OT Walking Dead

Submitted by cozy200 on
Well... Just in time for the mid season finale out season ends as well. Thoughts so far?

The middle of these recent episodes has been really slow and tonights show didnt add much for me really until the very end...

Do we see Alexandria next?


November 30th, 2014 at 10:47 PM ^

I really liked the first 3 seasons- but the 4th season really killed my interest. When the series began they seemed like average people trying to survive. By the end of the 4th season they morphed almost into a band of superheroes. 

Nothing is more boring than a superhero movie as the hero can never die. Rick or the main characters will never die- it loses a lot of suspense. Plus- all the old and average looking people are practically gone- they all seem like supermodels. Like those vampire soap operas.

As the kid (Carl) ages you become aware of time passing- it brings up a real problem- how in the hell can zombies go roaming for 3-4 years without much of a food supply? A little unreality is OK but now it seems so fantastic- zombies will be flying next. 

The series needs to break out of the same old, same old and develop a real plot other than surviving. 

And no, the fact that millions watch it doesn't mean its good- millions of folks are broke and fat too. 


November 30th, 2014 at 11:58 PM ^

Zombies don't actually digest any of the meat they eat, they just eat it, no one knows why (their stomachs were makin' the rumblies?). It's only been about 1.5-2 years since the whole thing started not 3-4 and zombies for some reason don't rot as fast as normal human bodies so it's perfectly plausible for them to still be around. And as for everyone looking like "supermodels," and their being no old or average people, those people are dead by now. The weak, sick, old and young always die first, only the strong or lucky are left. Any fat people that survived have lost that extra weight because of lack of food and constant exercise with having to move around so much. If anything the actors should look skinnier. As far as no important people dying, I don't think they are as safe as you think outside of Rick, Carl and Daryl and to a lesser extant Glenn and Maggie, I think anyone is up for grabs. They just build up deaths in this show into an event, they don't pull a Game of Thrones and pop people off whenever they please with no regard to lose ends left or anything which is their prerogative. Bottom line if you don't like the show don't watch it and don't berate the people that do.


December 1st, 2014 at 12:15 AM ^

"It's only been about 1.5-2 years since the whole thing started not 3-4"

Carl sure grows fast man- looks 4 years older to me!! 

"zombies for some reason don't rot as fast as normal human bodies so it's perfectly plausible for them to still be around"

Uh...you need energy to endlessly wander whether your rotting or not (rotting rots the walking muscles too BTW)

"And as for everyone looking like "supermodels," and their being no old or average people, those people are dead by now."

So plain looking people are less likely to survive than gorgeous people? 

"I don't think they are as safe as you think outside of Rick, Carl and Daryl and to a lesser extant Glenn and Maggie"

Pretty big group there

"Bottom line if you don't like the show don't watch it and don't berate the people that do."

I don't and I don't


December 1st, 2014 at 3:26 PM ^

Carl's real world aging is a problem for any TV show that has a kid on it that doesn't move at real time speed.   IIRC we're heading into year three in the show's time. 

and so is the relative prettiness of the cast...   Honestly I don't see why they are always so dirty though.   It seems clothes should be rather plentiful.   It's not like it was nuclear war.   go into town and grab some new shirts when you're rummaging through those cupboards for canned goods. 


December 1st, 2014 at 12:19 AM ^

This is the biggest flaw with zombie shows and movies. Throughout TWD they've encountered zombies in various states of decay. If a zombie's source of life is its brain, and no new zombies were introduced, then survivors just need to wait out the time it takes for a human brain to decay. Simple!

Mabel Pines

December 1st, 2014 at 8:09 AM ^

Or, you know, the fact that ZOMBIES AREN'T REAL! 

But, since I love all things zombie, real or not, I'll bite.  Even if their brain is alive, wouldn't their bodies just turn to jelly and squish down? 

I have also wondered why they chop everyone's heads off instead of just going for the legs, then they can't move.


December 1st, 2014 at 2:45 PM ^

but you need to be consistent in the rules you've set up or the premise collapses.    If they are driven to eat, it would indicate they NEED to eat.  

I think "28 days later" finally addressed that point.   Just get out of their way for a while and they'll all die of starvation. 

And with the head shot vs. chopping off legs; why bother  engaging them at all?  Save the ammo for the gangs of survivors looking to kill or rape or eat you.  in TWD universe the walkers can't move faster than a slow walk.   Why do anything but move away from them at a faster pace?   I get if there is a herd you'd need to chop through a few.... but in the average handful....like last night with the church.   oh.. they're in the church?   make some noise outside... jog a quarter mile, keeping them following...then sprint a few hundred feet over a slight rise, lose them and walk back to the church out of their sight as they shamble on down the road.  


December 1st, 2014 at 7:02 AM ^

Game of Thrones/George RR Martin definitely does not pop off main characters with no regard for the effect on the plot and other characters.  In fact, the entire Red Wedding is well foreshadowed and makes total sense.  As one writer wrote: "the Red Wedding was shocking, but I can't say it was surprising."  Same with the main character that died at the end of season one of Game of Thrones. 

There is no suspense with TWD because, like you said, you know they won't kill off Rick, Carl, Daryl, Glen or Maggie.  There used to be some suspense with them all, now it's clear that they are not going anyone, at least until further notice.

Fans of a show are allowed to be disappointed with the show.  And I don't see anyone here berating other fans.


November 30th, 2014 at 11:02 PM ^

It might be because I haven't really started watching full episodes weekly until this season but I didn't feel much because [redacted] instigated it by attacking. I understand why [redacted] did it but what did the character think was going to happen when [redacted] didn't leave peacefully. 

Yeah it would be better if the character were still alive but the character certainly wasn't completely innocent there. Great perfornance though and the nice thing is that when Walking Dead ends next spring that should take us right to Game of Thrones and seriously GRRM needs to finish this next book as always.

Should be a really great year for entertainment especially since Star Wars is starting back up again. If we get Harbaugh things will be really fantastic. 

Perkis-Size Me

November 30th, 2014 at 11:08 PM ^

Really liked this season so far, but I can't say I didn't see something like tonight's ending coming. Either way, it was a good mid season finale, and overall, in back on track with liking the show,

The 4th season, minus the few episodes with the governor, were pretty bad and almost killed my interest. The show hasn't really been as good for me since probably season 2. Maybe season 3.

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November 30th, 2014 at 11:11 PM ^

I have been great at predicting much of this season compared to being way wrong in the past. I still very much enjoy the show even when I see things coming. The Terminus story was awesome, as was Daryl and Carol. My real complaint is that not enough characters in Rick's group learn lessons fast enough. After being in Terminus and seeing what those people were capable of doing to Bob, I find it very challenging to believe Sasha would be duped by another outsider like Officer Lamson in such a stupid way. That part of the story felt insulting to me as a viewer. Rick handled it how I would expect.

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December 1st, 2014 at 9:01 AM ^

Yes. The writers wanted us to believe that Sasha would readily believe this was Bob 2.0. I'm just not buying that after Terminus Sasha would fall so quickly. Even if she believed his story to go take his walker buddy out she could have followed much safer protocols to protect her own head.

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December 1st, 2014 at 11:38 AM ^

is that even after Terminus some members of the group in general want to maintain some form of humanity.  I think you can see this in sasha's trust of the story that was well thought out.  There is a lot of deception in this new world and you have to have very good intuition to wade through the mess.  

When sasha was talking to her brother about how he had not changed and that was good for him.  She mentioned that she could not go back to who she was.  Basically saying that she had changed forever.  Terminus and being a bit gullible with the cop's story.  Who knows what we will see going forward.  I would have thought Rick would win the group over by saying we need to go into the hospital and clean house.  Daryl and others convinced his more diplomatic approach.  Which obviously left them with a family member dying.  Even after all they have done, there seems to be no end to tough choices one would have to make in that kind of world!  

My 2 cents

Go Blue!


November 30th, 2014 at 11:27 PM ^

It really slows up and spends time developing the wrong characters at times. Last seasons finale was awesome but the middle was rough. Watching the gov turn into Bryan and then back into the Gov was really boring.

Probably by design. Feed us enough boring plot development and whatever we see at the end we love?

I'll always watch just like I always watched lost... I now know though it could all end very badly. I will always be gun shy thanks to lost.


November 30th, 2014 at 11:43 PM ^

Apparently from what I've read on various message boards, the second half of this season in February should be a bit more action packed with the group back together. I feel like they've really stopped developing some characters, such as Glenn and Maggie.

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December 1st, 2014 at 3:51 PM ^

Friday night I went to the Detroit Pisons game (free tix from my cousin who works for a doc).  Awesome seets on the first row of the bleacher section behind the basket on the Pistons side.  Anyway I crowd/people watch and saw a big dude out of the corner of my eye and somewhat followed him.  Just as I turned my head to watch play my eyes saw a face and my subconscious tracked it down.  It was Stephen Yeun (Glen) and I did a double take and saw this dude take a pic with him.  

I then plotted how I could get a pic with him and finally did.  

Edit:  It has taken me two hours to try to get this pic uploaded.  I have to begin teaching my afternoon classes.  I will attempt later


Edit #2: I suppose i just cannot figure out how to embed the pic???  Sad face


November 30th, 2014 at 11:51 PM ^

Ever realize how Rick and his group always mess everything up for whatever surviving group they come across? The farm, the prison, the governor's city, the church, terminus (granted they were evil but still survivors), and now the hospital. I would argue that Rick and his group are actually the bad guys in the show.


December 1st, 2014 at 12:16 AM ^

with your premise (they mess everything up in these places), I might agree with the conclusion.

However, the premise is hard to support-

Farm - The huge herd was going to hit the farm. They didn't cause that, and no way on earth that Herschel and his family could have survived at all.

Prison - Yes, the prisoners were alive inside the prison. For how much longer, I don't know. Yes, they did all die. I find it hard to say that Rick and the group were directly responsible for all their deaths. They made an effort to integrate the non-psychotics, and did integrate two of them.

Governor - The governor started and pushed a war, and he killed more of his people than Rick's group. It's impossible to say Rick's group were at fault here, IMO.

Terminus - Uh, what?

Hospital - IMO, they took as close to as civilized an approach as you could take to a situation where someone is holding two of your friends prisoner. Rick shouldn't have hit the guy with the car - IMO, that was his most questionable act in the whole show.

But I just don't see support for your premise, or not much.



December 1st, 2014 at 12:10 PM ^

I liked the first half of this season a lot. Season 4 had some strong moments too, but good stuff so far. Does anyone watch person of interest? That show is really good, up there with game of thrones and Hannibal as a favorite of mine.