Death Storm 2016 - Open Thread

Submitted by ijohnb on

I hear things are getting very dicey already in some parts of the state.  What are you going to do to celebrate death storm?  Drink?  Possibly drink?  Reports from all over the State would be helpful in order for everybody to decide when to start, well, drinking.  I think those attendance estimates for the game tonight are going down by the minute.


February 24th, 2016 at 10:15 AM ^

Hitting your brakes on the freeway will cause traffic accidents. Don't do it. Let us white-knuckle-drivers use the left lane. Keep up with traffic or GTFO. I am serious people. Driving in the snow isn't brain surgery. Act like you been there before.



February 24th, 2016 at 10:18 AM ^

not disagree more.  I believe it is people who drive no differently than they would on clear roads that cause most issues.  I agree that people should not drive with their foot on the brake, but I find that is the GTFO of my way people that do the most damage, "truck dude" especially.


February 24th, 2016 at 10:41 AM ^

Both ends of the spectrum are incredibly dangerous. You can't still do 80, but if you plan to drive 35 with your hazards on and riding your brakes then gtf off the highway. You have to be more aware, but also remember that you have driven in snow before and it's all going to be ok.

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February 24th, 2016 at 10:16 AM ^

Sitting in my office at the corner of State & Eisenhower and it's pretty ugly. Snow's already a few inches deep on the window ledge. Best of luck to anyone going to the game tonight!

The Mad Hatter

February 24th, 2016 at 10:18 AM ^

pissed off that this mess didn't start 3 hours earlier.  The roads were fine when I was on my way in, and now they're crap.  So it'll take me 3x as long as usual to get home, when I could have just stayed there and worked without pants on.

Which I'll be doing tomorrow, even if the roads are clear by then.


February 24th, 2016 at 10:26 AM ^

are some districts that are flat out not calling off school this year.  My son has not had a snow day, and while it has been a rather mild winter, there were some snow day candidates and he did not even sniff a day off.  They were getting a little ridiculous with how often they were calling snow days, so I think there has been something of an over-correction this year.