
November 28th, 2022 at 2:29 PM ^

The level of detail and oganization of the authors thoughts is both alarming and sad. Sad that someone puts college fandom to the level of importance as to affect their thought process this way. Alarming that this person actually seems intent to put it to effect. I mean, Ted Kaczynski is an alumnus, so maybe this is sparty's?

Hensons Mobile…

November 28th, 2022 at 2:30 PM ^

Some people seem confused. This was posted on RCMB. Some twitter account called Message Board Geniuses, which I am guessing is an account that highlights and mocks terrible message board posts, tweeted about this one.

I don't think it was especially well-received on RCMB although I imagine it got some positive feedback. I haven’t been back to see how it’s doing lately.


November 28th, 2022 at 2:33 PM ^

MSU already has a good 'hook' to make people sympathize with them and pull for them - the underdog angle. It's pretty obvious that MSU is a big underdog vs Michigan in prestige, academics, influence and most athletic competition as well. People like underdogs. It shouldn't be hard to be more likeable than a behemoth like Michigan.

But the one thing underdogs can't afford is the appearance that their underdog status has embittered them, turned their hearts black, compassion replaced by cruelty and vindictiveness. An underdog just has to try hard, but try hard without malice. This, MSU cannot do.

Their hatred is too obvious and visceral. It's unappealing. It's grim stuff really.

Beat Rutgerland

November 28th, 2022 at 2:34 PM ^

To be fair, that's not particularly out there for an RCMB post.


I looked up the post, it has 20 upvotes and I predict no one will tell this man he's crazy.


They're pretty special over there.


November 28th, 2022 at 2:38 PM ^

This reinforces what came to me with the utmost clarity after the last game and tunnel incident - this rivalry is now very unhealthy and toxic, and should be paused for the foreseeable future.

Nervous Bird

November 28th, 2022 at 2:46 PM ^

Someone needs a few more hobbies because his, or her, fandom is dominating too much of their life. Although I laughed heartily at that post, I think it's a tad unhinged. It seems that there is some genuine hatred on the MSU side of this rivalry.

My dislike for OSU is marrow deep, and I often joke that I could never have married an OSU woman. But every time I see a few of their cheerleaders I think - "well, they can't be all bad". LOL

Billy Ray Valentine

November 28th, 2022 at 2:53 PM ^

The Revolution will not be televised. Rather, it will be a clandestine operation orchestrated and fully performed on the 247 Sports Red Cedar Message Board. So much dumb.

The mope who penned this deranged manifesto is a Harvey-Updyke-wanna-be loser. For his sake, I hope his Mom never tires when it comes to making the meatloaf.  


November 28th, 2022 at 3:01 PM ^

It's just some random dude on a message board, but just for the record, this was ridiculed on the MSU board too. It might be good for a chuckle or two though.


November 28th, 2022 at 5:05 PM ^

Side note: I noticed that Spartan and Buckeye fans post occasionally on various UM forums from time to time. And yeah, grief is given and they will get some push back. BUT, and I’m asking if others agree, I don’t see UM folks posting on their respective forums. I feel like that’s mostly due to them being insane lol. Is this take wrong? 

Boner Stabone

November 28th, 2022 at 3:03 PM ^

Sparty is jealous.  While we are likely heading to the playoff for the 2nd year in a row with a good shot at winning the whole thing.  They have nothing better to do than come up with something like this.  It is absolutely mind boggling after reading that. I hope that dude gets some help.


November 28th, 2022 at 3:09 PM ^

“Do some research into what Michigan is spending our hard earned Michigan tax dollars…”

You mean like the $95 million Michigan State spent on Tuck? I guess the press could do some research into that but Michigan State refuses to release the details despite a FOIA request.


November 28th, 2022 at 3:53 PM ^

I’m guessing the thinking is that if you tell “blue collar” fans that Michigan is an elite university that has classes that skew liberal with liberal professors, or give donations to liberal causes that would make us flip on our football team that’s lead by a conservative catholic HC (which means nothing but I find it ironic). 


November 28th, 2022 at 3:13 PM ^

I read that the other day when skimming through RCMB, was basically just like "Yep, thats what they do" and moved on. I didnt figure anyone worth a shit would pay attention to it. 

Der Alte

November 28th, 2022 at 3:19 PM ^

Quote: "We started as college for applied agriculture."

Actually the Morrill Act of 1862, enacted during the depths of the Civil War and also referred to as the Land Grant College Act of 1862, granted 30,000 acres of land to "each loyal state" to establish a college to teach “agriculture and the mechanic arts”; “mechanic arts” also at times written as “applied science,” and military science (ROTC). "Applied agriculture” is redundant — of course agriculture is primarily a hands-on, practical subject. The “mechanic arts” is the one that denotes application, as in “applied science.” The “applied science” engineering that Land Grant colleges were mandated to teach was that which had practical (mostly agricultural) value, such as designing a better deep-furrow plow or improved threshing machine. 

So yes, from its inception Michigan Agricultural College's mission was first to teach agriculture, then practical-use engineering (leave theoretical science to others, such as to that University in Ann Arbor) and finally teach students to become army officers (remember that in 1862 most colleges were all-male, and the army needed men).

The advocacy or actual teaching of political or “deep state” conspiracies to undermine one of the great public universities in the world is well outside the Morrill Act mandate.





November 28th, 2022 at 3:44 PM ^

Wait a minute you mean to tell me that y’all bunch of liberals at that learnin school? Well I as a blue collar guy simply cannot support that I will now stop supporting a team I have loved for 35 years 



November 28th, 2022 at 4:32 PM ^

Sorry, all, but the MSU post should be read as satire on the strategizing of one wing of American politics. It reads like memos that sometimes leak to the Times or the Post.


November 28th, 2022 at 4:44 PM ^

I never went to MSU or Michigan so I might be way off base here. But most of the people that I know that went to MSU purely for academics don't really think this way. And that this way of thinking is mainly from the sports fans, and party boy types. Which is weird that he focuses almost entirely on academics. I don't know maybe I've just got too small of a sample size to work with.


November 28th, 2022 at 4:51 PM ^

This gives me even less respect for sparty. The respect factor was dropping to near zero but it is zero now, for the football program and their fans.

I won't hate them back as I'll rise above above this and just ignore them and let them rant.

The more Michigan wins, the worse those idiots will get so LET'S JUST WIN and GO BLUE!!


November 28th, 2022 at 6:10 PM ^

Fellow Michigan media elites, remember your secret handshake and secret Latin password will be required to attend the Michigan Shadow Media meeting tonight. This week's agenda: how to keep MSU out of the football playoffs again. Oh, and please bring your own soy lattes. We will only be providing oat milk lattes at the meetings from now on.


November 28th, 2022 at 6:58 PM ^

I crept on over to RCMB yesterday and saw that thread. What a clown show. Also, many of those posters actually want physical harm to occur to michigan fans/players/etc. It's really pathetic