Submitted by GoWings2008 on
Can't sleep. Thirsty, pregnant wife. Guess who is going to work early today?

Everyone Murders

November 11th, 2016 at 7:11 AM ^

Long day at work planned, but a nice Founder's Breakfast Stout parked in the fridge for when I get home to watch the USA beat El Tri tonight.

Happy Friday all, especially to those serving and who have served!

Mr. Elbel

November 11th, 2016 at 7:16 AM ^

I have a feeling today is gonna be a good day. then again I'm fully expecting a UFR, opponent watch, recruiting update, probably an interview, and a game preview all in the same day.


November 11th, 2016 at 7:19 AM ^

Well, we did make it through the week and to the weekend. 

Anyway, I am excited to get to Saturday night and see what transpires in Iowa City. With any luck, we're talking about a 10-0 Michigan team on Sunday morning and looking forward to a Les Miles-attended Indiana game. For the present, let's focus on making Herkey sad.

Also, for the MGoVets, have a most excellent Veterans' Day and thank you for your service and sacrifice. 



November 11th, 2016 at 7:23 AM ^

Especially to any fellow artillerists!  I love the smell of cordite in the morning!

And for you naval types...

And for you civilians in matching blue suits...



November 12th, 2016 at 12:17 PM ^

FA OBC - Summer 1983

1/15 Field Artillery (South Korea) - 1983 to 1985

DLI, Turkish - 1985 to 1986

27th USAFAD (Erzurum Turkey) 1986 to 1987

During that period, assorted courses, jump school, 8" assembly, nuclear weapons release procedures.


November 11th, 2016 at 8:36 AM ^

Loved the pics RGard, even the plane which the blue suited civilians keep trying to kill. I'll take the Naval variety myself. I managed to keep a shell casing from a 5"54 when I got out. Thanks to all those still serving, it's been tough duty the past 15 years.


November 11th, 2016 at 7:25 AM ^

My Veteran's Day is spent at work trying to catch up.  I've never understood that, either - working to 'catch up'.  Because, by the time you've caught up, you're behind again on stuff you otherwise would have been doing!  CRAP!!!

Anyway, happy Friday!!!  Here's to a weekend filled with victories for those we love, and defeat for those we don't!

Looking at you, corn farmers...