Amaizing Blue

December 17th, 2015 at 2:09 PM ^

I work in a school, which of course is full of proud Spartans.  I sent this to some of the proudest.  Meanwhile I am  laughing so hard I am crying.  They are IN THE FREAKIN' PLAYOFF, and still SI gets his name wrong?  This is the second-most awesome thing I've seen on MGoBlog today.  (Kareem is first, of course.)  


I'm sure Nate Saban, Boob Stoops, and Day-Glo Sweeney have his back.  

Oregon Wolverine

December 17th, 2015 at 3:21 PM ^

Imagine you're the Sparty-type that collects and saves (egads let alone frames) SI covers featuring Sparty.  Such Sparty-types will be...

Pissed every time they see this issue on the newsstands

Pissed when they have to decide whether or not to keep this issue

Pissed when they have to decide whether or not to frame this issue

And if they frame it, pissed everytime they look at it.


Pity party time for Sparty, just when Sparty should be celebrating.  Warms my cotton pickin' Maize and Blue heart.


December 17th, 2015 at 2:13 PM ^

There's gotta be a Twitter parody account with all of the variations of his name, right?

If not, I would start it, but then I feel like I'd be little brother. We don't do that kind of thing. 





Can I please do it?

Perkis-Size Me

December 17th, 2015 at 2:17 PM ^

This is just another bullet in the chamber for Dantonio.

He gets to keep playing the disrespect card until the cows come home. Hell, people are already counting MSU out vs Alabama. That's like throwing gasoline on the fire.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


December 17th, 2015 at 2:22 PM ^

from the article, 

"It's hardly the first time Dantonio's name has been butchered. The most notable was during a trip to ESPN late last summer when hosts called him Mike and his name was spelled wrong on the screen. On top of that, ESPN showed footage of Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh as Dantonio spoke."

Stu Daco

December 17th, 2015 at 2:35 PM ^

This kind of thing is exactly why MSU will never be taken seriously as a major program.  A magazine with 23 million daily readers doesn't even care enough to spellcheck the coach's name.


December 17th, 2015 at 2:43 PM ^

His name has been Mike this whole time. People have been calling him Mark ever since Saban started calling him the wrong name and he never corrected him. IMO, Mike Dantonio is finally getting the credit he deserves. R-E-S-P-E-K-T


December 17th, 2015 at 3:00 PM ^

I know many Michigan fans will find this funny because of MSU but to me it's just another indictment of how shitty maintstream publications have become because this is normal. The slopiness in which they report and present info is amazing but not surprising given the people they hire. How the likes of Jay Mariotti, Skip Bayless, Peter King and countless others are entrusted with giving insight to anything is sad. Many write articles how I wrote term papers, last minute and using questionable internet or "anonymous sources".

There are four coaches in the playoff, it cannot be that hard to double check the names before putting their names on the cover of your publication. If you cannot do that effectively why should I drop $5 on your publication? 

Coach Nero

December 17th, 2015 at 3:16 PM ^

As much as I can't stand Sparty, this isn't their problem.  It is the media.  I seem to remember John Harbaugh's name or picture being substituted for Jim - so it happens.  He probably dopesn't care - adds to his disrespekt belief.


December 17th, 2015 at 3:41 PM ^

As a State fan and alumni, I think this is hilarious.  I was worried after making the playoffs that Dantonio would have trouble finding sufficient sources of disrespect to fuel his perpetual outrage.

Luckily, SI took care of that for us.

On an unrelated note, I realized today that our combined time in the lead for the OSU, UM, and Iowa games is something like 00:37.

Ty Butterfield

December 17th, 2015 at 3:48 PM ^

I would bet a $1,000 that Dantonio had them do it on purpose so he could keep the whole "Disrespekt" thing going. He knows he has to keep the team motivated and this is the only way he knows how.