Per ESPN: Federal report cites Michigan State with systemic, 'serious violations' of campus-safety law

Submitted by CincyBlue on January 30th, 2019 at 3:22 PM


The U.S. Department of Education has found that Michigan State University officials for years violated federal law by failing to comply with requirements that aim to ensure a safe campus, that officials systemically under-reported crime statistics, and -- in the handling of sexual assault allegations against former athletics physician Larry Nassar -- demonstrated "a lack of institutional control."


January 30th, 2019 at 3:59 PM ^

I don't know.  This touches on actual federal crimes (under the Clery Act) committed by Michigan State University as an institution.

The Clery Act requires that Universities inform their students of all crimes committed on or near campus, and violations can lead to loss of access to federal financial aid programs (although this penalty has never yet been imposed).  The 2 largest fines under the act were to Penn State University (obvs) and Eastern Michigan University, for their repeated public denial that a murder that took place in one of their dorms was in fact a murder.

I Like Burgers

January 30th, 2019 at 4:46 PM ^

Depends on what you consider no fallout.  Best case scenario, they get fined several million dollars for violations of the Cleary Act and that's that.  Worst case, the US Dept of Ed pulls their federal funding and MSU becomes a private school.


January 30th, 2019 at 3:25 PM ^

There was an article a couple days ago in the local paper about Gameday going to East Lansing this weekend.  Izzo called it part of the healing process with ESPN because he was viciously attacked for supporting serial litterbugs. 

I'm getting all the warm and fuzzies right now.  

EDIT: This was the holy crap part of the story for me.

As a result of the findings in the report, the university's application for re-certification to receive federal financial aid is on hold; the university is currently participating in the program on a month-to-month basis.

Robbie Moore

January 30th, 2019 at 5:01 PM ^

They're still getting the money. And will continue to because there is a huge campus full of students who did nothing wrong and rely on the money. Placing them in the middle would be a nightmare. For the students, MSU, and the feds. Ain't. Gonna. Happen.

What should happen is LuAnna Simon and Mark Hollis go to jail. And not just for a few months. I'm still pissed that nobody went to jail over the housing crisis. I'm so fed up with people in charge skating and leaving destruction in their wake while they navigate their golden parachute to a soft landing.


January 30th, 2019 at 7:59 PM ^

Yep.  Even if Simon is found guilty in her upcoming trial, she won't go to jail.  It'll get held up on appeals and stays and other related BS for years.

Graham Spanier was found guilty in 2017.  Sentenced to 4 months in jail.  He still hasn't served a day.  I'll bet that's the case 2 years from now also, it will still be in various appeals. 

And during all of this - Penn State is footing the bill for all of Spanier's appeals!!!  Such was how Spanier's contract was worded.  He can bill it all back to the school from which he was fired!!!

Simon will follow the same path - and I'll bet it's also the case that MSU is paying her legal bills.  Whatever one over-paid University President gets in their ridiculous contract, it's likely that others get the same.

It's nice to be part of the privileged class.


January 30th, 2019 at 7:53 PM ^

The comments by Izzo, some of which you referenced, were despicable and show no understanding or remorse for the actions taken. I used to be kind of proud of what Izzo accomplished-yooper makes good and all that- but he has become such an asshole over the years.  He is a disgrace. 


January 30th, 2019 at 3:25 PM ^

Shocker, problem is what repercussions can they face? All the assholes responsible for all that shit are pretty much gone. Some of them should be in prison, besides Nassar, of course. 


January 30th, 2019 at 3:29 PM ^

See above and below.  Also:

"Clery Act fines have risen in recent years and can range up to $56,000 per violation depending on when each violation occurred. In September, the Department of Education fined the University of Montana nearly $1 million for crime-reporting failures, the second-largest fine ever. The largest was the nearly $2.4 million fine levied against Penn State University in November 2016 in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky child-abuse scandal."

Go B1G East!!


January 30th, 2019 at 3:28 PM ^

"The school, which remains under "active investigation" by federal officials, could face financial penalties in addition to possible restrictions involving the ability to receive federal financial aid. As a result of the findings in the report, the university's application for re-certification to receive federal financial aid is on hold; the university is currently participating in the program on a month-to-month basis."

Didn't MI taxpayers just write them a check for this last year? Now we all gotta pay again.  Good Lord just put the For Sale sign out and get a bunch of garage sale stickers already.


January 30th, 2019 at 3:46 PM ^

Here's hoping the Feds throw the book at them. How anyone could let their daughter attend that so-called institution of higher learning is beyond me, especially after reading this report.

Watching From Afar

January 30th, 2019 at 3:47 PM ^

And.... nothing major will come of it. Mostly because the biggest stake holders in MSU (wealthy alumni and ticket holders) aren't taking a meaningful stand. It took what amounts to a public referendum by Michigan voters on the whole to move the BoT away from passively accepting Engler as President.

Obviously somewhat anecdotal given I don't know 100% of the alumni, but being a MSU undergrad alumnus, the temporary outrage over everything has long since passed. Immediately following the trial it was Facebook posts, open letters to the admin, threats of not attending any more MSU sporting events, and general disownment of MSU. That culminated in Engler being named interim President, some more outrage and threats, and then... crickets.

Fast forward, I'll say ~3 months (so summer of 2017) and there were no more green X's on Facebook photos. People were planning big tailgates for the football season and Engler being President wasn't even brought up anymore. It was passively accepted and the outrage had passed. Sure, on occasion when Engler did something super shitty some people would bang a drum... for about 2 days.

So basically it was MSU does something horrible, followed by outrage. Then Engler is named interim President as a big middle finger to everyone, followed by a little more outrage. Then... wait, football season is coming!!!

Mind you, I know women who were assaulted by Nassar, as do a large majority of my friends. They don't care. They go to football games (when MSU doesn't suck) and post "Go Green <3" on Facebook when the basketball team wins. They have refused to take any meaningful steps to reject MSU as an institution in hopes of driving it to better actions or even a moment of public apology that actually meets the seriousness of the moment.

The victims, sure, they feel bad for the women when their names are in the news. But otherwise, pave it over, move on, and win some football games so we can see Dantonio smile! I'm sick of it.

Watching From Afar

January 30th, 2019 at 4:28 PM ^

The DOE could potentially cut off federal funds and send MSU into oblivion.

They could... but won't. There is a non-zero chance that something like that happens, but .0000001% isn't worth betting on.

MSU is huge. Endowment wise, it's solid. Population wise, massive, and eliminating it won't be a net good on the whole (too many people depend on jobs, too many students on education, and the entirety of that part of the state is driven by MSU's existence because Lansing suuuucckkkksss).

Punishment, and stricter oversight going forward is obvious but I don't even think that will happen. "Month-to-month" will probably allow them to continue to receive funds while only having to provide moderately more "transparency."


January 30th, 2019 at 4:33 PM ^

Place is a cesspool that needs to be burned to the fucking ground.

BTW, Izzo or Dantonio ever answer for the numerous sexual assaults they failed to report? And shame on guys like Rico Beard and Mike Valenti blaming the media for this stuff.


January 30th, 2019 at 4:35 PM ^

No one outside of the MSU and U-M communities will give a shit. Worst of all, most people outside of the State of Michigan don't know the difference between the two schools - nor do they care. Most of us have had conversations in which people have asked us about the Nasser scandal, and asked what "our" administration is doing about it. 


January 30th, 2019 at 4:53 PM ^

So the Department of Education found widespread systematic lack of control over years and years, and violations of federal law...  Wonder what the NCAA found?


"In August 2018 the NCAA issued a report that found no NCAA rules violations"


GTFO.  F the NCAA.  Burn it to the ground.