
March 7th, 2014 at 8:04 AM ^

I've been struggling with a cold for the last few days, a struggle which included a moment on Tuesday where I very nearly passed out in a meeting, by all accounts, so I had some juice and went home after that. Wednesday and yesterday were pretty bad too, but today is the first time since late Monday where I have felt semi-normal, which is a good sign. 

This weekend will is one where my wife works, so it will be a lot of hanging out with the kids, watching the snow slowly begin to melt and, of course, basketball. My hope is that we avenge the game in Assembly Hall earlier in the year and send Crean & Co. a lovely flower basket as they await their NIT fate. 

On Sunday, I will probably do my taxes since I have been putting that off for forever basically, and as I normally owe a little, I put it off with good reason. Yeah, I could change my deductions, but I get bonuses that make up for the inconvenience of owing, so it sort of works out. In any case, while I am doing that, I'll probably start working on whole-season analysis of Michigan hoops too. 

One other thing - in honor of a temporary return to 40-degree weather, I am also planning to grill this weekend....quite a bit actually. 


March 7th, 2014 at 8:10 AM ^

All day, though I guess on the bright side my weekend gets increased by 1/2 day.  Sunday, I will just probably try to stop drooling and asking what day is it.


March 7th, 2014 at 8:15 AM ^

Unfortunately I have the dreaded 12 hour shift today at work. so I'm certain to check Mgoblog at least once an hr. Don't disappoint me Mgobloggers.


March 7th, 2014 at 8:40 AM ^

Hopefully some perch out of Lk. St. Clair tomorrow am.  Making crawdad ettouffee with the bro-in-law and feasting/drinking Founders and rootbeer with his kids and mine on Sat evening, then the Midwest Flyfising Expo on Sunday.


March 7th, 2014 at 8:56 AM ^

Booked the day off work for the hockey game tonight!!! This is only my second time in a year taking a day off; the other was for ohio football game, so I'm looking forward to enjoying it


March 7th, 2014 at 9:05 AM ^

Enjoying some bourbon and grilling out before my back surgery next week.  Oh and watching with joy as Crean get's that smug grin wiped off his face Saturday night.


March 7th, 2014 at 12:20 PM ^

My son is competing and I always enjoy watching. I'll have to watch the Indiana game when I get home. Here is the world record holder for average time.