so - I see a lot of Junior / Community College signings - not allowed at Michigan?

Submitted by reddogrjw on

or just frowned upon?


SIAP previously


December 14th, 2016 at 11:12 PM ^

The fact that the best of them have to go through an academic facade because the only way to go to the NFL is through college where they are unpaid is also an outrage.  For many of them, there are systematic disadvantages which you didn't have, so while this seems simple to you, it isn't for them, and the only reason they have any opportunity is because of their athletic ability.


December 14th, 2016 at 11:48 PM ^

Lack of effort is not a systematic disadvantage. Some of these guys had nothing more they had to do to but to just show up and be ass-in-seat to keep from flunking a class and they just bail, not because they're stuck or because they run into trouble, no. Just because they don't feel like being there. You can't continually squander opportunities handed to you and keep blaming it on "systematic disadvantages". At some point it's your own damn fault.


December 15th, 2016 at 9:03 AM ^

Having taught in a high school in the heart of sec country i can tell you it's rarely their own damn fault. It takes an extraordinary individual to navigate poverty by themselves and win. I had several overachievers who gutted it out, but many of my star athletes succumbed to the cycle and would get like a 9-13 on the ACT. And they really were not "dumb" kids, sysytem just completely failed them and they had no community, government or familial safety net to put them in the position you assumed they were in e.g. If they tried it mattered.

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December 14th, 2016 at 9:57 PM ^

Think again VA blue.  Bama just signed 2 CC players today.  A 4* DE and a 4* OT.  Wonder why we are at such a handicap to the SEC?

Isaiah Buggs is a  6'5" 280 DE.   Geesh.  If only....



December 14th, 2016 at 11:07 PM ^

I think the biggest problem isn't that they couldn't be admitted, but that once they were many of their classes wouldn't transfer so they would have a hard time having enough credits to remain NCAA qualified for their class level.


December 14th, 2016 at 10:16 PM ^

The best way to get into Michigan is take a year of JC and get a 3.5 or above and you're right as the mail. That's what I did. 1 year of Washtenaw CC and was accepted to Michigan.

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December 15th, 2016 at 10:28 AM ^

but there is more to college and Michigan than the cost and the diploma. .    I am not saying this shouldn't be an option for those who can't get in or find loands but if you could get in and you chose the Juco or transfer route  I think that's kind of sad because you missed the best 2 years of a school like Michigan or any other school for that matter. .  Junior and Senior years were fun, but didn't come close to first year in the dorm and first year in a house with all of my friends. Just my expeirence opinions will vary.   


December 15th, 2016 at 11:17 AM ^

UCLA and Cal will take JuCo's, but it's rare and usually it's because the player has academic work done to their specifications, much like Michigan, difference is there are a ton of JuCo's in California and so UCLA and Cal are in a position of being more easily able to form those relationships and help out prospects in terms of academic work needed.

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