OT: Anyone here with 14-18-y.o. kids? How do they spend their summers?

Submitted by dupont circle on

Little brother is in tenth grade, dreams of attending U-M, and just got into a selective five-week long summer boarding camp. I told parents he got a full scholarship to attend, which is half true (I'm paying what's left and his travel expenses). What I consider an awesome opportunity, my parents – well, our mom – are treating like it's some sort of punishment. I just think mom is going to miss her "baby" for half the summer. My brother would sit on the couch or by the pool all break on his iPhone if you let him, so I figured an camp (academic day, athletic afternoon, leisure night) would pay numerous dividends. Plus half the camp are girls his age from around the world, how is that punishment?

Perhaps I'm out of touch and there are better alternatives. What are your teenage children, younger siblings and cousins up to?


March 12th, 2015 at 5:24 PM ^

I'd personally find a camp like that punishment, but I was also one of those kids who wasn't very motivated or interested going outside of my own bubble.  Most of my high school summers were spent doing drinking/partying during the nights all summer long, a lot of pickup basketball, video games, summer league baseball every few days during the first part of summer, conditioning camp during the middle of summer, the football camp and then practice towards the end of summer.  As long as I was able to make time for options #1 and 2 on that list, I was happy.


March 12th, 2015 at 5:41 PM ^

I'm 19, a freshman at UofM currently. As soon as I had a license I spent my summers working about 30 hours a week, and then drinking and smoking too much weed with my friends whenever I wasn't working. But hey, I turned out just fine. It really just depends on the kid and their personality in my opinion.


March 12th, 2015 at 5:50 PM ^

As long as he embraces it. Imo you are right - your mom is worried about her "baby" not having a good time. But by 10th grade the time for lazy summers is over. This is something he could put on an early resume down the line to get a jump on college jobs and internships.


March 12th, 2015 at 5:55 PM ^

As a 17 year old last summer my son attended the MCORPP program which is run by UM's Cardiology Dept - it was a 2-week program that gave him first hand experience in a hospital setting and face time with doctors and medical students - while my son found it very interesting, and it yielded a letter of recommendation from the program director, his primary goal was to build his resume for his college apps (he also tutored at Mathnasium and went to South Africa for two weeks). The proof is in the pudding: he got into Cornell's College of Engineering, which was his first choice.


March 12th, 2015 at 7:18 PM ^

From 16 to graduation I worked a number of jobs all summer long. At 14 and 15 it was pretty much hanging out, having fun, and going to visit family around the country. Wonderful years them!

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Clarence Beeks

March 12th, 2015 at 7:29 PM ^

I don't think it's really relevant what you think or what your mom thinks. It matters a whole lot more what he thinks. It'll only be as good as he wants it to be.