offensive to any soldier who's served, especially those who've been to war. But that's what student activists do, they always overstate their case and pound their chests. I'm sure they didn't expect the most-known figure at the U push back on their rhetoric though, which is kind of funny.


April 9th, 2015 at 11:28 AM ^

You have people over there that are burning human beings alive in cages and then putting the videos up all over the internet.  I'm not so sure that protesting over what a middling Clint Eastwood war movie is doing to your image is the sensible move.  


April 9th, 2015 at 10:24 AM ^

In my America we can show whatever movies we damn well please without worry of hurting someone's feelings or being insensitive to others. In my America, American Sniper is Harbaugh's favorite movie

Eye of the Tiger

April 9th, 2015 at 10:26 AM ^

I don't like Harbaugh for his politics. In fact I don't know what his politics are, but I suspect I wouldn't like them if I did. Regardless, I like him because he's a great coach, a true believer in the University of Michigan and seems to approach his job with a good combination of emphasis on winning and mentoring college kids (many of whom come from hard knock backgrounds). I sort of hope that he keeps his politics to himself, because that's in the best interests of keeping our big tent united in our common interests. But as long as that's true, I couldn't care less what his personal views are.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


April 9th, 2015 at 10:34 AM ^

I didn't read the book before I saw the movie. I still havn't read it. My wife wanted to see it on her birthday (better choice than the other one available, 50 shades) and we did. To me it was just an account of what Chris Kyle saw or did. It didn't justify or glorify the war or snipers or killing. If anything, I was feeling bad that the general population puts some individuals in such situations where killing people is their primary task. The rest of us should be ashamed of that. Anyway, I would hate any censorship on this movie or any movie. Students are adults, they can chose to watch or ignore it. 


April 9th, 2015 at 10:41 AM ^

Here that actually gives a rats ass what a football coach thinks about a certain movie. I cannot believe all the hype and comments people are actually saying or the fact that people are offended. He's a football coach! Jeez he can say or watch what he wants, just like you, just like me, just like the CEO of a multi million dollar company and just like the President. Take a step back and remember he coach football and this is just his opinion. Wow the thin skin of people these days.