Wolverine In Exile

December 16th, 2009 at 12:22 PM ^

it was AOSS day at Crisler? If they wanted to really go green, they'd cancel the game at Crisler and just have it at the IM bldg where they don't turn on the heat anyway. Psuedo-environmentalism pisses me off.

Steve in PA

December 16th, 2009 at 4:49 PM ^

Sam Walton was big on buying US made stuff, especially locally in the towns where they did business. The past CEO threw that policy right out the window and bought everything he could from China. If the new guy goes back to their roots, and all indications are he will, that will mean that Walmart brings manufacturing jobs not just retail jobs. Green things are a personal choice IMHO and I'm getting a little sick of having it rammed down my throat by people who tell me what to do, but then don't live up to those expectations.


December 16th, 2009 at 7:57 PM ^

I've never liked how being environmentally friendly is called going "green." The Earth is mostly blue, thanks to being 71% covered with water. We should talk about these teams going blue.