Rumor: B1G announcement pushed to tomorrow

Submitted by MaizeBlueA2 on August 4th, 2020 at 2:09 PM

Rumor has it, the announcement has been pushed to tomorrow. Concerns around recent cases of COVID and teams shutting down.

Pissing in the wind.


August 4th, 2020 at 2:30 PM ^

Delay delay delay until you can play!  My guess is delay till mid late September.  That gives teams still over a month to get ready, keep players active. 

The teams working hard to shut down were going to suck anyway!  Fine, if two teams don't want to play even better, play with a 12 team bigten schedule play 10 games and a ccg at the end!

Wolverine Devotee

August 4th, 2020 at 2:34 PM ^

Just shut it down now before you hurt people. I’ve already convinced myself it’s not happening, don’t make me get my hopes up again. 


August 4th, 2020 at 3:30 PM ^

The money involved makes it possible.  Schools can't afford to not play football.  They may have few or no fans in the stands, but they need at least the TV revenue.    

In what form they play remains to be seen.  It might end up being a spring season.  But given the money at stake, I'd be very surprised if there is no season in 2020-21.


August 4th, 2020 at 3:36 PM ^

The money involved makes it possible.  Schools can't afford to not play football.

But they can afford to involve teenagers in unsafe, unnecessary activities in which some will certainly get sick and some of those are likely to die? I wonder if someone is actually doing the math of TV revenue vs. settling wrongful death lawsuits. That would certainly qualify as deplorable in my book.


August 4th, 2020 at 3:42 PM ^

As I said below, then you have to make all classes remote classes.  Add to that, no living in dorms, no patronizing Ann Arbor bars and restaurants, otherwise students just walking around will infect each other.  That's the entire student body, not just the student athletes.  


August 4th, 2020 at 4:38 PM ^

The money argument, as it pertains to P5 teams, is kind of a bullshit argument. Most schools can get by for year without sports. That's all it means: no sports for a year. It's college. That's the main priority, or should be.  In most countries, sports teams are basically just intramural clubs. It sucks for athletes for sure. But they'll keep their scholarships, remain students, and play next year. It's hardly the end of the world. There are far bigger stakes at play here. 


August 4th, 2020 at 5:57 PM ^

This last 2 months has been a joke..1 case has defined everything..when 1 guy gets it whether asymptomatic or symptomatic shoots everyone down in sports..manfred and college football are morons..this is fucking ridiculous..we are all so stupid..not 1 not 1 athlete has gotten severely sick..this is the dumbest time in mankind and people are buying in..its back up smartly and get it over with and play sports

Shop Smart Sho…

August 4th, 2020 at 5:50 PM ^

I'm sorry, but did you just bring up your income to try and win an argument on the internet?

Next thing you'll be telling us all about your awesome car that we can't see because your Canadian girlfriend had to drive it back home to pick up her super hot friends who want to party with you.


August 4th, 2020 at 3:26 PM ^

The absolute last thing that anyone with any level of power anywhere gives a righteous fuck about is how you are personally feeling on an emotional level.

If they think they can play games and make money, they will.  If they think they're more likely to play games by smiling and pushing it back a month at a time, they'll do that too.  Your emotional whiplash could not possibly play less of a role in the calculations.


August 4th, 2020 at 3:48 PM ^

The solution, then, is for you to stop following the news and football, and you can have your beloved no-season while the rest of us get a season or not based on the evidence available when the decision is necessary.

Your suffering is entirely your own choice.  Don't put that on someone else.


August 4th, 2020 at 2:41 PM ^

IMO, the delay could be for the extensive revamping of the schedule. Likely to be delayed from the 06-Sep start. B1G has to coordinate with the 14 teams, their ADs, in terms of rescheduling and that takes time. It's mid afternoon at this time and no word yet so a one delay appears likely. Stay tuned.

The Deer Hunter

August 4th, 2020 at 2:54 PM ^

At this point it could be a few things. 

1) Announcing the schedule

2) Covid protocols

3) Canceling the season

4) Telling the NCAA to get bent, are fed up with their incompetence, and will be doing their own thing going forward. 

None of these would surprise me.