Meta: On Moderation

Submitted by vbnautilus on

Well it has been almost two weeks since the moderation system floated to the top of the page and then disappeared completely. During this time of great hardship I have learned to appreciate what I had in the past, and how important a moderation system is to a board like this. I have come to realize in its absence, how much I relied upon it. These days I have no mechanism at my disposal to avoid reading posts that lack insight, posts that contain grammatical errors, and those that are simply not funny. I am at a complete loss in identifying the currenty popular opinions in order to align myself with them; I can barely identify bandwagons to jump on to, and my motivation to post is at an all time low. How am I, a simple blog reader, to singlehandedly separate the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats, in each individual thread?

If I look back at when this feeling began, I can trace it back more than two years to April 27th, 2011 when Brian first implemented the slashcomments system, effectively limiting the rainbow spectrum of communal expression to a palette of 5 basic colors. Trips to Darkest Bolivia were replaced with the less ominous "-1", and posts that inspired rolling laughter were now simply "Funny". There was much protest, but we continued on, and made do.

At certain moments it seemed that our respected leader was on the verge of delivering us back to the promised land. For instance, in October of 2012 he wrote to us:

I am planning a move to Drupal 7 as soon as it is feasible and will be starting that process as soon as the OSU game ends. Unfortunately, that process is going to take a while because some critical modules are still not updated. So the site will remain static until then; when I move to 7 the full glory of pos/negbangs will return. Prepare thy anus.

Nearly a year later our anuses remained at the ready, when things instead took a turn for the worse, and our 5 remaining colors faded to total blackness. All I can say is that during these difficult times we must stick together and keep on posting. We will post not in an ordered hierarchy of merit, rather we will post in a chaotic soup of equality, but we will post nonetheless. I have hope that one day this board will rise again, that one day excellent posts will again receive their rightful level of exaltation, and that terrible posts by trolls will be driven down depths of derision that they deserve. I have hope.


August 19th, 2013 at 6:35 PM ^

The one thing I will point out is that with the most recent, yet now-defunct system that is meant to hide trolling comments and such, people would usually also neg comments simply because they disagreed with the point being made, often times not even replying or countering the opinion. This was a very irritating habit that was never really addressed.


August 19th, 2013 at 7:26 PM ^

Seldom does a worthy post remain hidden. It may be in the red for a short time due to the actions of one or two people. If it was worth reading, other people will normally come along and breathe life into it. If it remains hidden, there is generally a message there. Of course, if it is my post, then all of those malcontents, misogamists and ne'er-so-wells are just wrong.


August 19th, 2013 at 6:52 PM ^

Dear Leader has blessed us with his grace and removed the shackles of our filthy capitalist points system. Add this to the list of his undying exploits! The proletariat is now truly equal, and together we shall transcend our base animal impulses and improve as internet-commenters. The fate of the motherland depends on it!

I take the opportunity to abase myself in the presence of Dear Leader. As it is through him that we shall reach the higher plane, and it is through him that my comments may float upon the heavens that is the internet, which was invented by Dear Leader after he shot a hole-in-one on a par-5.

Creedence Tapes

August 19th, 2013 at 7:00 PM ^

I say rise up comrades, and Occupy MGoBlog. Lets post a thread demanding a point system every single day until this is addressed. Bring back the points! We will not be denied. 


August 19th, 2013 at 7:23 PM ^

The OP is mad because he can't avoid threads he finds annoying or posts that he doesn't like?

On the regular I bypass threads because they have nothing I am interested in. I usually can tell a post is for me or not within the first 3 or 4 words.

Lets get real 65% come to talk Michigan sports, 20% come to rip on Ohio as a state and OSU as a program. And the rest come to post about grammar and whatever else they can post a cute picture about to seem witty.


August 19th, 2013 at 7:34 PM ^

I have spoken with Fearless Leader about this issue, and I can confirm that both the restoration of voting and the site upgrade are still in the works. The voting thing might return at ANY MOMENT, but the site upgrade might not happen for a while. 

As a bonus, though, the site upgrade will probably skip Drupal 7 completely and move directly to Drupal 8. For those who aren't technological savvy, just know that Drupal 8 is one full Drup better than Drupal 7.


August 19th, 2013 at 7:51 PM ^

Y'all should have been around during Haloscan days.

Not only could you not plus or minus anything, half the time you weren't even sure what the goddamn topic was that was being argued.


August 19th, 2013 at 8:02 PM ^

I thought about a thread just for the pic but decided this was good enough. How would you like to be a DB and see him catch a ball in stride?


August 19th, 2013 at 8:14 PM ^

Board in the "old days", though I think that with the aforementioned "old system", I would + and - more posts, and post more myself.

Ty Butterfield

August 20th, 2013 at 1:27 AM ^

I was afraid to post as much under the old system because I feared a massive negbang. I would take more time when posting comments to make sure they actually made sense. I do think the old system limited massive freak outs like the post scrimmage thread. I don't think I have ever witnessed so many people worry about the weight of one player in the whole time I have been frequenting MGoBlog.


August 19th, 2013 at 8:34 PM ^

I will always have mixed emotions about full-fledged, no-limit "peer moderation," because it is reminiscent of "Lord of the Flies," but it is necessary to keep trolls at bay.  The two situations in which I don't like seeing wholesale negging, though, are when someone reports bad news and people "shoot the messenger," or when someone's well-thought, non-inflammatory, honest opinion is trashed because someone doesn't agree with it. 


August 19th, 2013 at 8:54 PM ^

but I still love the "old", "wild west" comment system.

Sure there was some group think (although often people cried "groupthink" whenever they posted an unpopular comment) & how you phrase your dissention can limit your negging.

But some of the pos-bangs were epic.  They created MGoMemes, and ultimately fostered a sense of community that most other blogs (and certainly sport-oriented ones) can only dream of.

I actually think the community aspect of the forums are so valuable a commodity that I'm surprised a smart guy like Brian hasn't given it a higher priority.

but what do I know, I'm just a pasty quadraped.