
June 4th, 2020 at 12:45 PM ^

Probably people who didn't read the article, which notes that he was shielding peaceful protesters.  They may assume that the protesters were doing something that caused them to be pepper sprayed.  You could have that view and not be crazy, or a racist, or a yuk yuk AK carrying capitol rusher. 

This isn't about your team winning.  Your team is responsible for where we're at, just as the other one is, just as we all are.  

We can celebrate this hero while trying to understand where everyone is and how they feel.  We don't have to separate ourselves along asshole political lines, which just creates more "us" and "them", which breeds more fighting.  I'm guessing black people don't give a shit about how a white guy like you (and me, and all of us) - who let things get to where they are today - is from political party A or B.  And they shouldn't.  And we shouldn't either.  My suggested first step in this process: fuck off political parties.  They encourage division by design, and allow people to hide behind lies that their party is right on this issue, while the other one isn't.  The last 50 years proves they're both shit.  


June 4th, 2020 at 1:06 PM ^

Let me be a little more clear on this: Dr. Detroit your dumb-ass worldview encourages the continuation of policies and culture of violence against black people, because it substitutes phony partisan rhetoric/nonsense in the place of genuine reflection/change/action, seeks to hijack the anger of POC and direct it at your political enemies for your own benefit rather than theirs, and allows the majority of white people to keep shouting at each other over partisanship nonsense that black people could probably give two fucks about, rather than address what black people really need us to address. 


June 4th, 2020 at 1:35 PM ^

I always find it strange when groups of white people argue about what’s good for black people.  Honestly I don’t know how to perceive all of this I’m conflicted.  One thing that keeps coming up in my mind is I would like to see more “us” and “we” talk rather than “they” and “them”. I was really hoping the shared strain the virus put on the country as whole was going to help people find common ground.  


June 4th, 2020 at 3:59 PM ^

I do too.  And there's a time for that, but it's at the end of a very long road.  I think right now it's good to hold that in your mind as the end goal, but not the today goal.  Today it's very much us, meaning white people, as the asshole perpetrators, and them, black people and other people of color, as perpetrated.  I don't say that coming from a self-loathing family background, or from a desire to start a war with reactionaries.  I am white and I love white people.  I don't know that any culture has solved racism, which is tribalism, which seems ingrained in the species (if black people disappeared then blue eyed white would be racist against brown eyed, or whatever else that thousands of year of wars on the Euro continent before any black people showed up proves; and the same can be said of Africa).  But we need to try.  Let's get to the first step: err'y white person needs to stop pointing at someone else and start with themselves.  Can we do that?  Well if I do then I can't blame my political foe.  Well fuck you and your political foe, they are irrelevant relative to this discussion.  Well if I do then I'll be called a racist and be cancelled.  Well, not if we all do it.  Let's fucking cancel ourselves and the idea that there's no institutional racism in this country. 

We need to be looking at we, and be listening to them. 


June 4th, 2020 at 5:47 PM ^

It's patently untrue that racism is ingrained in human nature. Anti-black racism and white supremacy was created and modified throughout the European imperial project from the 16th and 17th centuries onwards. It can be dismantled through concrete actions that transform sociopolitical institutions. It doesn't require a transformation of human nature. 

Dr. Detroit

June 4th, 2020 at 9:13 PM ^

My dumbass world view was not hardly touched here.  It was a stupid comment concerning how, as of the time I posted the OP sat at negative votes.  I happen to actually be of a world view that Mr. Dubey did the right thing, particularly for his statement about how all he did was open a door.

Thank you for also assuming that I am "white."  You win a prize or something, as your assumption is correct.  I also happen to be one whose children have considerably more melanin content than I do, as do most of my friends.  I also have lived in black neighborhoods most of my life  I have had multiple run-ins with police that showed me exactly how differently people are treated by them due to their skin.  I have had a white guy ask a question at a job then tell me the klan knows who I am & I should watch my ass (while calling me by name) and have had the lovely experience of coming home to find racist graffiti on one of my homes.  I have also heard some of the most vile, disgusting racist things come from the mouths of people with skin tone similar to mine who did not know who I was and just assumed I was like minded.

So please forgive my one line crack about the good old boys who armed up to march around the Michigan capitol.  For some reason I assumed they were not the type to sit down and have conversations about what we can do to fix the problems of society that led to George Floyd (and countless other victims) to be murdered by police.  Perhaps I should open my views up a bit and engage these types in how the president should have staged his photo op and whether violently clearing peaceful protesters from a park as they packed up for the night was the proper thing to do the morning before the Secretary of State met with Tiananmen Square survivors.

It's always nice to be judged by the likes of you for a stupid post on the internet, but then I guess I'm just another dumb ass and should go fuck myself or something.

(By the way, it has been my experience that any time you try to meaningfully engage someone on the internet they either disappear or repeat what they said and insult you.  I will refrain from insulting you, though I am pretty damn sure the black community is really happy that you are here to speak up for them in support of not making fun of people who would laugh at their deaths as it does not further the debate.)

Robbie Moore

June 4th, 2020 at 1:36 PM ^

" My suggested first step in this process: fuck off political parties.  They encourage division by design,"

And fuck off cable news and talk radio and 90% of social media which encourage division to enhance the profits of giant corporations. You know, so their quarterly results exceed analyst expectations and the CEO class can justify themselves gigantic bonuses. 


June 4th, 2020 at 1:54 PM ^

 I see one more upper-middle-class white kid tweet about and shame someone using '#whiteprivelage' as they tweet from daddy's Mercedes pulling into the garage at their half-million-dollar home I'd like to find them, take them to Darlington SC, Detroit,any other struggling community etc and have them live in some of the more poor and truly underprivileged areas for a week without their allowances and new iPhone whatever. Maybe they would see the stupidity in their hits and likes hunting.

Standing for a cause, opening your eyes to the world, protesting, fine...turning something that is a deep cut into a hashtag or meme, is indescribable. 


June 4th, 2020 at 3:08 PM ^

I'm going out on a limb assuming they sought shelter instead of running at the tear gas with bricks, meat cleavers, and incendiary devices...sure it's an assumption, but it appears MOST protestors are doing nothing more than protesting. Some more resilient, some more vocal. Those looting, burning, violently reacting with anarchist agendas are incredibly obvious if you watch the coverage. They scatter like rats, regroup, and re-engage.


June 4th, 2020 at 6:01 PM ^

I think the point Jim was trying to make (assuming he wasn't just trying to start a flame war) is that police normally (in the 21st century in this country) don't just start firing tear gas, pepper spray and taking other hostile measures against a large group of people just standing around peacefully.  Something must have happened to trigger the violence and allow it to escalate.  I checked to DC police website earlier today and they said a report would be made public later this week - very curious to see it.

Were many (if not most) of the sheltering protesters purely peaceful (in actions, at least)?  Probably.  Were there likely a few among them that also resorted to violence at some point that evening?  Probably.  No one's hands are clean in something like this - if everyone were to just behave like civilized adults all the time, the world would be a better place.


June 4th, 2020 at 3:14 PM ^

Because the violent ones are roving around in out-of-state cars or with no license plates and driving away. 

Because they didn't vandalize this guy's house.

Because you're being fed this idea that DC citizens are tearing their city apart, and those of us actually here see a completely different scenario playing out.


June 4th, 2020 at 12:17 PM ^

Good on him.  There's something poetic about an immigrant sheltering people protesting violence against POC and the more general systemic racism in this country.  Glad he's an alum.

rob f

June 4th, 2020 at 12:19 PM ^

HAIL! HAIL! to Rahul Dubey, a true Conquering Hero!

What a disturbing account he gives, though---the capitol police were even spraying pepper spray into the windows to try to force out those who were given refuge in Dubey's home and the homes of others in that neighborhood.

All for a stinkin' photo-op. 

Desert Wolverine

June 4th, 2020 at 2:36 PM ^

I saw the extended news bit on this, with the commentary by one of the individuals who sheltered there, and my only issue with it is these weren't innocent waifs set upon for no reason.  The curfew had been established, and given the destruction in the city the previous days,  I think a curfew was rational.  The time of event was significantly past curfew, and the authorities had announced a couple times we will be clearing the streets.  The protestors had decided to stay out, and well the unpleasant result occurred. The protests themselves are entirely justified, the point of them is being lost when the express defiance of needed orderly behavior becomes the norm