
February 28th, 2018 at 7:22 PM ^

is “perceived assault” a silly term? It is my estimation that 50% or more of alleged sexual assaults are honestly a matter of perception between parties. I think it is probably wise for most men to assume that simply because a woman consents to sex, that she is not asking to get the full business that the handyman gives to “Misty the housewife” in “Sex Goddess 2 - the Final Impact.” I think these questions are getting at what the parties are expecting from a sexual encounter. Particularly coming after the recent assault allegations against Corley et. al., where one of the key issues appears to be when consent began and where it ended.

In reply to by ijohnb


February 28th, 2018 at 8:14 PM ^

I perceive your comment as assault. So . . . Now what? Lets just throw objective truth and definitions out the window. There is only perception! Its silly because something as serious as assault should be clearly defined under the law so that a standard of proof can be determined and violators prosecuted. Goi g to the authorities woth your preceptions is dangerous. You might ruin somebody that isnt guilty of assault bc you perceived their actions as such. Alternatively you might not percieve actual assault as assault and suffer unnecessarily. Peoples are bad remembering events and can be unreliable. So are thete perceptions


March 1st, 2018 at 9:25 AM ^

is reality, there is no “objective” truth when two or more parties are involved in an activity. That is precisely why the issue is so complicated.  A person can only go to authorities with their own perceptions, it is up to the police and prosecutors to decide on their perception of the truth.


March 1st, 2018 at 1:22 PM ^

So the moon doesn't exist unless I perceive it? It comes down to your definitions of reality and truth and what line of philosophy your adhere to I suppose.  I would say there is an objective reality that we interact with as humans and koalas through our senses, emotions, experiences, and we create our own model of reality that allows us to survive in the environment we exist.  There are different types of truth's about humans and organisms that exist in this reality that are so old and so engrained in our DNA and evolution that they are simply unavoidable. For example, science and mathematics are pretty good add showing and measuring objective reality and what is (1+1 =2, these chemicals added make this other chemical).  Philosphy and religion are often not great at facts, but are good at showing a different type of truths about human nature and ultimately what is good or bad for the practical functioning of the species. The closer your model is to truth the better off your gonna be. Humans are inherently biased unreliable at the individual level which is why we've developed clearly defined and agreed upon laws and a system for gathering evidence and facts when it comes to crime.  It's what governs our behavior and makes us civilized and able to function on a society withh all types of people with different cultures and and beliefs, etc.  It's really a beautiful thing.

When it comes to sexaul assault there are clearly defined laws that explain what is and what isn't sexual assualt.  A person can percieve that something is sexual assault all day long until their blue in the face, but if they can't present enough evidence and support for their claim to convince a jury and judge that it occurred, their perception is useless.  Truth is what matters and hopefully we get as close as possible to it.  Sometimes people are convicted of things thehy didn't do, because like I said, humans and koalas are unreliable creatures.  Perhaps we are saying the same thing. If a man and woman are engaging in sexual activity and then the woman suddenly changes her mind at the last second before climax and it's too late did she get assaulted/raped?  She might percieve this as rape and all the evidence is there and the guy would be at a major disadvantage if in a world where only her perceptions were relied upon.  This is why truth and facts matter and why reality for practical purposes matters.  Sex is a big deal and we've made it a causal thing when historically for thousands of years it was not.  The stakes were too high.  Our casual view of sex is not "true" in a evolutionary sense in my opinion and is removing the personable responsibility aspect of sex for both parties and opening the door for all kinds of weird interpretations of what it should be and is and isnt that are clashing.  I think this is why we're seeing the #me2 movement and all this issues being exposed.  Some of which is awesome  like exposing true abusers and some of which is bad like accusing folks who have not comitted assault.  We don't really know how to handle all this since all these changes around sex have only happened in relativley recent human and koala history. The notion that everything is perception means there are in theory an infinite number of ways to interpret something.  This is dangerous because it's literally true (as in people do perceive things ina million different ways), however only a few or maybe only one interpretation is often true or accurate in the sense that it will provide a useful and desired outcome for the betterment of the person and humnanity and can be applicable across time.  I say the time aspect bc if its different tomorrow and the next day then its not true in the sense that I've described. 


February 28th, 2018 at 2:56 PM ^

What about suffocating on a vagina?  This seems pretty sexist to excluded.  Not everyone identifies with having these parts either.  I'd like to see the all the questions to ensure they are inclusive to all.  


February 28th, 2018 at 5:22 PM ^

What they dont care if you ejaculated on the face of someone who was born a man but identifies as a woman? This poll is anti trans.