Points changed Changed Changed by Description
1.00 DeBored
1.00 DeBored
2.00 King Tot
-1.00 Skeptikal
-1.00 maquih
-1.00 Michiganfaninb…
2.00 ImRightYouKnow
1.00 DeBored
-1.00 DeBored
2.00 Blue@LSU
1.00 DeBored
1.00 DeBored
2.00 Mgojizz
2.00 444
2.00 Eastside Maize
1.00 DeBored
2.00 rob f
2.00 Realus
2.00 Skidmark
2.00 oldcityblue
2.00 Satansnutsack
2.00 PB-J Time
-2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 Mark
2.00 VikingDiet
2.00 4roses
2.00 It'sNotAToomer
2.00 TheCool
2.00 Leroys Horde
2.00 Eastside Maize
2.00 DennisFranklinDaMan
2.00 HarBoSchem
2.00 waittilnextyear
2.00 UMAmaizinBlue
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 bamf_16
2.00 Crime Reporter
2.00 Inertia Policeman
2.00 BlueTimesTwo
2.00 TeslaRedVictorBlue
2.00 DogTown
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
2.00 turtleboy
2.00 Bo Schemheckler
2.00 Newton Gimmick
2.00 milk-n-steak
2.00 WestQuad
2.00 The Sea Was Angry
2.00 King Tot