Not OT, but OT: Look for a Michigan Flag today

Submitted by JamesBondHerpesMeds on
I've somehow forgotten my block M flag whenever I've visited a fantastic site on my Africa journey. But oh, not this time. I'm 30 minutes from boarding my flight to Johannesburg from Cape Town, and the flag is neatly tucked into my carry-on. Hopefully it'll be hanging from the rafters at today's match.


June 26th, 2010 at 11:24 AM ^

im sure you will get arrested Edit: I'm just saying how they don't like advertising for something that hasn't paid for ad space , like those German beer girls. I'm sure not to many Africans know what a block m flag is for.


June 26th, 2010 at 1:54 PM ^

If it gets on TV, I'll chip in to have a shirt made for you that says "World Cup, Bitches. World Cup."  

Edit:  Absolutely awesome.  If a shirt is made (zazzle, mgostore, etc) that chronicles this nationally televised act of badassary, I will happily buy you one.  You have truly made the mgocommunity proud.

E.L. blue fan

June 26th, 2010 at 12:59 PM ^

Love seeing the block M proudly displayed on ESPN, now if you can go convince all the the fans in the stadium to sing "Hail to the Victors" during the game we will really have something here! 


June 26th, 2010 at 1:08 PM ^

I was telling my wife how great it was to see a huge block M flag while they are doing these world cup interviews, and of course, it an MGoBlogger.  Nice work.  I'd give you +10 if I could


June 27th, 2010 at 7:45 AM ^

I'm getting posts on facebook and here saying that you all saw it. YESSSSS. So a fellow fan and I spotted Rob Stone and the ESPN crew in the hullabaloo outside the stadium and I made my move! Unfortunately, I was sitting on the same side of the pitch as the cameras, so no views of the flag in the stadium came through. Glad you all spotted it. :) if anyone has a screenshot I reckon the kitten avatar is due for some replacement.