OT: UVA Fraternity Rape story update

Submitted by Pope Harbaugh on

[ED:BiSB - This has been posted a couple of times, so I'll leave it up. We aren't going to have comments on this one, because hell no. But in summary, Rolling Stone wrote an article recently about an alleged gang-rape on UVA's campus, purportedly in a fraternity house. The article was discussed here. Several of the salient points in that article have since been refuted, and Rolling Stone issued a partial retraction. You can read the details here:


Things we can say in light of these events:

  • Rape is real, and rape on college campuses is a very real problem.
  • Occasionally people fabricate claims. It is a real problem, but does not diminish the first point in any way.
  • VERY often, the victims of violent crimes misremember or are just plain wrong about some aspects of their assault. It is a normal and expected part of being victimized, whether it is sexual assault or some other non-sexual crime. IT DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT THE CRIME DID NOT TAKE PLACE.
  • Attempting to draw broad conclusions about a problem based on one instance of that problem is problematic. And dumb.
  • Rolling Stone dun' f*cked up.
  • This is a poor forum for many of the very important discussions on the topic.


Monocle Smile

December 9th, 2014 at 12:04 PM ^

I was going to +1 this, but then you had to go and do this:


it's even more important to check sources and make sure an opportunistic feminist college student isn't furthering an agenda
Now I have to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Everyone Murders

December 9th, 2014 at 12:10 PM ^

I'm not casting a judgement either way, but that is indeed what she is doing here.

If you're trying to make a sound argument, you're failing and coming off like a douche. 

If you're trying to be funny, you're failing and coming off like a douche.

But one thing is certain - by your own sentence you're casting a judgment. 


December 9th, 2014 at 12:05 PM ^

This was already posted and taken down by the mods previously after some comments turned nasty. Even if she wasn't telling the truth, the fact that there were plenty of other women in the original RS article sharing similar experiences at UVA parties doesn't absolve anyone. Sexual assault on college campuses is unfortunately a problem, and it's not just at UVA.

My name ... is Tim

December 9th, 2014 at 12:09 PM ^

To call her story "fabricated" is improper at this point. All that's been demonstrated is that many of the details of her story are likely inaccurate. However, even those who questioned her version of events acknowledged that they believed something had happened to her. The discrepencies could merely be owed to PTSD or the result of an intoxicant. She could also be making it up. But you or I don't know the answer at this point, and this "new" information doesn't answer that either.

Be careful with your word choice.

Also, this is inevitably going to get pulled.

Pope Harbaugh

December 9th, 2014 at 12:13 PM ^

I get what you're saying, but some of the major elements of the story were found to be false. One of the big ones, about her being covered with blood after the supposed rape, was found to have absolutely no merit. It's not like a person has to be covered in blood to believe that a rape occurred, so it will be interesting to see what else is a complete fabrication in the story(likely all of it, given her background).


December 9th, 2014 at 12:12 PM ^

Hate seeing something like this happen, on both the fraternity member's side and the girl's side. Rape is something that should be taken seriously. Fabricating rape stories like this for whatever reason is sad to see. Especially when a lot of college campus's are advocating for women to step forward and report rape, rather than not telling anyone about it.

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