Sten Carlson

June 2nd, 2020 at 10:43 PM ^

This is always an interesting discussion/argument.  I’m always curious how far back into history is one expected to go to find an injustice, and when found, by what rationale do we tie someone to events that they didn’t participate in?  

I’d love to hear your thoughts.  


June 3rd, 2020 at 4:21 PM ^

My ancestry is Visigoths... and I require reparations from the Italians (Holy Roman Empire), for raping, murdering, and stealing my land after they stormed through the Alps. 


June 3rd, 2020 at 6:08 PM ^

Interesting points you bring up. Of course, the future generations of folks did not participate in the atrocities committed by their ancestors. But they are enjoying the fruits of those actions though. Right? So should they share some of those "spoils" with those who have been wronged by their ancestors and still being discriminated against? 

How far should one go back in history? Good question again. If you are being proud of your ancestors, you should at least go back to that generation. If you are proud of Columbus, consider 1492. If you are proud of your great-great-grandparents, consider when they were active. Of course, it is open to discussion and argument. 

Sten Carlson

June 4th, 2020 at 8:15 AM ^

So should they share some of those "spoils" with those who have been wronged by their ancestors

What “spoils” are you speaking of?  How does one begin to isolate the “wronged”, or is it simply an entire demographic group?  If this were to be implemented, wouldn’t all wealth in the US flow back to Native Americans?  This is a classic example of a “slippery slope” that, IMO, is best avoided at all costs.  But that’s not a very “woke” opinion I suppose.  Probably need some 3,000 page laws written detailing how to implement to guarantee the correct payors and payees.


June 2nd, 2020 at 3:16 PM ^

That seems pretty on-brand for Dabo. Next step is the public will push back on them and Dabo will say something like "People don't like us because we run a christian football program over here and we're just getting a little persecuted" as he leaves the presser to go see how his bagmen are doing


June 2nd, 2020 at 3:20 PM ^

I'm a high school teacher and the frequency that students call others the n-word is disheartening. It can be tough to intervene sometimes, but there's no excuse for not intervening with something so extreme. 


June 2nd, 2020 at 4:59 PM ^

I have never heard that, but I have heard of many English teachers that will say it when reading from a book, insist that students say it, call on Black students to say it so that "it's ok", etc. 

Much of that is from students, but I'd be surprised if most of those allegations weren't true. 


June 2nd, 2020 at 3:31 PM ^

I would assume what the person is referring to is Dabo creating/building/leaning into his image as an upstanding Christian man of high morals. Having a coach use the N word with impunity word tarnish this image. (

And yes, I am well aware of the history of some Christians justifying their racism via their religion.


Perkis-Size Me

June 2nd, 2020 at 3:25 PM ^

Don't know if its true or not. Maybe it is, maybe its a guy who's upset he didn't get more playing time and is taking it out on Dabo. No idea. Wasn't there. All I know is that if it is true, it wouldn't surprise me. The people who often proclaim to be the most religious or are the most "in your face" about it are often the biggest hypocrites of all. 

Dabo is a hell of a football coach, but I wonder if after the last week or so, he's still spouting the same bullshit of "We don't have a race problem in this country. We've got a sin problem." 


June 2nd, 2020 at 3:45 PM ^

I had a coach who every other word he used was the n word (with an a at the end). It was his filler word. He’d call the coaches and players it; white and black. No one ever said anything to him about it. Looking back it was totally unacceptable. The rest of the staff was white which did not represent the demographics of our team or school, so I wonder if they felt it was not their place. He wasn’t a bad guy or coach at all, but I don’t think that’d be tolerated at all in 2020.


June 2nd, 2020 at 4:27 PM ^

Is it known if the Clemson assistant coach in question was white or black? It kind of matters, doesn't it? If it's a black guy, I know they throw that term around willy nilly the same way we say "dude". So maybe still 'inappropriate' but at a different level.

Bo Harbaugh

June 2nd, 2020 at 4:30 PM ^

Yes, absolutely matters.  Also when it ends with an "a", and is coming from a black guy it is essentially saying "my boy" or "my brother"

I won't use it, for example at the gym, because I'm white and it will just sound fucked up and can insult people - even though I get called it all the time when I do something well on my bball team.

Context matters, details matter, source matters. 


June 3rd, 2020 at 4:13 PM ^

WRONG... and this has been proven over and over again on this Board, basically you're saying this is contextual sarcasm... which is bullshit, because you M grads certainly can't grasp it when I've used it. Some douche on this forum just accused me of wanting to kill millions of people; it's ok though, he got his panties in a bundle (enter the femi-nazis now).

Just remove the word from your vocabulary... and it should be removed from everyone's vocab!

**Case in point, if there's a conversation behind a closed door in a dorm/quad and someone says the "N" word, and you have to look inside to see what color they are, so you know if you're going to reprimand them or not... then you've defeated the exact equality you're trying to establish.

Bo Harbaugh

June 2nd, 2020 at 4:27 PM ^

Does not matter.  Bama, Clemson, hear and see confederate shit everyday, yet the recruits and programs keep rolling.

1) A lot of kids like to stay close to home, and southern kids are accustomed to this garbage.

2) For 4-6 "schools", college football is not about student athletes, their experiences, or development beyond football and NFL preparation.  

3) Dabo like Freeze before him and many of these southern white coaches (for decades) have played the "good Christian" card with families, and it works well. Sell faith and families assume you are a good, decent, open human being.


June 2nd, 2020 at 6:53 PM ^

They should all transfer to OSU I hear it's a safe haven for five stars who feel threatened. All seriousness, with the climate in our world right now, this may end badly for Dabo with even a sliver of truth to the statements. 

Ty Butterfield

June 2nd, 2020 at 7:19 PM ^

Nothing will happen to Clemson. Clemson will keep rolling just like OSU. Day is a better coach than Meyer.