
September 29th, 2014 at 5:16 PM ^


Please hear my prayers today.  I don't ask you for much, but if I could humbly request that story be the truth then you can scratch that helicopter that I asked for around lunch.



September 29th, 2014 at 5:16 PM ^

I'm going to throw this out here right now, since there are likely a bunch of Regents reading this:  If Dave Brandon is fired by the end of this year I'm going to donate to the AD and buy season tickets next year.  Raback it.


September 29th, 2014 at 5:17 PM ^

Has there ever been an AD change midway through a football season at Michigan? 

I can understand a head coach being let go if he has completely lost control of his program, however, I've never heard of an AD being let go midseason. 

Don't get me wrong, i would love to get either of these guys. 


September 29th, 2014 at 5:17 PM ^

can't we just fire brandon now?  have an interim AD and one of these guys lined up quickly.  but getting rid of brandon would be so uplifting.

turd ferguson

September 29th, 2014 at 5:20 PM ^

What's this feeling inside me?  Happiness?

I honestly believe that DB is giving Schlissel an amazing welcome gift: an opportunity to cut ties with an immensely unpopular athletic director.  This reminds me of this past summer when Adam Silver did the obvious thing by coming down hard on Donald Sterling (another public villain) and then was credited as being courageous and bold in his first days on the job.  

Schlissel has an opportunity to define and endear himself to a big group of stakeholders right now just by doing a pretty damn obvious thing.  Do it, Mark.

turd ferguson

September 29th, 2014 at 5:24 PM ^

Is there anyone who thinks we should keep DB?  I don't think I remember a single post from the past few days saying that we should hang on to him.

If you'll indulge me, could anyone who thinks we should keep DB please either respond to this post or neg it?  I'm really curious about the numbers.  

(Arguments for keeping him are obviously welcome, and I hope anyone who is willing to make such an unpopular case is treated respectfully.)

Blue Balls Afire

September 29th, 2014 at 5:38 PM ^

I'm not sure I'm totally in the Keep-DB camp, but I have a feeling I'm more ambivalent about it than most.  The litmus test I've used when evaluating DB is, If Michigan is winning, would I give a shit about what DB just did?  For the most part, no, I wouldn't care, but for one thing . . . his treatment of the students and pricing of student tickets.  Most everrything else--changing uniforms, rock music piped in, constant 'branding,' etc--I can sorta live with and can even get behind some of them if Michigan is 11-2 and beating State and Ohio.  He's brought in surplusses to the department and invested in facilities that will benefit the Athletic Department for years to come.  As for his two biggest decisions, firing RR and hiring Hoke, I was okay with at the time of each as I think many here were if they're being honest with him/herself now.  

It's clear the Athletic Department is going to undergo some changes.  I'm no DB apologist, nor a Hoke apologist for that matter, but it has always been clear to me that both had the school's best interest in mind with every decision they made.  Their decisions didn't work out and they're going to pay the price, but I can't in good conscience question either's integrity.


September 29th, 2014 at 5:41 PM ^

I know of people who claim they think Brandon is a good AD because he "makes a lot of money for the University".


I personally think that the WAY Brandon makes money is extremely short-sighted, as he alienates everyone in the process, thus ensuring that they won't be around the next time he comes looking for cash.   So sure, it works at first, but I don't think it is sustainable in the long run.  I.E. typical Wall-Street CEO think.  Do whatever it takes to make the stock price go up--get your bonus, and head for the exits as quickly as possible without thinking about the long-term health of the company. 


September 29th, 2014 at 5:45 PM ^

I don't think we should at all, but I suppose the proposed argument is that the temporary revenue increase that he's generated has gone towards funneling tons of money into other, underpresented sports that give student athletes in non revenue sports significantly better facilities and opportunities. 

Again, I don't think he should be kept around, because I think that this temporary revenue increase has come at the expense of alienating his entire future revenue base, making the model unsustainable.

But that's the best argument I've heard. 

The Wolf

September 29th, 2014 at 6:05 PM ^

First, I welcome the second Dave Brandon is fired and Michigan begins to move forward with this circus the football team has become.

That being said, I will wager a guess and perhaps say that some of the non-revenue sports teams/players will be sad to see him go.  The one thing, as mentioned above, that Dave Brandon was successful at during his tenure was making money and then applying that widely to the schools other sports programs (or at least laying the foundations, for the time being).  However, I think it's also fair to compare the way in which he was able to garner these surpluses and their long-term effect on the Michigan "brand" (killing the golden goose, if you will).  But, I would think that at least some other Michigan athletes may be sad to see him go and perhaps have their shiny new facilities in doubt?

I'd love to hear from someone who is...or is a family member of a current Michigan athlete, etc.


September 29th, 2014 at 5:25 PM ^

I'm sure Schlissel and the Regents are well aware of how bad everything is going right now. Just from a PR move theyre almost going to have clean house, aside from the thousands of other reasons to clean house already


September 29th, 2014 at 5:28 PM ^

obviously things are happening.

Here is my favored scenario:


1. Brandon fired.

2. Hoke fired.

3. Nuss retained as interim coach.  This is a defacto job interview for the head coaching position and keeps some stability for the team.  Hopefully Mattison stays, as well, through the end of the year.

4. New AD is scouring the country for a list of the best possible candidates to replace Hoke.  In the meantime, Nuss has an opportunity to win the job.  If he gets us to a bowl game and shows advancement, then we may have our new coach.  

5. After the OSU game, if Nuss has performed a miracle, we have our new coach, if not a strong list of replacements is available for immediate consideration.  If it's not Nuss, a big splash will be key.  Spending money should not be an issue. We need that to dig out of this PR nightmare and show the recruits we are serious. 

Forget the "Michigan Man" crap.  Hire the best coach available.  If it's either Harbaugh, awesome, if not, doesn't matter.  Just get it right this time.

Always a fan of those kids.  

We will get through doubt...have faith.  Go Blue!




September 29th, 2014 at 5:45 PM ^

Even if Brandon is fired tomorrow and one of these guys hired the next day, they aren't going to start this week. Hell, they may even finish the year. My guess is that those who want hoke fired, me included, based in football performance, nothing else, a new AD hired this late in the year will probably wait a year.

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