OT: LA Rams fire Jeff Fisher

Submitted by mGrowOld on

This should tone down the rumor flames just a bit don't you think?

EDIT: For anyone who could possibly misunderstand this post I posted a link to an NFL.com article on the Fisher firing.  I DO NOT THINK HARBAUGH IS GOING ANYWHERE.  I thought the sarcasm above was self-evident but apparently not so I'l repeat I DO NOT THINK HARBAUGH IS GOING ANYWHERE.

This is not a rumor thread.  This is a thread about the firing of the Rams head coach.  


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December 12th, 2016 at 7:48 PM ^

I agree that there is no loyalty anymore but to leave after two years it just seems too quick for a guy as competitor as Jim. He doesnt even have his guys in yet, i would expect the rumors to be more true 4yrs from now after he has gone through a whole recruiting cycle of his own guys. He hasnt even scratched the surface here let alone leave..but then again crazier things have happened before.

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December 12th, 2016 at 8:00 PM ^

I don't think that is right at all.

He had plenty opportunities to make as much, if not more, than what UM gave him two years ago. He turned those opportunities down.

Certainly he wants to be paid handsomely. Who doesn't? But money is just one of many factors that go into a decision. Environment, job security, support from higher ups, etc.

Harbaugh is building a home for his parents here, he has in the past stated openly how much he likes Ann Arbor, he is making a ton of money, the area is great for raising a family, and he has the fully backing of a stable and competent administration. The Rams have LA...and that is about it. The Rams are poorly managed franchise in an area where football support is not all that great.

The Rams are a bad franchise and have been for most of their existence.

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Mr. Owl

December 12th, 2016 at 8:14 PM ^

I can completely understand why the Rams might want to look at Harbaugh and actually offer him full control.  It's an attractive offer, but it's not like he has an Andrew Luck in L.A.  (or could even conceivably trade for him., in any realistic sense.)

I do not see any indication from Harbaugh that gives me pause even for a second that he is thinking about anything other than recruiting young men to build upon this season and how to beat Florida State.

I would like to hear it from him though.  :)


December 12th, 2016 at 8:57 PM ^

And let me preface this comment by restating I dont think he's going anywhere BUT....

1. I cant get it out of my head that after Jim went apeshit nuts at the officiating after the OSU game our stalwart AD basically told him to sit down and shut up.  Didnt support him publicly and very much came out spouting the B1G party line.  Jim's an emotional guy and I cant imagine that sat well with him at all.

2. Why hasnt he issued a short tweet saying it's all bullshit?  He's got to know this is being used against Michigan in a BIG way by any team we're up against in recruiting.


December 12th, 2016 at 9:39 PM ^

1. Yes I did send Brian an email asking him to shut down the rumor threads.

2. Nothing in my post suggests he's leaving - sarcasticly or otherwise.  The sarcasm was directed at the job being open and the fact that now being open rumors would intensify (and they most certainly have)

3. I posted this comment as something that was bothering me - nothing more.  Which is why it's buried 250 comments or so down in the thread and not front and center in the OP.

4. I dont believe he's leaving but I do wonder why he hasnt squashed this growing rumor yet  You have to admidt he could end this speculation pretty fast with a simple tweet.   Manual's reactiion to Jim's outburst has bothered me since he did it and I've posted several comments about it.

Got it? (and i'm saying that in response to your Got It - not to be a dick)


December 12th, 2016 at 11:03 PM ^

But do you see my point?

And the dissonance between those things?

This is just furthering the rumor, and I stress that it's a bullshit rumor. This kind of thread is just doing exactly what they wanted it to do. It has even spawned a mega thread on the RCMB, and is just gaining steam. It's pretty ironic, really.


December 12th, 2016 at 8:58 PM ^

I can't wait for Harbaugh to troll the media in the next 24 hours - watch Michigan extend his contract / lifetime deal- right before the first commitment announces

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December 12th, 2016 at 9:30 PM ^

the guy start out this "rumor" is graduated from tOSU. This is dirty tatics that start the rumor in dead period. We are battling 2-3 high profile 2017 recruits with OSU. This is mainly for recruiting and try to create chaos to recruits and their parents.

let's give double middle fingers to OSU media guys. Kirby tried to screw us in our coaching search.

Mr. Elbel

December 12th, 2016 at 11:03 PM ^

it's happening. Jeff Fisher is no longer the head coach of the Los Angeles Rams.... and that concludes the factual news in this story that in no way has anything to do the Michigan football.


December 13th, 2016 at 8:02 AM ^

Honestly that would be worse. If you have to come out and say it you have at least thought about it or considered it to some degree...even if minimal. He should say nothing and just keep doing his job.

We knew when Harbaugh took this job he woudl be top of the list every year as an NFL target. Every year that will be the case. It would get old, and weird, and create more rumors if every year he came out and had to declare he is staying.


December 13th, 2016 at 8:46 AM ^

I don't believe that Harbaugh won't leave at some point, I don't want to get burned 5 or 6 years from now if he thinks his job is complete. People here are more forgiving of him than pretty much anywhere else, but if he has the drive to go back to the NFL nothing is going to stop him.

However, this would be too soon and a poor situation. Unless being a star is really all Jim cares about, something I don't believe but think some in the press absolutely do believe, there is no reason for him to go to LA. And if that were the case, he is not the man we thought he was anyway. 


December 13th, 2016 at 9:59 AM ^

Just like other coaches that became a national name, he will for the next 5-10 years be mentioned with every major football HC opening in the country, particularly the NFL regardless of the actual specifics - just as Tony Dungy, Jon Gruden, and John Madden were. 

Recall that there were some people who were banding Tony Dungy's name around many years ago when we were seeking a new HC despite the fact that he had not expressed any interest in returning to coaching, returning to college coaching, Michigan, nor any unhappiness with his current job of being paid to watch football and talk football from the comfort a cozy environment controlled studio and get paid a lot of money to do so with no one calling for his head. He was simply a well respected figure and well liked so his name popped up.

Harbaugh is a name that most people now have heard of even outside of football so he'll keep popping up - so everyone here might as well get used to it.