Paging mgoweather: What's the forecast?

Submitted by umich1 on

I'm probably stating the obvious here in saying that temperatures in southeastern Michigan have been below average (for each given day) for a while.  Is there any indication that we might approach the average temperature any time soon, or are polar vortexes and the jet stream going to punish Ann Arbor and the surrounding area forever?


February 9th, 2014 at 9:04 AM ^

On Channel 7 here in Metro Detroit, they were talking about temperatures at or near freezing with lows in the teens (which would be far more typical at this time of the year, of course) by the end of this coming week, starting on Thursday. Hopefully, that trend continues from that point onwards if only because I would like to see my street again so I can be sure I was driving in the right place. 


February 9th, 2014 at 11:14 AM ^

In college football today, they don't really go home in the summer.  At least not the majority of the starters, or those competing for those positions.  

Spring and Fall are gorgeous in Michigan, and yeah, some kids from warmer climates want to experience the cold/snow.  There's a lot to dislike about the summertime heat in the South.  

The Carter 16

February 9th, 2014 at 2:22 PM ^

There are cold games played in the nfl every year. IMO it'd be better to learn to play in that environment in college rather then have to acclimate as a pro. For recruits make it to the pro level, playing in cold weather is inevitable


February 9th, 2014 at 7:54 PM ^

I don't get how this isn't Mir effective in recruiting. Telling a kid: "You want to pay on the NFL, right? Well, the NFL has cold weather teams so you WILL have to get used to it. Why not now?" If a major recruit, I think I'd genuinely realize that. I think I'd genuinely consider that the South summers are nuts and if I succeed I will, on many days, have to play when it's not 75+ degrees out. Don't see why more don't but they don't.


February 9th, 2014 at 10:22 AM ^

Brian better start giving himself more points or this site is going to be "owned" by MGroOld pretty soon.


February 9th, 2014 at 11:52 AM ^

Jesus Bosch I just posted a link to the article where the Texas Tech fan is alleged to be spewing racial slurs as well as his texts from last night (allegedly) AND a pic of a pretty hot chick from the Olympics looking to hook up with somebody in the Olympic spoilers thread.

How much more substance are you looking for?


February 9th, 2014 at 11:56 AM ^

If Lord Grantham had been able to keep his first five personas and not get nuked he'd easily be near the top of the user point board.  His problem is he keeps having to start over.

That being said I'm kinda liking his latest interation.  It's a bit mellower and sometimes even pretty funny.


February 9th, 2014 at 10:29 AM ^

Check out the weather elsewhere. I have sales training in Vegas this week and I am so looking forward to temps in the 60s. Looks like they will get into the 70s this week. It will feel tropical. I hope I don't need to sweat to cool down. I think my sweat glands have permanently shutdown at this point.


February 9th, 2014 at 11:11 AM ^

1) I would not recommend accuweather. They are not very good. Their long term forecast in particular are a joke with their forecast beyond 10 days performing below climatology.
2) Current 6 to 10 day and 10 to 14 day forecast call for below normal temps. Current normal high is 34 which rises to 40 by the end of the month.
3) in general it looks like some moderation is coming for the next few weeks (think 30 as opposed to 10)
4) The overall pattern is shifting with the big west coast ridge breaking down and a more zonal flow developing. For Michigan hhis means temps closer to normal
5) As for a big warm up there does not look to be anything on the horizon as that really requires a big ridge in the east. March at the earliest but I would not count on it.
6) The climate prediction center does show some above normal temps in their April/May/June outlook for southern Michigan. Hopefully that plays out and you don't get one of those springs where the trees don't leaf out until the last week of May. Keep and mind the forecast skill on 3 month forecast is low.


February 9th, 2014 at 12:05 PM ^

People still believe NOAA?

They are as big a joke as most other weather prediction centers these days. They are more worried about sensationalism than weather prediction. For example, this yahoo article is in regard to the NOAA hurricane forecast from last year.…;

Hint: NOAA was way off the mark with their hurricane predictions


Anymore independent forecasters tend to be much more accurate than the big national agencies are. Indiana for example has . The guy who runs that site has been much more accurate than accuweather, NOAA,, or even the local tv stations.



February 9th, 2014 at 2:20 PM ^

From the article:

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said there is a 70 percent chance that this year will be more active than an average hurricane season."

Okay, so it ended up in the 30% range instead of their original forecast.

I will not ever understand why people get upset about weather forecasts being off, as if telling the future should be so simple!  This is a huge pet peeve of mine because weather forecasts, for the most part, are done with numerical predictive models -- they take a bunch of inputs and run through some differential equations and look at the outputs and relay that information to the general public.

It really isn't easy to tell the future, but they do a decent job of it.  As for NOAA and/or the National Weather Service, it depends on where you are located.  NWS offices are typically responsible for a group of counties, and the office in Detroit does a bang-up job for southeastern Michigan.



February 9th, 2014 at 2:59 PM ^

You really do not understand why people dislike being given false information? In my area no one even believes the NWS anymore when it comes to things like tornado's, severe storms, etc. They have cried wolf too many times.




February 9th, 2014 at 4:16 PM ^

You know nothing about weather forecasting. The NWS is basically the only division with enough money and technology to send up baloons and run atmosphere soundings in several cities across the country daily. Their information and produced models are what every other division base their forecast upon (including the weather channel and accuweather). NWS also requires employees to have a meteorology degree, usually a masters, rather than hiring broadcast journalists to mirror information produced by the NWS.


February 9th, 2014 at 5:09 PM ^

There is clear data that weather forecast accuracy has improved significantly in recent years. Cherry picking data on a few instances where a forecast was incorrect is not how you evaluate performance. Relying in the opinions of your hick friends is also not a good approach.


February 9th, 2014 at 12:21 PM ^

for 10 days!! I forecast a DRAMATIC warming trend! Only drawback is that I will have to get up at 7am to watch the UM/MSU basketball game...I don't know how I will manage!


February 9th, 2014 at 1:53 PM ^

I pay a preposterous amount of money to live in San Diego and I'm not even that enamored with the place. However, this post makes me feel a little better about that.


February 9th, 2014 at 3:39 PM ^

But some are missing the question. We've been running 10 degrees below average for the last month or two (i.e. It is normally 30-35 degrees but has been 20-25 degrees and less). When are we going to get back to being on par with the average temperature from a climate perspective? Naturally we are going to warm up as winter becomes spring and I can view a ten day forecast from whichever site I choose, but I don't see us getting back to "average" in the next ten days; so when will it?


February 9th, 2014 at 8:10 PM ^

Check out Mark Torregrossa on mlive. I know everyone hates mlive, but this guy is really good and he gives great scientific explanations for all his predictions. This week he had a really interesting article on the ice cover of the Great Lakes and how that is influencing our weather. For the storms this winter, I have found him to be the most accurate. I suppose you could follow him on twitter if you don't want to go to mlive.