Harbaugh overtakes Meyer in Twitter Followers

Submitted by EastCoast Esq. on

Since we are in the slowest of slow periods (Favorite Sound? Seriously?), this qualifies as news.

Coach Harbaugh has officially overtaken Coach Bucknut in Twitter followers. Hopefully some of those followers are recruits that think it would be pretty cool to play for such an enthusiastic guy.


Well, it happened. @CoachJim4UM with 267.8K followers, @OSUCoachMeyer with 262.7K followers. That didn't take long.

— Maize & Blue Nation (@MaizeBlueNation) May 14, 2015


May 14th, 2015 at 1:31 PM ^

Now we just need him to start working on overtaking him in he number of National Championships and we'll be on our way. This is a huge first step though, I'm so proud! /s

Avon Barksdale

May 14th, 2015 at 3:59 PM ^

Until that "Mark Pantoni" assistant intern from Ohio State posts something like, "Thought of the day" with another national championship photo. It was funny the first time. But his inferiority complex has started to rival that of Dantonio's little man syndrome.