OT: A long night ahead

Submitted by UMFanInFlorida on

For those who are willing, it's going to be a long night and day ahead for us in eastern and central Florida. We'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers as hurricane Matthew is bearing down on the area.

Looking forward to cheering on Harbaugh and co. once we get through this mess.

Thanks and go blue!

ed: thanks for the well wishes already. My family and I are in Orlando. So yes any further east and we'd have gotten the heck outta town.

6:30 AM update:

So far so good in southeast Orlando. There's some blowing and gusting, but overall it's been tamer than expected. 
We've had power all night, so coffee's on. I got about four hours of sleep, and wife and son are still sleeping soundly.
We aren't out of the woods yet, but thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts.

8:30 AM Update:

Still raining and blowing here, but no visible damage other than a few small limbs down. Nothing worse than a summer thunderstorm as far as that goes. The Atlantic coast has taken it pretty hard and there are lots w/o power. Daytona Beach is getting hammered by wind and rain all morning. Praying for similar positive reports from other MGoFloridians.


October 7th, 2016 at 12:41 AM ^

You're an anus face. Am I arguing correctly now? I mean, I don't think you're one, but considering I never said a word about anyone, I just simply said I don't understand why people live in places where their lives are threatened regularly by something avoidable (nature).

Never called anyone names, said they were stupid, said they sucked, nor said they were dicks. Anus face.

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October 7th, 2016 at 12:57 AM ^

Yes, I knelt by my 3-year old daughters bed and prayed for our safety, as well as the safety of our neighbors (as we do every night) before I put her to bed hours ago. Since then, the wind has woken her up twice, the last one in tears. She's now sleeping comfortably in our bed, but the worst hasn't even begun for us. As the OP stated, it's going to be a long night.


October 7th, 2016 at 1:37 AM ^

If we all pray really hard will the hurricane immediately fizzle out and/or veer off to the east? 

If the Hurricane does tear apart Florida does that mean we didn't pray hard enough?

Are you better than me because you prayed more than once while I've just thought a lot about this situation?

pls respond.

blue in dc

October 7th, 2016 at 9:31 AM ^

You chose to respond to "everyone else", who decided to take it to a whole different level. Didn't you make the choice to keep responding? Further, you claim to be a pretty smart guy, can't you figure out for yourself why it might not be quite as as easy for everyone to leave as you suggest? People don't have money People have disaster resposibilities - fire, police, medical, national guard, power company and more People have physical challenges - old etc.


October 7th, 2016 at 12:03 PM ^

LOL. Some of you guys have some serious reading comprehension issues for being UM grads. For the nth time, please copy paste where I said it was "everyone else's fault." I have had words/opinions/points of view shoved in my mouth. I responded because I was bored and I don't care that people didn't like my opinion.

But a number of you, you included blue in dc, are arguing against a stance I never took it against things I never said.

I get it. It wasn't a popular opinion. Why not just say that instead of pretending I said something and arguing against a point I never actually made?

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Mr. Yost

October 7th, 2016 at 1:01 AM ^

#1 - it's not that easy (not everyone has $400 to blow on a road trip, people have pets, family they're caring for, or whatever else life has tossed their way...not everyone is a college kid who can fit his whole life in a fucking Civic).

#2 - the storm is bad, but it's not deadly for those in Florida if they take precaution...there are still newscasters on the street reporting. You can prepare for a hurricane alot more than you can most anything else. It's move what 13mph? The problem is for folks living on the coast they have to deal with high tide, flooding, power outages, etc. - and it's Florida so it'll be 90 tomorrow I'm sure, miserable.

#3 - some folks are first responders or on-call at their place of business

#4 - some people are afraid to leave their things, not worth a life...but it happens

#5 - and most importantly...who the fuck wants to go to Alabama?

Orlando BlueM

October 7th, 2016 at 8:40 AM ^

No one outside of the coastal areas, flood zones, or mobile home residents are advised to leave their homes. You load up on water and supplies and ride out the storm. We're sitting here just north of Orlando. We've had heavy rain and some wind, but there is very little threat to our safety. You are severely misinformed.


October 7th, 2016 at 10:43 AM ^

Let's say you have 2 choices:  (a) wait out this hurricane in Orlando, or (b) drive from Orlando to Alabama and back again.

You are much, much more likely to be injured or killed if you pick choice (b) than if you pick choice (a).  The reason people are often unable to do the math is that if you are killed from picking (a) you will make the news, and if you die from picking (b) you won't.  As a result, many people irrationally pick (b) rather than (a).

The local authorities are aware of this, though, and will only order an evacuation when there is imminent danger of loss of life.  There were no evacuation orders in mainland parts of Florida, as far as I know, and certainly not in Orlando.

Best wishes to all of the Michigan fans (and everybody else) reading this.  Stay safe.


October 7th, 2016 at 12:04 AM ^

I was considering the drinking route, then realized that could be a massive mistake come 3am when the worst is supposed to hit us in the central part of the state. I was in a grocery store earlier this evening that was out of beer- literally zero beers in the entire store. It was somewhat creepy walking down the cooler aisle.


October 6th, 2016 at 11:59 PM ^

of Florida and consider myself very lucky. I'm staying up all night to watch this and have already signed up to volunteer once it is over. Be careful and safety is always the best choice when it comes to hurricanes. No one will think you are a wimp if you head for the hills.


October 7th, 2016 at 12:19 AM ^

Looks like SE Georgia (sparsely populated) might see the brunt of this storm as it's starting to turn north. New tracking models show Mathew staying off the coast of Florida. The hurricane force winds should stay out to sea. Great news for the Gold Coast (a major population area).

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October 7th, 2016 at 12:46 AM ^

While i wish it were, this is not entirely true. While the storm itself is tracking a little further off the coast than expected, the eye is expanding, thus expanding the diameter of the hurricane force winds. Theyre still expecting us to see gusts upwards of 120mph within the next few hours.

Cali Wolverine

October 7th, 2016 at 12:19 AM ^

May you have clear skies and the storm passes with minimal damage. I was in a Hurricane once...and it was pretty fucking scary, and it did not end up hitting us head on like it was supposed to. Thoughts and prayers.

160 IQ

October 7th, 2016 at 12:53 AM ^

Everybody stay safe.  Have family near Daytona that got out.

Good time to have a car with 700 + mile range.