Jalen Rose's commitment to education

Submitted by amir_6 on

I applaud Jalen for the great work he is doing for the youth in Detroit.


February 21st, 2016 at 7:40 PM ^

must have improved largely from the first year, I read they had 100% turnover in staff in year 1.  I've never heard of anything like that even for a small school.


February 21st, 2016 at 9:19 PM ^

For turning this into an anti-charter school rant. What Jalen is doing is 100 percent good. In accordance with the MGoBlog rules of engagement, please leave your political feelings at the door.

Through business, I've had the opportunity to visit Jalen's school, and there is NOTHING negative you can say about what he's doing. NOTHING. And I'll fight anyone who says there's anything negative in this. And again, shame on you for bringing your political views to MGoBlog.

Squaddy The Squirrel

February 21st, 2016 at 9:34 PM ^

I'd prefer not to fight you, but it's a stretch to say that there is NOTHING negative to say about it. The most recent ACT data I can find have their students scoring less than a 16 (15.7) in 2004. That's more than 5 points behind what is widely considered college ready. Given the overwhelming positive attention and private funding provided to the school, and the student demographics (only 75% low income, staggeringly low for a school in Detroit), that's a difficult pill to swallow. That has nothing to do with politics, just the academic growth of students attending everyday.


February 21st, 2016 at 10:56 PM ^

All I did was thank him for posting the link. You're welcome to articulate your side but shut up it's Jalen worship Jalen is not an argument. This country is now littered with failed bogus charter schools begun by people without a clue about how you educate kids. Hope Jalen succeeds, but to try to just shut down the conversation by shouting . . . Weak.

Doc Brown

February 21st, 2016 at 10:28 PM ^

As a teacher at a charter school in se Michigan, many of the complaints from this blog post are real. I am sorry if it doesn't jive with your rose colored view of Halen. My Science classroom doesn't have sinks, lack basic science equipment, books, and my door is broken (a security hazard in case of an active shooter). I also buy basic class supplies such as pens, pencils, and paper. Many of our computers are broken from misuse by students. We serve a predominantly low income title 1 population. Our ACT scores are just a bit above JLRA. Staff turnover is a major issue. Since I have been here (1.5 years) about 1/3 of the staff has left. I am also looking to leave due to low salary to re-enter graduate school for my PhD.

Bando Calrissian

February 21st, 2016 at 10:35 PM ^

Leave your political feelings at the door so we can feel good about ourselves for supporting a former Michigan player in his dubious charter school, which we wouldn't care one bit about and wouldn't be above giving a fair evalution if it wasn't said former Michigan player behind it.

I Just Blue Myself

February 22nd, 2016 at 10:36 AM ^

All charter school discussions should be anti-charter. Detroit charter schools are set up by for profit companies and still receive equal amounts of state funding as Detroit public schools. I like to believe that Jalen's heart is in the right place, but if he really wanted to help improve schools in Detroit, he should start with the public schools.


February 21st, 2016 at 8:38 PM ^

As a fellow teacher who also taught 2 years in the charter school system - thanks for posting. And these issues (namely staff turnover) is not just a Jalen issue. It is very prevalent in many charter schools here in Ohio.

Michigan Arrogance

February 21st, 2016 at 8:40 PM ^

I'm not gonna paint a broad brush, but eh, fuckit Ima do just that: it's nice jalen started this and his heart seems to be in the right place, but the overwhelming majority of charter schools are disasters. Minimal funding for sciences (no labs or equipment is very common), young/inexperienced teachers with little support, too many peeps and peanuts for pay. The results are rarely great and almost never better than the existing public schools.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


February 22nd, 2016 at 1:00 AM ^

Charter schools aren't always a disaster. There are good ones and bad ones. However, quite a few in Michigan are bad, because of the way the legislature has structured them. Michigan has - by far - the most for-profit charter schools in the nation (by %, national avg is 35%, MI is 80ish%). There are also some zealots who believe that charters are the future of education. The truth is that a lot of charters treat their employees like crap - every charter teacher I know is trying to get into the public schools. As for the kids...well, they're the charter operator's profit center. Ever wonder why so many charters are for elementary education? It's because that's the highest margin demographic. Despicable. Jalen's heart is no doubt in the right place, and meaningful change takes time. But I think somebody sold him some goods. EDIT: I absolutely have a viewpoint on this, but it's not political to me (except for general frustration with politics): it's because of firsthand experience trying to improve Michigan's educational system. I am certainly not condemning anyone who sincerely wants to help.


February 21st, 2016 at 10:20 PM ^

Analyzing whether a school is good or "lackluster" is very complicated. It's not nearly as simplistic as you and others are making it out to be. So you can think whatever you want about his school. But I hope we would all agree that what he's doing is a great thing. Jalen Rose didn't have to start a school. This has cost him a hell of a lot of money, and a hell of a lot of time. He gets nothing out of this. He's trying to change lives.

He could have just sat back and written an occasional check to U-M for a scholarship, but he's doing more. A hell of a lot more. He's trying to make a difference here. He doesn't have to try to change lives in Detroit, but he is. And for that, he gets to endure people attacking him for his "lackluster" school.

Doc Brown

February 21st, 2016 at 10:35 PM ^

As a teacher in a charter school, it is fair despite your whining. Jalen's heart maybe in the right place, but he doesn't have the education or experience to development an effective charter school. Students shouldn't have to suffer through school mismanagement of this magnitude. Frankly running through your budget in year 1 is inexcusable.


February 22nd, 2016 at 12:00 PM ^

It's possible some students would rather be at Jalen's school then the alternatives. So it may be an improvement, no matter how modest.

If it is not an improvement today, it may be an improvement tomorrow as everyone learns and adjusts from administrators to parents to students. It isn't about where you are, but where the school is going. Yes. money is part of it and perhaps the classroom size has to double, but if they stick on the affirmations and teach true grit along with the core classes, that may be a better education that what I ever received. Just getting students to college is a huge success...it's ok if the area might not be the poorest in Detroit...setting this up in the poorest of Detroit may have been too difficult and undertaking. This "middle ground" area may be still getting students to college who would not normally go in another envrionment. And encouraging students to come back and help the rest of Detroit after graduation is a good thing. This is a long-term project.

I would compare the benchmarks of student grades over time to see if it is at least stable...a stable environment can still be progress. Then you have a platform to improve the quality of education and the grades, which may already be happening over the last 4 years.

Also, the "new blood" from Jalen, caring about the students and trying his hand at making a better school may pay dividends later. This brand of caring and supporting students can inspire others in the community to help and believe the area is on the uptick. It means more parents will ask their kids to study, more students will be proud of the "brand' that they represent at the school.

I'm surprised there are many who say (a) Jalen's heart is in the right place but (b) Charter schools are a debacle.

I think it may be better to phrase Jalen's effort as a Phase I, and there are Phase II ideas, if financiallly supported and effectively implemented, that may help even more.

Jalen is very outspoken. If he gives this 10 years and it doesn't improve as much as he would like, then he's going to be outspoken about the next solution. We should applaud the blood, sweat, and tears going into this by all (administrators, teachers past and present), as it is easy to play armchair educational specialist, but ideas are a dime a dozen. Implementing operationally, financially supporting, inspiring parents and teachers to buy-in (a huge undertaking), and improving year over year is a 365 day commitment.

Jalen's involvement is a net positive and I respect his involvement. Similarly, I encourage everyone to get involved in a cause that matters to you, and many of us will respect you for it in advance.


February 22nd, 2016 at 12:30 AM ^

that motivated Jalen to move in this direction, nothing more than the fact he is a public figure, and knowing Jalen, has probably on more than one occasion, enlisted some form of media coverage to draw attention to his endeavor, is enough that, regardless of your level of disagreement and reasoning that cause you to support him, to justify the action of those opposed to his methods, signifantly so in the case of current of past employees in a publicly shared venue.


February 22nd, 2016 at 8:58 AM ^

Sure, investing money in education sounds great.  But if your investment isn't resulting in improved learning outcomes for students, and is not providing a safe or sanitary environment for students to thrive...whatever he is doing is a net negative.

Donating time and money doesn't equal success and a free pass from criticism.  And the "time" Jalen donates is certainly debatable.  He put his name on it.  Whoopty doo.


February 21st, 2016 at 8:28 PM ^

an amazing number of alumnae who do remarkable things - especially so many of our athletes.

Jalen really cares; how great that he's supporting his home town.