Don't tweet at recruits, say stupid things about recruits, stalk recruits

Submitted by StephenRKass on

On occasion, I will wander over to Eleven Warriors, largely because they often have something or other about Michigan. There is a decent article by Ramzy Nasrallah about the plague of fans who personally tweet at recruits.

LINK:  The Worst of Us:  Fans Who Tweet at Amateur Athletes.

This article is a followup to a previous article he wrote on the same topic.

LINK:  11W Etiquette:  Following Recruiting without being an Asshole.

Inside the article, Ramzy highlights at least one Ohio State fan who abuses twitter, with the handle Laostar7. Ramzy writes,

Don't get too upset with Laostar7. There are hundreds of Laostar7s. Rather than taking a flamethrower to Ohio State's many intrusive sports enthusiasts I chose to showcase only one. Every fan base has a sparkling collection of Laostar7s. The numbers of members enlisted in these brave militias vary by school.

I hope the number of Michigan fans doing this is slim. But earlier in the article, there is reference to at least one Michigan fan who uses twitter to contact Ahmir Mitchell, among others:  John Peters.

LINK:  John Peters.

Reading Ramzy's article, and then following the link to @John_Peterz and to Laostar7 is disturbing. And it reminds me why I have zero interest in twitter. Ok, there is a use to twitter, but it isn't for me. Regardless of whether you tweet or not, heed Brian and Ace and Seth and Ramzy, and have NOTHING to do with EVER contacting / tweeting / insulting / calling / talking to a recruit you don't have a prior personal connection to. It is wrong, an invasion of personal space, counterproductive, and for those of us over 30, downright creepy.


July 30th, 2015 at 2:49 AM ^

There was one twitter user that I asked to not tweet at recruits. He proceeded to make a racist joke and say that he will not stop contacting them.


July 30th, 2015 at 2:59 AM ^

I couldn't agree more. But Ramzy says it best:

tweeting at strangers and telling them what you would like them to do with their lives is creepy. Always. There are no exceptions to this rule, and those who break it are categorically assholes.



July 30th, 2015 at 7:42 AM ^

"There are no exceptions to this rule, and those who break it are categorically assholes."

I agree with Ramzy's opinion in this case, but I'd change it something other than "assholes." As a friend once told me, "those things actually have a purpose."

The same can't be said for creepy Twitter strangers.


July 30th, 2015 at 3:06 AM ^

I've just never wanted to follow recruiting.  I trust that the coaches will recruit good players and develop them into better players, and leave it at that.  I'll learn who the players are once they are playing for Michigan.  

As for the advice in the post, agreed it seems like a no-brainer... but then again I'm not on the twitters.  

Clarence Boddicker

July 30th, 2015 at 3:30 AM ^

I follow recruiting, just like I track Yankee draft picks through their minor league system, and consider potential New York Giant draft picks. I do this because I hate surprises--I like to get a firm impression of how my team is building its roster. I just don't feel the need to contact any of the players. I really, really don't get why anyone would contact recruits for any reason, or what they think they might be accomplishing.

Sac Fly

July 30th, 2015 at 3:21 AM ^

It's weird enough tweeting at recruits, but it gets really creepy when you encounter the guy who thinks his tweets help the recruitment of the player. I have stumbled upon Michigan's resident twitter creep and he said something along the lines of "I'm doing my part to make sure we land this recruit." There's no reasoning with these guys. As long as athletes are on social media they're not going away.


July 30th, 2015 at 4:47 AM ^

I'm not quite sure what you mean, Monkey House. I thought you had to have a twitter account to "follow" someone on twitter. The extent of my seeing any tweet is to read a link that is posted on mgoblog (or in this case, 11W.) Reading information that is publicly posted I guess I can live with. But contacting anyone via twitter, especially recruits, or contacting anyone via twitter, for that matter, isn't something I have any interest in doing. Let alone joining twitter, so I can follow someone.


July 30th, 2015 at 6:28 AM ^

Agree 1000%.  I have no idea why people lose their minds with internet anonimity to do and say things they would never do face to face.

Also count me in as a twitter, social media non user.  Seems like a total waste of time with little upside.


July 30th, 2015 at 8:31 AM ^

I've seen people who are otherwise friends in the physical world get into virtual fistfights on Facebook.

My wife believes Facebook (and Twitter and Instagram and ...) is purely evil. Judging by the behavior it seems to encourage among a not insignificant number of people, I'm not sure I disagree.


July 30th, 2015 at 6:34 AM ^


And it reminds me why I have zero interest in twitter.

I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but recruiting is such a tiny, insignificant portion of twitter, at all, not just the creeps tweeting at recruits. You may have zero interest in the medium, but to act like the only use is to be creepy to teenagers is pretty insulting to those of us who use it for the million other reasons one might use twitter. The reasons that aren't in any way connected to football at all. It's a pretty myopic view of the world to think it all exists just for the purpose of sports.

Kilgore Trout

July 30th, 2015 at 6:50 AM ^

I agree with you and the OP. Tweeting strangers with your opinion of what they should do is pretty insane.

But, I had an interesting experience with Twitter last night. I got a flat tire on my National Rental Car and they seemed to have no one manning their 24/7 phone number (30+ minutes on hold). But, I was able to get in touch with someone there via Twitter. Strange world.

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July 30th, 2015 at 7:38 AM ^

To be fair, it is petty fascinating to see the array of services you can actually get through Twitter and usually faster than using, say, 800 numbers. We've used it at work to get IT help with some of our systems and we have had people report outages and other trouble to the corporate account and get help faster than through traditional channels. It's a pretty cool way to get spot assistance if you need it and most corporate accounts are manned during all the but the small hours (save for critical stuff, where you can get 24/7 help in some cases). 


July 30th, 2015 at 7:39 AM ^

If you are a season ticket holder; it is a secondary recruiting violation if you contact them during the recruiting process. Every season ticket holder at Michigan now pays a PSD which in turn qualifies you as a booster of the university. Do not contact recruits. You will make our compliance officers very happy if you refrain from contact. Yes, our compliance officers do follow everything on social media!


July 30th, 2015 at 7:54 AM ^

I already feel weird enough following a 17 y/o kid on Twitter, I couldn't imagine actually tweeting at him and thinking that what I had to say would be enough to make him go "yeah ya know, Jevy is a solid recruiter for Michigan....I'm gonna go there" no. Just no. A single fan who thinks them saying "go blue" and "you'd look good in that maize and blue" (which is fucking creepy) is gonna get a kid to come here. It's just insane that grown men contact these KIDS!


July 30th, 2015 at 9:17 AM ^

"It's just insane that grown men contact these KIDS! "

Um. . . OK?

What's wrong with this whole thing isn't that grown-ups are contacting kids.  It's that the wrong grown-ups are contacting kids for the wrong reasons.  If your only business with a kid is to see him wearing your school colors, STFU and GTFO.  It's every bit as creepy to me if someone stalks Tom Brady to get him to play for the Jets or whatever (and not just because it's the Jets), but even though the motivations are EXACTLY the same, that's just dismissed as rabid fandom.  To me, the issue here isn't age but psychopathic fandom.  These people have lives; mind your own goddamn business.

Adults not talking to kids only exists in America because everyone's convinced a grown-up who even gives a kid the time of day outside a classroom is a pedophile.  Kids need grown-ups.  They're inexperienced, they're vulnerable, they have a lot to learn, and WANT to learn.  In fact it's almost heart-breaking when I saw how lost some of them were.

I used to be fearless about age; I'd just as happily converse with someone who's 80 as 8.  People were people.  But I eventually stopped talking to anyone who didn't look at least in their mid-20s and it was only because I had to start protecting myself.  I never once had this problem when I lived overseas.  Here, now it's just the creeps who do the talking, because everyone else got tired of being treated like one.

Even if the off-the-charts phobia wasn't an issue, I still don't follow recruits not because they're in high school, but because they're people.  Basic respect for others, FFS.  Until they're on the roster I have absolutely no business knowing what they do, let alone tell them.


July 30th, 2015 at 9:43 AM ^

Dragonchild, I mostly agree with you. That's why I had the qualifier "prior personal connection" in the OP. It happens that beyond relatives, I have a reason to relate to quite a few teenagers and college students. Some are friends of my kids, some are kids of my friends, some I teach, some attend my church, some I see in yet another context. The point is, they're not strangers on the Internet. There are good reasons for me to be in contact, so it is reasonable to be in connection with them via social media, texting, in person, etc. My issue is contacting someone out of the blue for recruiting purposes. That's where I have a problem.


July 30th, 2015 at 7:57 AM ^

I looked up that psycho @laostar7 to see what he's saying to recruits. It took only a few seconds to find an equally psychotic Michigan fan - @UMBIGSCOTT - doing the same crap. What the hell is wrong with people?

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July 30th, 2015 at 8:00 AM ^

When they write about the downfall of Western Civilization in future history books the first, second and third chapters will discuss the role of social media in said downfall. I see no redeeming qualities in Twitter, tumblr, 

Now get off my lawn you damn kids!


July 30th, 2015 at 8:08 AM ^

I'm an old guy by message board standards and I have a twitter account. You realize you get to pick and choose who you follow, right? There is no quicker delivery of breaking news than Twitter, imo. I find it fascinating that I can get first hand accounts of a particular even - the shootout on the streets of Watertown with the Tsarnaev turds, for example.

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July 30th, 2015 at 8:24 AM ^

I find social media firestorms distasteful in the extreme. It forcefeeds fringe beliefs  to the public and lazy, uninformed people who would not have an opinion otherwise suddenly do and add thier 2 cents, taking the focus away from where it rightfully belongs.

Social media is the devils bargain.

Now get off my lawn!