OT: Unbelievable, a Pet Wolverine,

Submitted by San Diego Mick on March 16th, 2021 at 9:51 PM

Hi guys, my GF loves to watch veterinary shows like Dr. Pol, well she came across one on National Geographic Channel called Dr. Oakley Yukon Vet.

On the latest episode that aired 3/13/21, last Saturday, this guy has a pet Wolverine he's had since it was a baby and as an adult it had a lump on it's side that the vet had to excise. 

Before getting the anesthesia shot, the guy was playing with it and the Wolverine loves it when he gets his gums rubbed, I couldn't believe what I was watching. You have to see it to believe it.

I checked to see if the episode is being shown again but it's not, maybe one of you more savvy guys can find it on YouTube and post it, the episode is titled:

"Don't Be Mean, Wolverine "

Just wanted to share this info as we are fascinated and obsessed with the glorious Wolverine!


March 16th, 2021 at 10:05 PM ^

The show is on Disney+ I think.

Also an FYI re: Dr Pol. I hate to bust your balls (er, your girlfriend's balls, I guess) but countless vets around the country have tried to petition National Geographic to have him removed from the airwaves. He has had multiple complaints against his license and been placed on probation a handful of times.



March 16th, 2021 at 10:18 PM ^

I can confirm - my wife (veterinarian) and all her friends (also veterinarians) are appalled by Dr. Pol and his quality of medicine/care. He's had his license suspended because of it (and lost in the Michigan Court of Appeals when he tried to overturn his suspension). She loves Dr. Oakley though and says if she wasn't married she'd go out there to work with her. One of the techs she worked with in the past also worked for Dr. Oakley for a season.


March 16th, 2021 at 10:22 PM ^

Somebody on here really loves Dr. Pol with all of the downvotes.

FYI - the Court of Appeals opinion on Dr. Pol: https://law.justia.com/cases/michigan/court-of-appeals-unpublished/2019…

"In this case, a viewer of respondent’s television program took issue with the manner in which respondent performed an ovariohysterectomy procedure on a dog and filed an administrative complaint with petitioner. After an investigation, the Attorney General, on behalf of petitioner, filed a complaint, alleging that respondent’s behavior constituted negligence under MCL 333.16221(a) and incompetence under MCL 333.16221(b)(i). The factual basis for the complaint was that respondent (1) failed to intubate the dog or place an intravenous catheter in the dog during the surgical procedure, (2) failed to use an electronic monitoring device during the procedure, (3) failed to request assistance finding the dog’s uterus during the procedure, and (4) failed to wear a surgical cap, mask, and gown during the procedure. After the complaint was filed, petitioner received an additional complaint from a horse’s owners, alleging that, in the course of treating alaceration on the horse’s left hip, respondent failed to wear surgical gloves and reduce the hair surrounding the wound."


March 17th, 2021 at 9:00 AM ^

The requirement to get a show on the History Channel these days seems to be "must reference something historical, or be something that could eventually be considered history to someone, somewhere"

  • Assembly Required (Tool Time?)
  • Swamp People (these people live in swampy areas)
  • Alone (go live in the woods by yourself for a few months)
  • Mountain Men (these people already live in the woods mostly by themselves)

That said, I think Alone is a cool show and some contestants have had to to deal with Wolverines raiding their food cache.


March 16th, 2021 at 11:13 PM ^

Keep watching for the three balled (more like 2.5) reindeer.  A little too much excitement from all the women, if you ask me.

Clarence Boddicker

March 17th, 2021 at 12:11 AM ^

Well, I've decided to name my new children's book Unbelievable, A Pet Wolverine. The plot: A boy befriends a baby wolverine and raises it as a pet he names Unbelievable. His mom and dad and big sister certainly can't believe it! Everything is great until a year later when Unbelievable, now fully grown, eats the child's face off.


March 17th, 2021 at 8:30 AM ^

I'm not completely surprised that a wolverine can be raised as a pet - provided said wolverine was rescued as a wee infant and largely raised from birth.  It's going to be a one-person pet - no transferrable business practices here!  Nonetheless, as it gets older, its wild nature will become more prominent.  Same as the big cats that are cuddly cute when little, but eventually grow up to eat your face off if you're not uber-careful around them at all times.

Good in your house and friendly, but still wild.


March 17th, 2021 at 12:47 PM ^

I had a garden shed that the former owner left, and it was outside the main backyard fence, so i put him in it with doors open... was worried he would venture back into back yard, fearing dog would get it.  A summer went by and never saw him again, I think he made it, hung around the trees, and then tormented my dog as an adult.


March 18th, 2021 at 12:48 PM ^

That sounds like a terrible idea but if you raise a wild animal from birth with love they usually see you as family and won’t attack. But they are totally liable to at any time, because they’re wild...I have my wolverine taxidermied; much safer.


July 1st, 2021 at 11:29 AM ^

I wouldn't have a wolverine as a pet. This animal is by nature a wild predator, which can be extremely dangerous and unpredictable. I'd rather get myself a cute French bulldog whose reliability and loyalty I will be sure of. I advise you to GO HERE in order to read more information about this breed of dog.