OT: Happy Lunar New Year

Submitted by ann.arbor.lover on January 31st, 2022 at 8:52 AM

Today is Lunar New Year's Eve and tomorrow (Feb 1) will be the first day of the Year of the Tiger. A big happy Lunar New Year to MGoFans of East Asian descent! 

What will you be eating tonight? My household will have a feast with Boston flavors: Lobster and sausage fried sticky rice, slow braised pork, pan fried grey sole, some sort of shellfish, some sort of beef (haven't decided either yet), and homemade dumplings to wrap up the day [pun intended]. And the whole family will be wearing something red. 

(Note - I haven't yet met anyone who knows how the lunar calendar works, but somehow calculating the date of the Lunar New Year has some remarkable similarity that of to date of Easter.) 

Booted Blue in PA

January 31st, 2022 at 9:10 AM ^

Easter is considered a Lunar Holiday..... it falls on the sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox.

I was told this by an Army Chaplin about 30 years ago.  He said its the 'most mobile' holiday on the calendar.   

I never looked it up to verify, figured if anyone should know, he should.

Happy Lunar New Year.....   we will probably throw a couple steaks from XM farms on the grill, my taste buds have started coming back around....  


January 31st, 2022 at 12:05 PM ^

The Hebrews will adjust their calendars (add a month every so many years) so that the Fall Feasts always occur in the fall.  They use the sighting of a new moon after the fall equinox to keep things aligned in their lunar calendar.  In doing so, the date for a feast changes, but not the season.  

The Muslims don't adjust their calendars while following the moon cycles, which is why Ramadan moves into different seasons.


January 31st, 2022 at 9:40 AM ^

No happy Lunar New Years for those of us not of East Asian descent?? /s

I love America, we get to celebrate virtually every holiday of any culture in the world and not feel the slightest amount of guilt that we do. And we get all the foods too!


January 31st, 2022 at 9:57 AM ^


Does this mean that the Tigers win the World Series?  Or, the Tigers make it back to the College Football Playoffs?  So many Tigers to choose from...


January 31st, 2022 at 12:54 PM ^

Likely.  Such conversations are usually followed by my wife asking if I've paid my quarterly life insurance premium. 

As a side note, I hear Robert Shaw in Jaws whenever I see that word.  

"You see this? Now I can't extend that, do you know why? Get to the semi-final, celebrating my third wife's demise, big Chinese fella, he pulled me right over"


January 31st, 2022 at 11:12 AM ^

Gung Hay Fat Choy, peeps!

Probably not doing anything too extravagant since I don't have any family nearby. I have a fish and ginger noodle recipe I've been honing, so I might bust that out since noodles are a traditional CNY dish.

One other thing I might do to celebrate is sneak into the zoo to steal one of their tigers and set it loose in the Woody Hayes building.