"Pride Buckeyes" a story from Brian

Submitted by trueblue262 on

I am sure a lot of us have read this story over the years, but I always like to re-post it this week every year. Especially when The Game is in Columbus. As pointed out by others, things have changed over the last 10 years in Columbus, I just don't know if I'm ready to say that they have changed for the better. They do serve alcohol now, so I'm sure that will make the stadium more civilized. Anyway, those that are making the trip, I salute you!




November 22nd, 2016 at 1:50 PM ^

We went down in 1992 for that epic TIE ....had a number of almost fights on High Street after ...wound up crashing a house party and sneaking away with their keg, though.  That was hilarious.


November 22nd, 2016 at 1:40 PM ^

not a lot of urine-inducing laughter at my place of work during the work day. Brian Cook is going to get me fired. This may be the line that did me in:

giving me the international symbol for "cool it, there are twenty of them and four of us, one of whom walks with crutches." 

The Fan in Fargo

November 22nd, 2016 at 1:51 PM ^

It's kind of ridiculous that they call Harbaugh crazy when in real life, they are fucking lunatics. I wish I was Mr. Universe and could go down there wearing buckeye gear on game day and just clean house on all the clowns who picked on and started things with the Michigan faithful. The looks on their idiot faces would be priceless.


November 22nd, 2016 at 1:56 PM ^

I know I'm an irrational Michigan fan. When we win everything is awesome, on the rare occasions we don't win everything is awful, but Brian's story, one of many,  really does touch on the vast gulf of irrationality that exists in other college fan bases. Many Michigan fans emulate our coaches and players who deserve emulation. The world would be a better place if there were more Devin Gardners, Tom Harmons, Gerald Fords, and Bos. We are proud to emulate those who went before us and who strove for excellence on the field and in life, while other fan bases emulate coaches and players who commit criminal acts, and exist in a culture that can occasionally pride itself in doing so, too. You might only encounter fans that'll shake your hand or say "that shouldn't have happened" or you could encounter fans that'll jump someone with palsy. They exist everywhere, but with more frequency outside of the friendly confines, so be safe.


November 22nd, 2016 at 2:25 PM ^

As a Columbus, OH native and OSU alum, if this story is even partially true (though I believe it to be fact) I APOLOGIZE.  Yes, Woody Hayes has ingrained a particular hatred for TTUN, but I can assure you that outside of the actual lines of the game, respect was his message.  Now, the reasons behind why he so mercilessly despised TTUN and painted them in the manner he did hold plenty of merit -- and yes, fans do take on that persona -- but regardless, that is no excuse for this kind of treatment.  If your story ended before the physical abuse and beer in the face, and you were just thrown off by the rude "Fuck Michigan" slurs thrown your way, I wouldn't really bat an eye... I still say it today, and I'll say it right now:  Fuck Michigan.  However, that isn't a slur towards any one of you individually, your players individually, or your university individually.  That's a slur towards the combination that makes your "team" a rival of our "team".  And there's plenty of Michigan fans that show up at our tailgate who are greeted first with a, "hey, thanks for making the trip, welcome..." and second with a, "oh, by the way, Fuck Michigan... now, help yourself".  I hope MOST of you get the treatment I'm used to giving.  It should be in good fun!  May the best team win, Saturday. 


Also: for every asshole there's 100 good, solid people out there.  Thank you for being one of those 100 on that night.

Everyone Murders

November 22nd, 2016 at 3:15 PM ^


I still say it today, and I'll say it right now: Fuck Michigan.

If you say "Fuck Michigan" every day you should really think about getting some perspective and/or class.  I'm only aware of one fanbase that thinks it's all in good fun to scream "Fuck Michigan" at strangers.

To be clear, I've seen elementary school kids sporting Buckeye garb yell it at adults while their parents egg them on.  I've seen it yelled at elderly Michigan fans by 20 something Buckeye fans.  And with pretty high frequency.  So congrats - it's part of the Buckeye brand.

I'm friends with a number of Buckeye fans, and know they have plenty of decent fans.  They also aren't yelling "Fuck Michigan" to strangers.


November 22nd, 2016 at 3:23 PM ^

Where did I say I say it every day?  Where did I say I scream it to complete strangers?  Did you miss the part where I put it in context? 

Apparently you have a glass jaw... can't take a soft jab. 

Everyone Murders

November 22nd, 2016 at 3:56 PM ^

You said this

If your story ended before the physical abuse and beer in the face, and you were just thrown off by the rude "Fuck Michigan" slurs thrown your way, I wouldn't really bat an eye...

So basically you're saying that it's fine to have rude "Fuck Michigan" slurs thrown at Michigan fans by Buckeyes.  Like that's a normal way for opposing fans to act. 

You're entitled to that opinion, but own it.  As I wrote, it's part of the Buckeye brand - so congrats.

(And again, I've got a number of Buckeye friends who don't act that way.  I'm not talking about all Buckeye fans here, just the sort who don't bat an eye at rude "Fuck Michigan" slurs tossed at strangers.  And of course the clowns who actually toss said slurs.)



November 22nd, 2016 at 5:14 PM ^

Do you really think OSU fans go into places like AA or State College or even East Lansing and don't get the same treatment?  I have personally in each place, and I didn't bat an eye at all.  Y'all act like this is something that doesn't happen everywhere in a game that carries a lot of significance??  News flash: it does.   That's why I said I wouldn't bat an eye.  It's going to happen and if I get my panties in a bunch everytime I'd be in far too many scuffles.  I don't condone it unless it's in good fun -- but I guess I also have thicker skin than some of you who get upset when they hear the F word. 

Everyone Murders

November 22nd, 2016 at 6:29 PM ^


Y'all act like this is something that doesn't happen everywhere in a game that carries a lot of significance??

That's part of the point.  It doesn't happen everywhere during important games.  (Of course there are some jackasses at every game, including at Michigan.  But it's not normalized behavior like at OSU.) 

By way of example, a friend of mine went to the Texas - OSU game in Columbus a few years back and was appalled at the behavior of the Buckeye faithful.  She's a Texas alum, and has been to Oklahoma, Texas A&M, and other hostile environments for Texas games and has a husband who is a professional sports broadcaster.  They came back stunned at the number of douchebags who would get in their face as they tried to make their way to the Shoe. 

The other point of Brian's article is that a large portion of the Buckeye faithful have adopted the "Fuck Michigan" mentality and it's pretty easily traceable to Woody Hayes.  It's your culture,and in your mind if it doesn't get to physical violence you really shouldn't bat an eye. 

Again, congrats! 

Stylin and Profilin

November 22nd, 2016 at 4:24 PM ^

There are a few "friends of friends" that I know (OSU Fans) that have their kids yelling this garbage and belly laugh like they just saw Caddyshack for the first time. I avoid these people like the plague and conventiently have "other plans" when I hear they are coming to any event that I'm invited to. 

Honestly, I don't care what team you root for, get your priorities straight and don't be a $&%@ head...It's really not that difficult.

RHammer - SNRE 98

November 22nd, 2016 at 3:20 PM ^

at reasonableness; it's been said before, but bears repeating, we can respect, but don't have to like, each other's allegiance.

that said, i did get the urge, while reading your piece, to reply for the specific purpose of adding a brief riposte to your repeated comments above, which is to say, respectfully, 

Fuck Ohio.


November 22nd, 2016 at 2:40 PM ^

Here's her reply

Dad when we went to the Michigan-OSU game in Columbus in 2010: Do not say anything, do not look at anyone, do not have your Michigan gear visible, keep your coat zipped up, and your head down. These people are crazy.

That was good advice dad!



yossarians tree

November 22nd, 2016 at 2:45 PM ^

I remember when Texas played in Columbus a few years back and their fans,having never experienced such a thing, came away utterly appalled at how bad the scene is. I'm sure the University does its best to corral the students and alumni, but as Bob Ufer said of Ohio Stadium, "It's ten thousand students and ninety thousand truck drivers."


November 22nd, 2016 at 2:49 PM ^

Now that they moved it to Thanksgiving, the travel would have been murderous and very expensive.

I couldn't justify dropping $900 for a flight, $400 for a ticket, and another $1,000 to party with some OSU grad friends while missing the family feast.

Ultimately, though my friends are solid citizens, I did not want to risk spending $2,500 to get my 45-year-old ass beat but a bunch of drunken degenerates. 


November 22nd, 2016 at 2:49 PM ^

Now that they moved it to Thanksgiving, the travel would have been murderous and very expensive.

I couldn't justify dropping $900 for a flight, $400 for a ticket, and another $1,000 to party with some OSU grad friends while missing the family feast.

Ultimately, though my friends are solid citizens, I did not want to risk spending $2,500 to get my 45-year-old ass beat but a bunch of drunken degenerates. 


November 22nd, 2016 at 3:34 PM ^

This year will be my first time going to Columbus for The Game. Admittedly, reading the several threads over the last couple weeks as well as Brian's story have certainly given me some pause. I intend to be as respectful as humanly possible, both because it's the right thing to do and because I value my own safety. 

My sister lives in Columbus, but I am going to The Game alone. If anyone has any tips (other than "don't go"), they are all greatly appreciated, no matter how blatantly obvious some may be.


November 22nd, 2016 at 3:43 PM ^

Wear your thick skin.  Be polite, but poke back when you can tell the banter is in good fun.  If you're tailgating beforehand befriend a few OSU fans on the way in and let them know this is your first time to the stadium.  Enjoy! 

Buddy the Wolverine

November 22nd, 2016 at 6:40 PM ^

I would be wary about driving a car with Michigan plates as it will likely end up a target. Hopefully your sister has a garage. Honestly, I would wear a jacket over your Michigan gear until you make it into the stadium and upon leaving. That way you can support the team and avoid an unruly crowd that would love nothing more to throw beer and/or piss at you. Cheer for your team with gusto and have a good time! 

micheal honcho

November 22nd, 2016 at 6:11 PM ^

I went to Columbus once for a game in 96. Friend lived in that shithole but was a M grad. We parked at his house and had a 2 mile walk to the stadium. A walk he made every year for at least 8x previous since graduating M and moving back to Cbus(familial home). He always said he attended each game & made each years walk ensconced in his M gear. This was my first time so you could say that I was at least mildly curious how he had accomplished this feat so many times and never been accosted. As we finished up our tailgating at his home at prepared to depart for our march to hells shoe he walks in his garage and takes a vintage looking Louisville slugger out of a barrel of at least a dozen similar ones. He wraps it against the concrete a couple times and declares "now I've got MY game gear". We proceed to make the trek, hearing all of the fuck Michigan calls along the way. Ray just smiles and waves a salute with his slugger. As we approach the gate he casually drops it into a garbage can and in we go. Turns out, as he explains during the pre game, he buys used bats at garage sales cheap so he always has plenty and doesn't mind tossing one every other season.

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micheal honcho

November 22nd, 2016 at 9:34 PM ^

Go get your 5 and I'll grab a bat. Remember. Somebody in that 5 is gonna have to make one hell of a commitment if it's going to work out in the end.
Ol Raymond was about 6'3" and a burly dude. I think his bat approach was more symbolic than anything cuz he was a friendly and pretty outgoing dude.
Funny someone mentioned Negan, Ray was a HS PE teacher and if the comic previews I've heard are correct that's what Negan was in his pre apocalypse life.

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November 22nd, 2016 at 9:00 PM ^

Having been at a bar in Chicago and told a girl I went to Michigan, at which point she rounded up 15 of her OSU friends to form a circle around me and talk shit...this story hits all too close to home.