What game in 2016 do you want to be the night game?

Submitted by ThadMattasagoblin on

PSU, Wisconsin or both? Hawaii? I'd go with Wisconsin if I was forced to choose since it should be a harder game than PSU and we already played Penn State under the lights.


December 23rd, 2015 at 12:15 PM ^

A) None of them. 3:30 should be the latest kickoff time.

B) If I had to choose one, it would be Colorado, because all B1G conference games should follow point A and Hawaii is not P5 and unworthy

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Stuck in Ohio

December 23rd, 2015 at 12:20 PM ^

Selfishly, none of them. It is a 3 1/2 hour drive to Ann Arbor for me for all home games. I don't want to stay in a hotel after the game. I worked at a golf resort once that had hotel rooms. I saw the aftermath of what happens to hotel rooms and I'm a germaphobe.


December 23rd, 2015 at 1:08 PM ^

* gets on soapbox/your lawn *

Noon or night.  3:30 absolutely sucks.  It just wrecks the whole day.  It's just like working the midday shift at the store.  Can't sleep in, main part of the day is booked, no time to do anything after. With noon you get it over with and have the whole rest of the day to do whatever.  With night, you get the feeling of buildup and the atmosphere, and when the night game is over, you're done! I will say though that I understand West Coasters preferring 3:30 because that is basically noon for them.

*gets off soapbox/ your lawn *

That said, Wisconsin should be the night game, if there is one.  Haven't played them since 2010 and they should be Wisconsinly decent like they have been lately.  

Hawaii and Colorado should be noon.  UCF, Maryland, and Indiana, too, for that matter.

Illinois will probably be 3:30 since it's homecoming, which is fine, I get that. Penn State will probably be 3:30 too, which again would be fine.


December 23rd, 2015 at 1:09 PM ^

I plan on attending the PSU game so that game has my vote.  The only Michigan I have ever attended was the 2010 Bowling Green game and am looking for maximum atmosphere this time around.  


I will be making a long weekend of the trip by arriving early Friday morning, taking in the sights and a volleyball game if one is available.  Or going to the Tigers v Royals game at Comerica.  Attending the game Saturday and Sunday to the Big House tour if that is still being offered.  


So, yeah, PSU would get my vote. 


December 23rd, 2015 at 1:26 PM ^

If I had to choose among the ones that the OP presented, then I would probably go with Wisconsin - that one seems like it would lend itself well to a night game from an atmosphere stand point. That being said, I am not stuck on the idea of needing to have a night game every year or even most years, for after all, there are some more night-worthy games than Wisconsin on the schedule in the coming years, I believe.


December 23rd, 2015 at 2:22 PM ^

My vote would be Penn State. My biggest consideration with night games is the behavior of the opposing fans. ND
and PSU fans can keep it classy. Sparty and buckeyes no way. I'm not sure about Wisconsin fans.

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December 23rd, 2015 at 9:12 PM ^

I don't want any night games ever.  I'll take as many noon games as possible.  Nothing better than tailgating after the game while traffic clears out.