
November 29th, 2014 at 3:29 PM ^

Everyone who talks about feeling bad for Brady needs to be quiet. It's like any other job, he didn't get it done. I don't care that this is his dream job. Gotta get it done on the field. 


November 29th, 2014 at 3:33 PM ^

He's a millionaire and - if he wants - he'll get another coaching job somewhere, even if it's at a smaller school.  He's had a more comfortable life than 99.9% of people on this planet will ever know.  I have never understood the need some people have to moan about how sad it is that these guys get fired.  Look around at the suffering in this world and funnel your sympathies somewhere more worthwhile.


November 29th, 2014 at 3:34 PM ^

Everyone who talks about feeling bad for Brady needs to be quiet. It's like any other job, he didn't get it done. I don't care that this is his dream job. Gotta get it done on the field. 


November 29th, 2014 at 3:37 PM ^

Brady, to to pack your shit. Hackett get on the phone now. I don't want to see hoke on Monday or his crappy ass good for nothing shit storm of a useless fucking staff.

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