Grant Perry gets 12 Month Probation

Submitted by BlueCube on

Here is the Detroit News article which says he was sentenced under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act meaning the felony will be dropped if he completes his probation without incident. His court records will remain sealed so we aren't going to find out anything more.



Per the Lansing State Journal



His attorney says he's fighting to keep his scholarship. The interesting thing is this

Assistant Ingham County Prosecutor Christina Johnson called Perry's actions a "crime of arrogance, entitlement and power," though she said she doesn't believe there was a sexual intent in what he did.



Edited to add Detroit News Link


August 5th, 2017 at 12:55 PM ^

the Court could not collabrate her story with any witnesses. They were in a crowded line outside a bar with plenty of potential withesses including her friends, so not one person stood up to support her allegations? That makes her story very hard to believe.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:07 PM ^

I think you have to be a little careful there, because charges get dropped or reduced all the time. Just because the fourth degree SA charges were dropped doesn't mean he did not in fact do what the victim described. I guess we'll never know. But the end part of the prosecutors statement even admits she thinks there wasn't sexual intent. So I'm not sure what new information we learned today.


August 4th, 2017 at 10:51 PM ^

The allegation that she was sexually assaulted. There are no other statements supporting that that I've seen, and the way the case was handled and the words of the prosecutor and judge suggest the allegation of sexual assault isn't a fact. I wasn't there if that's what you're asking though. Why don't you ask the same question of those who have rushed to judge him as some kind of sex offender?


August 4th, 2017 at 11:22 PM ^

First of all, that's only one allegation. Not allegations as you said originally. Second of all, I haven't noticed anyone else claim with such authority that they know whether her statement is true or not. There are certainly people that indicate that they believe her more than Perry, but I would argue that's because people are less likely to randomly acuse someone of groping them than people are to lie about their innocence even when guilty. I wasn't there and I have no idea what happened either, and for the record, based on my parsing of the facts, I don't personally think Perry was sexually assaulting the girl. It sure sounds like he was being a fucking asshole though, and I'm not about to diminish how his actions affected the victim.


August 4th, 2017 at 4:57 PM ^

This doesn't change my previous thought any regarding whether he should be back. I don't think he should, and I find it embarrassing he played against OSU last year.

Year of Revenge II

August 4th, 2017 at 5:08 PM ^

He would qualify for a starting job at Alabama.

Seems like a pretty severe consequence in this partcular case for him to have more consequences than the criminal conviction.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:16 PM ^

I've been affected by sexual assault as much as most, and what he allegedly did is inexcusable. With that said, I'm also a believer that those who break the law should serve their sentences and then be permitted to be accepted back into society. I've seen too many convicts who do their time, but then end up back on the streets unemployable and subject to ongoing discrimination when they are nothing like the person who committed the crime, often decades before. Particularly when you are talking about a young person whose first, stupid action was to drink too much.

I take seriously the victim's statement and perspective. I also take seriously the need, not only to punish, but to reform. Personally, I'd suspend him for the period of his sentence. After that, it depends on what is good for him, the team and society.

And if you think punishing him more will keep others from doing the same, the evidence for that is slim indeed, from what I can tell.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:17 PM ^

He shouldn't be on the team or on scholarship while on probation. If he gets through a year focusing on improving himself and just being a student (which would mean nearly two years of no incidents as this occurred last fall), then I could see him as having earned his way back. Or he could just be removed from the team now. It's certainly near the same level of what LTT did, in my opinion, so kicking him off the team is certainly justifiable based on precedent.


August 4th, 2017 at 6:40 PM ^

Idk about worse, but we have the benefit of hindsight for LTT. The guy took responsibility for his actions, made things right with the victim, got his degree, and kept his nose clean while being a productive member of society.  

Perry has every chance to do the same thing, and seems to have an easier road. Unfortunately, this is fresh news and we won't be able to adequately evaluate him for some time. He has a great opportunity to prove himself now though. How he handles himself from here on out will speak more than any statement made in court.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:19 PM ^

I do find it interesting how the general feelings have changed when we have had the facts for some time. It seems that the general consensus is this is worse than multiple DUI's


August 4th, 2017 at 5:22 PM ^

I'm in favor of releasing if only we don't have to hear about what happened anymore. Same reason i don't watch police dramas or any of that, don't need other's drama wrapped up in the sport I watch to relax, sorry that happened to the girl, it's horrendous but lets just not hear about it anymore.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:28 PM ^

care, neg away or ban me if your want... I think she is full of shit. They were argueing about him cutting in line and he supposedly grabbed her butt and rubbed her crotch from behind?  If he did do that than he is a scumbag. My reasoning for not believing her story is it takes a seriously deranged fuck to be fighting with a girl you don't know, and start rubbing her crotch right there in some sort of act of power/abuse. Grabbing or smacking her but is messed up but her story makes him out to be a phsyco IMO.. it's just not as easy to beleive as he did something messed up to her and she hates him so of course she exxagerated the story to police.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:48 PM ^

This guy gets it. Just because someone takes a plea deal doesn't mean they are even admitting guilt. There's a case, Alford v. North Carolina, that sets precedent to allow a person to take a plea deal without admitting they committed a crime, but instead are willing to accept punishment because they believe the risk of conviction at trial (and there is always that risk) is not a risk they are willing to take.


August 4th, 2017 at 6:03 PM ^

he didn't take a plea deal he was basically kicked off the football team. He had no choice but to take the deal, I definatly would not judge him based on that. But her victim statement reads like someone who was kidnapped and brutally attacked, and even then it seems a bit embellished. I'm honestly shocked that more peoples bullshit radars didn't go off reading her statement. How naive can you be?


August 4th, 2017 at 6:11 PM ^

Not to mention that the judge is exclusively responsible for sentencing. If he or she thought the victim's statement was truth, he or she had the ability to reject the plea deal.

We'll be Champions

August 4th, 2017 at 6:36 PM ^

Wtf this is not true at all. Like if this woman were as full of shit as you claim then Perry would have done what Jourdan Lewis has done and cleared his name in court, which didn't take that long. If the victim were full of shit she would've lost the case. This is also some grade A victim blaming right here, like you realize the deranged way you describe his actions, it takes that same amount of bat shit craziness to try and ruin someone's life who as far as the facts show, she's met ONCE. Also just because she didn't press charges on SA doesn't mean her accusations are false, it just means that she has not pressed charges for that crime. But also, the judges conclusion that this was a crime of power and entitlement just shows that clearly she was affected in the way she claims cuz there would be classmates as witnesses and all of that. At the very least Grant Perry should not play this year while his probation is happening, but I think he needs to focus more on being a good human based on the findings of the court and his own pleading guilty than how he's going to break Ohio States coverage scheme

We'll be Champions

August 4th, 2017 at 7:02 PM ^

Ok a) I like to think our coach would stick with his players if he is so innocent, but he pleaded guilty and was suspended 3 games before anything further came out so everyone knew it was bad, b) there is a process to choose juries in which they could find 12 people that are impartial, or 12 people who are MSU football fans but who have no clue who he is. Like I'm a big Michigan fan and I couldn't tell you who MSU slot receiver is and c) you never respond to the point that the victim would have to be just as crazy to try and ruin Perry's life as Perry would be to do this. My question to you would be why do you believe him more insofar as he pleaded guilty to crimes and the judge said that he was clearly arrogant.


August 4th, 2017 at 7:16 PM ^

would be on the table. I've sat on two juries and that was enough to make me feel I would never want my life in their hands. Even moreso when I may not be choosing from the most impartial jury pool. I got picked on one jury because almost every potential juror said they would be biased. The judge said the next person who said that would be held in contempt and then my name was called.

You obviously went through something devasting and I hope you are going through counseling and can get past this. Your pain is obvious. The way to getting healthy isn't to prejudge others based on your situation. None of us was there and the victim statement doesn't seem to match what the judge and prosecutor are saying after reading the witness accounts.

I think Perry admitted to enough to show he was in the wrong. The judge passed sentence and I trust Harbaugh has done enough research into the situation to take the appropriate action.


August 5th, 2017 at 12:34 AM ^

did I say that was not true?  Perry did not plead guilty to sexaul assault, he plead guilty to misdemeaner assault & battery and resisting an officer. Her statement said she had fucking panic attacks just thinking about leaving home and cried when walking from the car to the door becuase she was so scared... from misdemeaner assault.(from getting goosed) This case is not compareable to Jordan Lewis's case at all and the fact the you would try to compare the 2 makes me think it's not even worth debating it with you. I never said he was innocent, I said she is full of shit and exaggerated what happened. Do you really think with all the shit thats gone down in East Lansing lately that if the prosecutor and judge beleived her story 100 percent that they would cut Perry a plea down to a non sexual misdemeanor assault?  Read her statement and tell me that is a reasonable reaction to what was in the police report. The girl is full of shit, you need to get out more if you can't see that. 

We'll be Champions

August 4th, 2017 at 6:41 PM ^

But also as someone who has been a victim of bullying by someone who I thought was a friend and eventually turned into physical assault, like I do have panic attacks sometimes before going out with friends or to a place where I know there is going to be alcohol, like this is not exaggerating anything. Next time you're shoved down and shouted at by a stranger which Parry admitted too, and you're fine the next day you can talk. But until you've actually been there, you just sound like a douchebag behind a keyboard


August 5th, 2017 at 12:52 AM ^

the truth comes out. I am sorry you were bullied but your situation is not comparable either. You were being bullied by the same person over and over.. she was shoved down by a stranger who she will never see again. Then next time im shoved down and shouted at by a stranger.. how about being jumped waiting in line by 4 people who still to this day I dont know who they are, but they put me in the hospital. How about being stabbed and robbed downtown? Bad shit happens when you go out at night. I never in my life got a panic attack or stopped going places because of it. I'm sorry you got shoved down and yelled at though, sounds rough. How did you ever get over that? :/


August 4th, 2017 at 5:27 PM ^

It seems that there are witnesses to what sounds like a terrible, life altering experience.  Why would the prosecution strike a plea deal if there's evidence to convict?

Everyone Murders

August 4th, 2017 at 5:31 PM ^

It is a powerful statement, and changes my view of the case.  I'll note, though, that there is about a zero percent chance that his apology was anything other than scripted by his defense attorney.  We don't know whether he feels remorse or not - and may have been advised against being too apologetic by his counsel (lest a civil suit follow).  So let's not assume that he has no regret or compassion for the victim.

That stated, I hope that at the very least Harbaugh puts him deep in the doghouse, with measureable milestones to being allowed to play - and with a healthy suspension period (perhaps a whole season).  I'm not quite with the "boot him off the team" crowd given that the prosecutor said that there was no evidence of a sexual intent here, but I'm puzzled by the prosecutor's conclusion there.  I am of the opinion that severe and palpable suspension is a good option.

Also, but for the allegations of groping here, I'd be fine with this and say let him play after sitting out a few games.  Without that, he was just acting the fool in a bar line, which ain't great but it's not terrible either.  (Something something without sin something something first stone.)  When you add in the groping?  Seems sexual to me.*

Anyway, I'm curious to see how Harbaugh reacts to this. 

*When a person touches someone inappropriately to assert power rather than "get off", it still seems like a sexual assault to me.  So the prosecutor's conclusion is ... weird. 


August 4th, 2017 at 5:48 PM ^

The only thing that came to mind was that the prosecutor felt the inappropriate touching was inadvertent and that the touching in general was a sense of entitlement to push his way to the front of the line.

You have to remember he was drunk which may have affected his judgement and coordination even if it is still inappropriate.

Everyone Murders

August 4th, 2017 at 6:09 PM ^

Further to your thoughts, the Detroit News article had some good quotes from the judge:

“It doesn’t matter whether you’re feeling full of yourself on that particular day or you’re full of alcohol, nothing ever will give you the right to assault another person, to degrade another person or to run from or resist the police,” Draganchuk said. “I do agree with the remarks of the prosecutor in that it seems like you were feeling very entitled on this particular night, and I do attribute that a lot to the alcohol. Although it’s inexcusable, I do attribute it to that.”

Then putting it in perspective:

Draganchuk, during her courtroom remarks to Perry, said from the many letters she read about him, there was one major theme. “The letters mention you’re really upset over the hate on social media and really down on yourself over things people are saying,” she said. “I do think we have to keep this in perspective and understand — and I talk to a lot of people I’ve sentenced about this because sometimes people beat up themselves so badly it keeps them from going forward — so it is important. “Nobody else defines you, nobody else defines who you are, they don’t get to do that. You define who you are. In all fairness, you don’t define who you are based on what you did one night as bad as it was. It doesn’t work that way and honestly, if people are going to be fair about it, no one is defined by what they did on the worst day of their life. Their worst behavior on one day does not say who a person is. That’s just not fair.”

Sounds like both Perry and the victim drew a fair-minded judge with perspective.  The only thing I'd change in the first statements quoted above is that Perry decided to get himself shit-faced, so while alcohol played a role, he's responsible for getting drunk in the first place.

Let's hope he takes the judge's words to heart, and does not let this incident define him.  At least on the legal front, he's been given a second chance, and I hope he makes the most of it.

Article - Worth a read in its entirety: -