
December 26th, 2014 at 11:43 AM ^

This was posted at least 4 days ago. Note the date of the interview. 

Things are definitely looking up, but with that said, I don't think Dotson is the type who would have any insider info. He just seems like a really excited Michigan fan/alum who is repeating the most positive information out there. Plus, him being a prof at a joke diploma mill like Cooley shouldn't inspire much confidence in anyone. 


December 26th, 2014 at 11:45 AM ^

Interesting how the narrative has flipped completely around from virtually everyone (me included) saying "he's not coming" to now where virtually everyone saying "he's coming" (also me included).

With this much smoke even sceptics like me have to admidt there's probably a fire.


December 26th, 2014 at 12:03 PM ^

saban to Tx lasted a wk, maybe. and was obviously staged by his agent to get him a nice fat new contract.

Harbaugh is for all intents and purposes a free agent, and this has gone on for far longer than the Sabam/ TX flirtation. in addition, this would be Harbaugh playing his alma mater, where his dad coached, and he grew up.. for money.

Either he is seriously considering UM, or he is someone that we wouldnt want around anyways, but he is in no way Saban in the TX flirtation/ AL stickup..


December 26th, 2014 at 12:15 PM ^

I am still not convinced that Harbaugh isn't playing Michigan for a better NFL opportunity. Listened to Mike and Mike this morning and one of their guests stated that Harbaugh was using Michigan to sweeten his opportunities with other NFL teams. In all honesty, if he does this then I never want to see his face again and I will cheer for him to have nothing but disaster in his future. He can come to Michigan and be as big as Bo or he can alienate himself from the school forever.


December 26th, 2014 at 12:27 PM ^

that is absurd. hust think about it i e moment. he is throwing UM and all his buddies under the bus to improve on a $48M offer? like it would take this level of activity to get the Jets or Raiders to add a few more mill? He would never be welcome in AA again and I cant image he would allow that to happen. He would have told The AD he is staying in th nfl so that we would have mullen or miles by now, and jim wiuld just play the jets off of the raiders off of the phins etc.

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the Glove

December 26th, 2014 at 12:52 PM ^

I completely agree. Mike and Mike have been nothing but assholes in this entire scenario and the fact that anybody takes the national media to heart is beyond me at this point. How many big-name ESPN or Fox Sports guys have been completely wrong on all of this? Hell three and a half weeks ago they said that Harbaugh already told michigan hell no and now they're all trying to lie and cover their own asses.


December 26th, 2014 at 2:43 PM ^

most of Jack's writing back high school.


The pissing match you're thinking of involved another writer who quoted Ian Gold.  Debate still rages on whether Gold was quoted properly.  He says he didn't say it, the writer to this day says he does.  At that time the LSJ published an aritcle based on a quote that Gold says was "off camera" in the hallway and it pissed of Sparty, because everything did back then too.  The writer wrote a story using the quote even though he didn't have it on tape.  Ultimately it was Ebling who allowed the quote to be published without the quote being on tape which meant they couldn't provide evidence Gold said what he did.

Michigan stood behind Gold and said the writer made it up. etc etc etc.




December 26th, 2014 at 4:40 PM ^

the context was wrong.


Gold feels he was misquoted because the whole quote wasn't used and described with the question asked.  Gold also felt he was asked a question in a casual conversation off the record.   The writer insists he didn't misqoute Gold, but in my opinion has never been genuine about completely using the quote wrong.


Anyway, Ebling sucks at writing still and the other guy still has job writing bad articles still.






December 26th, 2014 at 4:22 PM ^

Dotman wants to be a Michigan insider but mostly regurgitates information he reads on the 50 message boards he frequents.  Other than that he mostly throws shit against the wall to see what sticks.