META: What's the timeline for fixing site bugs?

Submitted by Bambi on April 29th, 2019 at 11:42 AM

The site was down briefly this morning which led to me asking this. There are a variety of bugs that understandably were pushed to the back burner during the season (points not working for everyone, can't edit OPs, can't vote on OPs, clicking the jump on front page articles takes you to the beginning again, Open Live Writer Diaries not working and I'm sure there are more). Now that the offseason is upon us, I was wondering if there was a plan in place for fixing some/all of the issues before the next football season begins?


April 29th, 2019 at 11:46 AM ^

Right after we solve that whole global warming thing, cure cancer, and pay off the US debt.  Fixing the new MGoBlog is #4 on that list, I'm told.


April 29th, 2019 at 12:27 PM ^

Co-signed to Timmmaay 1000%.

I spend a LOT less time here than in the past due in no small part to the issues he outlines plus all the other annoying crap the new site "features" that we didnt face in the old one.  The irony is if you look at Seth's sticky thread you'll see the majority of the most troublesome issues were identified in the first 72 hours post launch with little or nothing being about many of them since.

The most ironic of all ironies (to me anyways) was that this new site was supposed to be able to handle the crush of visitors during a significant news cycle and keep up and running.  But every time something big happens it sure seems like this "new & improved" one crashes with nearly the same regularity the old, crappy one did before the change.


April 29th, 2019 at 12:32 PM ^

StayClassy, I don't agree.  If you mean in the very short term, sure, you don't need to make any fixes as long as the site is generating money.  But, if a company wants to CONTINUE to generate money and not become obsolete, it needs to continue to improve or risk being overtaken.

Look at companies like MySpace or AOL - they were the leaders in their space, until they were passed by better competitors.  

I am not criticizing MGo - it's the best product out there, but if a true competitor blog were to launch, and the user experience were significantly better, it could cut into MGo's revenue.  

Also, just because MGo is generating revenue, that doesn't mean that it is MAXIMIZING revenue.  Maybe if some of the bugs that people complain about were fixed, traffic would increase further, equaling more revenue.


April 29th, 2019 at 1:02 PM ^


To each their own. IMO, if it was affecting them in a noticeable way, it would already be fixed. It doesn't seem like the fixes require much extra work, although I am not a computer person, so I wouldn't know that for sure. If only I had access to the books, I would know which one of us is most right, lol. I agree with everything you have said, I just don't think MGo is in any position to change things without significant reason to do so. I am sure they have the numbers on site traffic, etc. If these numbers truly affected the bottom line, the changes would be made. There are more people that complain about the bugs and still post, than people who complain about the bugs and don't post. Even lurking, without posting, I'm sure is generating revenue for the site. 

Also, MySpace sold for $580 million, so I think Tom is doing ok, maybe he just didn't want to keep up with Facebook? AOL was acquired for $4.4 billion. So, did they get passed by other competitors, absolutely. Would I care if you bought my company for a billion dollars...? NOPE!



April 29th, 2019 at 4:06 PM ^

Nailed it.  It won't ever get fixed.  The platform sucks.  Still.  Could have built it on a modern platform but I don't get the sense they care too much.  Not like there will be some epiphany.  They went to the new version of Drupal (was Geocities not available?) and even that bandaid was an extended cock up start to finish.  If they cared about the user experience on this site they could fix it pretty easily.  They don't.  Sad, but it is what it is.

M and M Boys

April 29th, 2019 at 7:33 PM ^

You drink them separately a day apart.

Never mix them.

If you do use straight tomato juice for recovery the day after and always drink only the Tomato Juice shaken (with ice) and not stirred.

Sorry for the confusion after all these years.

I wonder how many youngsters got sick?

Oh well, see you at a tailgate session this fall and I will show you my really favorite drink......


April 29th, 2019 at 8:05 PM ^

james bond talked about how he liked martinis 'shaken, not stirred'.  when you make them you can put them in a tumbler with ice, shake the mix up, then pour into the glass - thus the expression.   so when you mention two separate beverages and the phrase about shaking them, that is how/why someone would think that.

The Mad Hatter

April 29th, 2019 at 11:59 AM ^


I'd honestly prefer for them to just go back to the old version of the site, bugs and all.  It had a lot of features on it that I miss (showing who started a thread, when the last post was made, displaying 300 comments in a thread, being able to jump to the most recent comment, etc).

I spend a lot less time here than I used to, especially in the off season.  And judging by the board activity I'm not the only one.


April 29th, 2019 at 4:17 PM ^

In the moderator role, there is zilch I can do about site fixes, but when people do ask about things, the lack of an app now is what people ask about the most actually, at least in my experience. I haven't the foggiest what the timeline for restoring the app would be, but it seems like it was far more popular than even I thought (I almost exclusively use laptops as I hate typing on the phone - I didn't sit through countless hours of Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing just to use my thumbs). 


April 29th, 2019 at 12:12 PM ^

double this - definitely prefer the old site.  I would also add in when a comment was new vs. not (although that was buggy, but semi existed). 

I would also say I wish there would be consistent content again (cough game recaps cough).

overall I am here much less and I can definitely see myself not coming back altogether at some point