Ahmir Mitchell Heading to Rutgers

Submitted by daa browns on

So... the Rivalry continues... In all seriousness best of luck to him and his endeavors. 


September 2nd, 2016 at 4:18 PM ^






And for the love of God, I hope there's no bullshit animosity towards Michigan because you fucked up your chance.

New Jersey State University

Whole Milk

September 2nd, 2016 at 4:19 PM ^

I will openly admit that my source came through 2 degrees of separation on the rumor mill, but originated from someone in the athletic department. It is thought that Mitchell and Johnson were suspended because they found a credit card in the mall and proceeded to use it. 

I realize that there is no source, so if mods feel like they want to delete the comment, I will not blame them, just found it interesting.

160 IQ

September 2nd, 2016 at 4:27 PM ^

For those on the east coast - is Rutgers really considered the home school fo NJ?  In California nobody knows where Rutgers is.

oriental andrew

September 2nd, 2016 at 4:32 PM ^

yes. It's also know as "Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey" and is the largest school, public or private, in the state. 

Equivalent to U of I, Wisconsin, Nebraska, etc., i.e., other schools which are the sole flagship universities in the state. (and yes, I could've added Michigan - zing! msu - but the fact is that msu is actually larger than UM, although clearly not as flagshippy in academics and prestige)


September 2nd, 2016 at 4:33 PM ^

It's definitely the flagship state school. They've repeatedly considered changing the name to the University of NJ, but it'd be sort of silly because it's one of the oldest colleges. Alumni and donors have overwhelmingly fought the idea and refuse donating money so it's never gotten very far.


September 2nd, 2016 at 5:01 PM ^

Look, people everyone aspire to attend Ivy League schools.  But unlike states with a good public college, the kids who don't get into the Ivies in NJ have a number of other public school options above Rutgers.  

For kids in Michigan, if you aren't getting into an Ivy or some other top private school, you're happy to go to Michigan.  In NJ, if you don't get into your top choices, you're much more likely to pick Michigan, Penn State, etc. before you settle for Rutgers.


September 2nd, 2016 at 8:35 PM ^

has the largest amount of students leaving the state to go to college in a different state in the US.  Part of that may be the population to school ratio, as well as the close distance to alternatives though. Part of that is also financial, there are some very well off areas in NJ.


September 2nd, 2016 at 5:33 PM ^

This is pretty much it. I recently graduated from high school in NJ (in the 2010's), just graduated from Michigan. The majority of top tier students did not stay in state and go to Rutgers. They all looked to go out of state, either to the Ivies/small private liberal arts schools or to big flagship state schools elsewhere like Michigan, UCLA, Virginia, UNC, etc.

That's not to say smart kids didn't go to Rutgers. Some did, and did well for themselves. But it was mostly kids who went there for money reasons, transferred back to NJ after a year or two at another school, or kids who were smart but lazy in high school.


September 2nd, 2016 at 5:03 PM ^

Sure, but a lot go out of state.. many families have legacies at schools like Michigan and PSU, for example. Michigan got the reputation of the 'Harvard of the West' partially because the large populations of jews on the east coast were discriminated against by ivies..and the tradition has continued ever since as Michigan has a very large and noticeable east coast contingency--a lot as legacy students. Rutgers is actually a decent school, but NJ kids in general go all over the country or spread across the abundance of elite private schools along the coast and new england. The Midwest by far has a bigger tradition of going to your state school.

I dumped the Dope

September 2nd, 2016 at 4:55 PM ^

I see the angle where its really too bad that he didn't earn his way back thru the suspension despite the length of it.  Better coaches, better team, etc.

However I also see the "parent angle" where your child goes far from home only to "get in trouble" however that may manifest itself (grades, crimes, etc) and the overriding priority is to get them back to home where they can get more regular parenting if that seems like the best solution.  However, it does seem like a better tactic for a young person's mental toughness and personal development to "clean up the mess they made" if one has that attitude towards parenting.  Not everyone does it the same.

Also: this a tangential aside...I was asked in another thread about "dumping the dope".  It has zero to do with fringe-illicit drugs.  "The Dope" was Wayne DeNeff, a sportswriter for the Ann Arbor news in the Mid 80s (middle ages i know!) He ran a weekly mail-in contest where he picked 10-12 big ten games, to "dump the Dope" you had to pick more games correctly than him.  If you did so, you earned a maize-and-blue bumper sticker that came back to you in the mail.  I swear I still have one somewhere but at the same time I have yet to find it.


September 2nd, 2016 at 5:03 PM ^

I had forgotten all about dumping the dope, as it pertained to outguessing Wayne DeNeff, until just now.  I too, am a former dope dumper.  I think I beat him 3 times one year as a junior high kid.  Thought I was all that!!

Good times, those were.


September 2nd, 2016 at 5:02 PM ^

He is saying it's because of things going on back home and that's why he's going to Rutgers...Or he was suspended by Harbaugh for doing something inappropriate.  Tomato, tomahto.


September 2nd, 2016 at 5:04 PM ^

He was suspended by Harbaugh, but he chose Rutgers as his destination for that reason. Also, the issues going on at home could have possibly led to him being suspended here. Best of luck to the kid!


September 2nd, 2016 at 5:10 PM ^

I hope he regrets leaving Michigan and I hope Rutgers regrets picking him up. Still, best of luck to him and that he matres, grows up, and learns not to do whatever caused him to be suspended.


September 2nd, 2016 at 5:48 PM ^

Very glad this kid is no longer associated with the University of Michigan. Being a Michigan Man has got to mean something. I'll leave it at that.