OT - Wacky Coworker Stories Thread

Submitted by uferfan on

Greetings All,

I'm not a thread creator by trade, but I figured I'd try my hand at it during the most dangerous time of the year....off season.

I had a coworker who I  worked with for a few years that was incredibly annoying. For over a year, he walked around the office with a soccer yellow card and red card in his pocket, and if he felt you had done something that he deemed out of line, he would walk up to you and flash one of the cards in front of you. He even created a leaderboard at his desk.  It was kind of amusing when it started, but it's got old fast. It went on for about 18 months.

He would make up songs using people's names in the office almost daily. He'd also sprinkle the pepper shaker on his tongue at lunch at eat it straight. Then one day, he just didn't show up for work again. No one knows why to this day.

I figured that I couldn't be the only one with that one person in the office who was a little strange, possibly insane, or that may even be making you go insane; so please feel free to share your wacky coworker story here. Apologies in advance if I have wasted your time. That's one thing I am very good at.

yossarians tree

April 20th, 2017 at 3:13 PM ^

I used to work in a large office with a number of people who were quirky and probably otherwise unemployable at more normal companies. There were some characters, but the one that never got caught was The Mad Crapper. Yes, there was someone who would take a dump in odd corners of this old building we were in, often right during the middle of the work day. It really wasn't very funny but we seemed to think so. We also had a guy, just the most normal middle-aged white guy manager type, who got busted one day. He was caught red-handed leaving the office in the middle of the day to go to the home of one of his female subordinates and stealing her panties. He'd made a copy of her key and would go when he knew she was occupied with a meeting at work. Now that's not funny. That's just creepy as hell.

Wolverine Devotee

April 20th, 2017 at 4:51 PM ^

I phrased it strange upon returning to the thread.

I just like to take Football season Fridays off to enjoy the approaching game day. 

Routine. I head back up home from campus on Thursday night.

8am Mass, go back home and play Saturday's opponent and beat the crap out of them on NCAA for PS3. Read Brian's game preview after that's done. 

Really things begin Thursday after work gets off. MMB CD all the way home. 

Wolverine Devotee

April 21st, 2017 at 10:54 AM ^

Of course not.

After a win, I'm up at 9am doing highlight videos for the board and my youtube subscribers. And we also have other sports going on on Sunday.

I do Friday morning Mass because on Sunday I'd be way too tired to fully have the attention that needs to be given.


April 20th, 2017 at 3:08 PM ^

this thread was posted was several years ago and remains one of my favorites:

OT- Shy lady at the office? No way.. So, Our new accounting department manager lady is nice. She's friendly and all of that. Her thing is to make herself always seem like the perfect "business professional". Yeah, whatever,, that's fine. She's in her mid-late 30's and is decent looking n stuff..whatever.. So, today at the office, one of their department laser printers needs a toner cartridge replaced. I'm walking by the storage room and she sees me walk by and stops me. She can't find the right replacement. So I'm like, ok, It's gotta be in here somewhere and start looking with her. Our company started using those damn generic cartridges, so the labels on them are terrible and impossible to read. I'm on one side of the storage room looking up and down the shelf and she's on the other. I turn around to look at the numbers on the original cartridge again and she's on her hands and knees reaching under the shelf. As I glance down I notice a giant tramp stamp where her shirt crept up. The tattoo says, "S L U T" with a little designy thing around it. ..... Haha,, So now I can't stop thinking about it. I'm a normal guy yanno. I'm happily married and not thinking about anything like THAT at all, but it stirred my inner 16 year old boy. Now the next time I see her in a meeting I won't be able to pay attention. What say you MGOBLOG world? I thought about all those college girls that got these tats years ago.. There are gonna be grandmas with stamps soon.... wtf?




April 20th, 2017 at 2:30 PM ^

Like finding the sucker at the poker table, if you can't identify the crazy coworker in your office then the crazy coworker is probably you.


April 20th, 2017 at 2:30 PM ^

We definitely have had folks in and out of here over the years who marched the beat of their own drummer, and in this case, thedrum was a bit too loud for most folks.

He would greet random people with "Hey, babe" - men and women alike - and no, not everyone laughed. He ended almost every sentence with "sure thing" and began most of them with "Here's the deal". 

On storm one time, we were down at Greenfield and Grand River in Detroit, which is not a fantastic area - indeed, we had the DPD out there with us while this pole lead was being worked on. There he was, on the corner by the Tower Center, with a rainbow headband and a lollipop. Yes, he was consuming it - quietly, by himself, as people walked in and out of shops. Nobody messed with him.

He was actually close to retirement, as you would have guessed from the map locating his future cabin and detailing the percent complete for the cabin. That in itself isn't so crazy, but every time you stopped by his desk, he would show you close up photos of the frame and, in particular, the quality of the nails. Yes, the nails. He was very proud of those.

Weeks before he was supposed to officially leave, he managed to get caught up a bit of mileage fraud, and they essentially told him "Leave now or be canned". We never saw him after that. 



April 20th, 2017 at 2:38 PM ^

First job out of college required a team of two to check into a hotel room in the middle of nowhere. We would share the hotel room of two queen beds but would never be there at the same time since we were working 24 hrs on / 24 hrs off rotating shifts. This dude was extremely paranoid about the bed sheets and spread not getting changed or clean. The fist thing he would do when we checked in was open a full beer and just pour the entire thing right onto the bed. He would then call down to the front desk and claim he spilled a drink and needed new bedding. Mind you, these were usually really nice hotels our company paid for. Always thought it was a really interesting habit and he may even have been right to be paranoid about clean bedding, who knows.

Brian Griese

April 20th, 2017 at 2:39 PM ^

that I work with was recently fired for sending out an email to his entire team (including his manager) that included the YouTube video of the song "Big Brown Beaver" in reference to a high ranking, female, administrator. He was gone within two hours and allegedly told security he was packing heat on the way out. Bravo.


April 20th, 2017 at 2:40 PM ^

I've been running a social experiment on one of my co-workers.  He got a new car about a year ago and since then, every few months I will leave a note on his car that says something like, "Hey Peter [his name is not Peter], I didn't know you work here - that's great!  Let's catch up soon.  Susan [my name isn't Susan]"

I change up the names and slightly vary the content of the messages.  I'm not sure what I'm trying to accomplish - maybe to plant the idea that his car model and color are too common.  I mostly just like messing with him and I'm curious what will happen.  

Also, he's an MGoBlog reader and he may know my screen name, so perhaps he will see this post.  That would actually be a pretty fitting end to the experiment.  


April 20th, 2017 at 8:32 PM ^

my best friend & I found few things funnier than going to a Kroger parking lot, and putting hand scribbled notes on people's windshields that said "sorry i dented your car".

Plenty of people spent  more than a few minutes swearing as they combed over every inch of their vehicle.

Once a guy saw us laughing and came over (we thought he was going to kick our asses) but instead asked if we saw who hit his car?  My friend said yes and the guy gave him $5 for the lic. plate number.

My friend was pretty smart  . . . but also pretty stupid.  Instead of making up a fake plate number, he panicked & gave him his own brother's plate number.

Nothing ever came of it.


April 20th, 2017 at 2:43 PM ^

I used to work with a guy that refused to shit with clothes on. He would drape his suit pants over the door to the stall for anybody that happened to be in the same bathroom to see and would talk about how he preferred to handle his business in the nude. Only socks and shoes would stay on in public and completely naked at home.

Wolverine 73

April 20th, 2017 at 2:49 PM ^

We had a secretary who was obsessed with one of the associates at our firm. He liked theater, she liked theater. Not sure why else. He was not interested. She sued him for libel in state court (can't remember what the allegation was) asking for relief an order that he be compelled to go out with her at least once. She was working on her lawsuit in the library during her lunch hour and asked one of the lawyers a question about her theory. Advised that it wouldn't fly, her response was "even if my case is airtight and the defendant is defenseless?" He told her, "well, if that's the case, I guess you'll win!" The suit eventually got tossed, of course, but the poor guy had to spend money to have a lawyer handle it for him. The best part: the guy she was obsessed with was gay. She was apparently the only one who didn't know that, or else wanted to "date" him regardless. Weird.


April 20th, 2017 at 2:52 PM ^

unfortunately had to take a dump at work once. bathroom was shared by engineers and plant workers. luckily got the spacious handycapped stall at the end.  sat down. Noticed that somebody had spat all over the floor. looked again. was not spit. Still haunted by public bathrooms. 




April 20th, 2017 at 2:53 PM ^

I just want to say for the record before my co-worker finds this thread that if you take a date to the one bar that WE ALWAYS MEET AT AND YOU KNOW I TAKE CLIENTS TO ALL THE TIME you can't act like it's creepy when you go on a date and happen to be sitting on the other side of the window from me and a client.