
October 26th, 2014 at 2:04 PM ^

This is so much more embarrassing than the event itself.  And it's a perfect encapsulation of what our program has become: Confused, spineless, discombobulated, and drama-filled.  


October 26th, 2014 at 2:21 PM ^

An apology makes us look even worse. Poor baby Dantonio got mad over nothing. Hoke should've told Dantonio to enjoy the fucking victory but he won't apologize cause we did nothing wrong. Of course we look fucking pathetic for getting our ass whooped and then apologizing cause Dantonios vagina was offended by a motivational ploy

The Baughz

October 26th, 2014 at 2:10 PM ^

But but but hes a nice guy...we need to leave him alone...he loves Michigan...blah blah blah.

This guy is a complete joke and needs to resign asap. He needs to apologize for sucking as a head coach and driving Michigan football straight into the ground, not the stake.

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MGJS SuperKick Party

October 26th, 2014 at 2:12 PM ^

But I thought he was only partially aware something was going to happen? Non issue creates a bigger issue because Brady has to fib about something so small.

Funny enough, we get an apology for this, but not leaving Shane in with a concussion.


October 26th, 2014 at 4:13 PM ^

I really, really disagree. Canham said don't turn a one-day story into a two-day story.


Planting a stake and then getting the shit kicked out of you is a one day story. Brady saying "Sorry we used a motivational ploy to try to get excited for the game, next time we'll try our best to pre-kick our own asses so they are tenderized for you" makes it a two-plus day story. This is as embarassing as John L's slap. Saying nothing would do what exactly? Because whatever you're imagining, it can't be worse than apologizing to the bully who just beat you up and took your lunch money.


October 26th, 2014 at 5:54 PM ^

He will be asked about it tomorrow at his press conference so it will be a 2-day story and he may as well get it out of the way now. Trying to avoid an apology seems, to me, to be like a politician who takes a "principled" stand and refuses to release his tax returns. He's going to fold eventually so he ought to get it out of the way early.


October 26th, 2014 at 2:16 PM ^

Are great and have been used before to spur a team to greatness (1997), but they seem just sad and empty when your coaching and talent on the field isn't able to back it up. Because we lost and in combination with the player's actions pregame, this just comes across as silly and borderline childish.


October 26th, 2014 at 3:02 PM ^

May be focus on the last years of Carr, the adminstration, and leave Coach Rodriguez out of it.  Look what he's done at ARIZONA.  Compared to at Michigan.  Was the problem really him or the institution?  Had he been provided the necessary resources, Coach Rodriguez would still be here competing for the Big Ten Championship and a spot in the playoffs.


October 26th, 2014 at 2:29 PM ^

Here is the quote from Fantonio.

"I can only be diplomatic for so long," Dantonio said Saturday evening. "The little brother stuff, all the disrespect, it didn't have to go in that direction.

"We try to handle ourselves with composure. That doesn't come from a coach. It comes from the program. Throwing the stake down in our backyard out here and coming out there like they're all that. That got shoved up ... It got shoved in the last minute and a half."

Hoke should've said "Get over it. The little brother comment was seven years ago. You are obsessing over it. You have been successful recently so act like it instead of some jilted fucking lover. And I take umbrage that you play with composure. How many personal fouls and targeting penalties need to be assessed on your team before you can stop calling your play composed? Be a man and get over it."


October 26th, 2014 at 2:48 PM ^

Yes, because it still works.  But mainly because it is the epitome of arrogance and hubris that Dantonio doesn't like.  UM owned MSU for years, and what eats at Dantonio is air of superiority that came with it.  It's one things to get your brains beat in (OSU has done it to us for years, and only recently have we started to turn the tide against Nebraska), but it's unpalatable to him to have be treated like dogshit in the process.  OSU and Nebraska never did, but UM did (and arguably still does).  That's the "respect your opponent" that he's talking about.

So yeah, it's an old statement, but it's perfectly representative of how UM treated MSU for years when you guys were dominating the rivalry.  He still brings it up because he still sees the same kind of behavior - like planting the stake - only now he's in a position to do something about it.


October 26th, 2014 at 3:26 PM ^

I just don't get this. The little brother thing was one comment by one player almost a decade ago. The "air of superiority" you refer to is basically UofM not noticing or paying lip service to MSU despite MSU jumping up and down saying "notice me, respect me!" Jesus...that is why there is STILL a lack of respect because of how petulant you act when anyone doesn't rub your back and tell you how well you did.


October 26th, 2014 at 4:06 PM ^

the air of superiority came from M's behavior during all the years they were dominating this rivalry.  Before Dantonio ever got there.  It's the notion that MSU wasn't a real rival.  It's the general disrespect and contempt that M viewed the MSU program.  More recently it's the mentality that UM will start beating MSU again because "that's the way it's supposed to be".  Well, that's sure the way it was, and there's a sense of entitlement that grew as a result.  Hart's comments did nothing more than crystallize the way UM looked down on MSU for all those years and treated them like shit.  That's what bothers Dantonio.  Have a look at Brian's post from 2007 as the season began:

This was symptomatic of the attitude at the time, and that's not to say Brian speaks for the program, but can you honestly say the nobody in the UM program, coaches or players, shared this view?  It's needlessly condescending, as if your place in the college football world is pre-ordained.  To be fair, M is not the only school with this problem (ahem, ND, Alabama) but those aren't our rivals like you are.

If Hart would have never said those words, Dantonio would still be using the disrespect card against M because he hates the way MSU was treated for so long.  He'd just find another rallying point.


October 26th, 2014 at 4:06 PM ^

the air of superiority came from M's behavior during all the years they were dominating this rivalry.  Before Dantonio ever got there.  It's the notion that MSU wasn't a real rival.  It's the general disrespect and contempt that M viewed the MSU program.  More recently it's the mentality that UM will start beating MSU again because "that's the way it's supposed to be".  Well, that's sure the way it was, and there's a sense of entitlement that grew as a result.  Hart's comments did nothing more than crystallize the way UM looked down on MSU for all those years and treated them like shit.  That's what bothers Dantonio.  Have a look at Brian's post from 2007 as the season began:

This was symptomatic of the attitude at the time, and that's not to say Brian speaks for the program, but can you honestly say the nobody in the UM program, coaches or players, shared this view?  It's needlessly condescending, as if your place in the college football world is pre-ordained.  To be fair, M is not the only school with this problem (ahem, ND, Alabama) but those aren't our rivals like you are.

If Hart would have never said those words, Dantonio would still be using the disrespect card against M because he hates the way MSU was treated for so long.  He'd just find another rallying point.


October 26th, 2014 at 4:06 PM ^

the air of superiority came from M's behavior during all the years they were dominating this rivalry.  Before Dantonio ever got there.  It's the notion that MSU wasn't a real rival.  It's the general disrespect and contempt that M viewed the MSU program.  More recently it's the mentality that UM will start beating MSU again because "that's the way it's supposed to be".  Well, that's sure the way it was, and there's a sense of entitlement that grew as a result.  Hart's comments did nothing more than crystallize the way UM looked down on MSU for all those years and treated them like shit.  That's what bothers Dantonio.  Have a look at Brian's post from 2007 as the season began:

This was symptomatic of the attitude at the time, and that's not to say Brian speaks for the program, but can you honestly say the nobody in the UM program, coaches or players, shared this view?  It's needlessly condescending, as if your place in the college football world is pre-ordained.  To be fair, M is not the only school with this problem (ahem, ND, Alabama) but those aren't our rivals like you are.

If Hart would have never said those words, Dantonio would still be using the disrespect card against M because he hates the way MSU was treated for so long.  He'd just find another rallying point.


October 26th, 2014 at 4:44 PM ^

He sounds like a giant pussy. He is competing for a national championship and he can't stop whining about respect. He sounds like a fucking clown when he brings up the little brother comment. I hope he continues to whine like a baby for as long as he's there so I can continue to dislike him. All we need to do is start winning. That will be bring on more whining. It will be glorious. I hope MSU is ranked around #4 at the end of the year and get left out of the playoff. Then when Marky complains about it, on his way out the door, Hoke asks for a moment of silence. His head would explode on the spot


October 26th, 2014 at 5:03 PM ^

So we are arrogant because you are our big rival dammit and will prove it?   This exact sentiment is why we don't consider you to the level of OSU.   You have such an inferiority complex and have to relate everything to UM.  You have had tremendous success the last few years yet still have an obsession with what we consider you.   This wah-wah, we deserve to be considered a big rival and you have to notice us!!!!!  is just amusing and reinforcing the commonly held thought.  i just don't get it.  


Not to mention, your coach stooped to the level of insulting the height of someone on the opposing team.  Real classy when a grown man has to personnally insult a 20 year old because he said mean things about our program.


October 26th, 2014 at 2:56 PM ^

Well this program is in full blown clownshow territory now.   Hoke should have just let it be or apologized to Dantonio in a private communication, if he felt it was warranted.  Apologizing for this after getting beat just makes this team look like a b-tch.