ESPN to Air Off Camera Audio Interview with Te'o on Sportscenter Following OKC vs. DAL.

Submitted by Michael Scarn on

Per the bottom line on ESPN, I'm sure there are links everywhere.  Seems like a strange way to decide to tell his story. Maybe someone advising him went with the whole "wait til Friday to give bad news" theory and doubled down by moving it to midnight in hopes to downplay it even further. 


January 19th, 2013 at 12:21 AM ^

I've seen the transcripts Ken - you can go to bed now.  It went like this:

ESPN: "Now didnt have anything to do with this crazy story did you?  

Teo:" Heck noI didnt"

ESPN: "Honest and true Manti?  Pinky swear you weren't involved in way?"

Teo: "Honest and true guys.  I was a VICTIM....."



January 19th, 2013 at 12:26 AM ^

So T'eo refuses to do a video interview AND has his lawyer present during this audio interiew.  You're really helping sway the opinion of the public towards your side with this one, Manti.  



January 19th, 2013 at 12:27 AM ^

I honestly have not watched the NBA once this year. Figures that the one time I catch the end of a game it goes into overtime when I'm waiting for the program after.


January 19th, 2013 at 12:29 AM ^

However, I think he decribes everyones thoughts about this interview pretty well



Jason Whitlock ‏@WhitlockJason 
Nothing says victim quite like midnight Friday lawyered-up off-camera interview. Why didn't OJ think of this?


And no I do not follow him on twitter, it was a retweet!

And of course this stupid NBA game goes to OT.


January 19th, 2013 at 12:27 AM ^

Te'o is a weirdo. I've said it well before all this stuff came out. When he speaks, he comes off as something between odd & uncomfortable to listen to. Before he went to college he said he was going to go on his Mormon mission before he went pro. Then he ends up at a Catholic school and doesn't go on his mission.Then people try to spin it so his "trip" to ND is his "mission". He goes on to be slightly above average for 3 years and states "he only plays for his boys". One offseason later he is BFF with BK, the world's best teammate, and a ND legend. He was weird WAAAY before all of this. This whole "GF" mess was basically just opening the lid of the dumpster that had smoke rolling out of it and confirming that a pile of tires were burning inside.


January 19th, 2013 at 12:28 AM ^

According to ESPN people on Twitter, Te'o said he was not involved int he hoax but it effected his play in the National Championship game.  I actually can beleive that, but come on, he was getting run over by linemen all game long.  Please don't try to blame the loss in the Championship game on the hoax.


January 19th, 2013 at 12:28 AM ^

wtf! this is bs. ESPN is in on it. its all a scam. they paid the players to go to OT so that less and less people will be inclined to watch this supposed interview. /foilhatrantover


January 19th, 2013 at 12:30 AM ^

Te'o keeps being characterized by the media as a "devout Mormon".  I'm not an expert on the religion, but I do have a pretty good LDS friend and from what I can gather they know who their people are and the church is pretty involved in the dating/future marriage aspect of its members lives.  Us non-LDS folks were not allowed to attend the actual religious marriage ceremony in the church when my buddy got married because non-LDS people aren't supposed to go inside the Tabernacle or whatever they call it.  And supposedly they can tell if you're not supposed to be there.

Maybe some Mormon MGoBloggers can clarify, but it seems really odd that this kind of thing would happen without anyone noticing that the girl he was so serious about wasn't an LDS member, much less an actual living human being. 



January 19th, 2013 at 12:40 AM ^

He is lying. That's why none of the questions have real answers. Seriously though, I haven't heard this question brought up yet. Perhaps she was Mormon as well? Wait, of course she was! Why wouldn't she be? The fictitious girl of his dreams is most definitely a Mormon. Problem solved. 

A good follow up question to your inquiry would be "what does the LDS's policy in regards to online dating?" I can't imagine that they would be terribly in favor of it due to the potential for situations such as this to arise. Also, we are still waiting on phone records and the receipt for the white roses he sent to her funeral. What about his dad saying that she would visit him in Hawaii? Either he is in on it too or Manti lied to his dad too.