OT: worst actor or actress to ruin a role or movie.

Submitted by NFG on
Holy Hell. To piggy back the best movie fight scene topic, I ask you, what actor or actress single handily ruined a movie for you? I rented Batman vs. Superman tonight and the character played by Jesse Eisenberg is damn near the biggest insult to a casting role I've ever witnessed. It could be the 30 year old scotch I had, but I am pretty sure he ruined the movie and I never want to see his post dodgeball game face again.


July 24th, 2016 at 1:52 PM ^

Martin Sheen as Robert E. Lee in Gettysburg. Originally I liked him, but now he comes off as too spacey. Plus, he is much too short. Lee was 6 feet of Southern propriety and West Point excellence.

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Perkis-Size Me

July 24th, 2016 at 3:33 PM ^

I don't know that he's "the worst," but Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. He did absolutely nothing to intimidate me with his character, which is what a guy who idolizes Vader is supposed to do. Whenever something bad happened, he acted like a baby who got his toy taken away. Vader would've struck him down without hesitation. Maybe that was the point for the first movie, but still, he did not impress me at all.

I don't dislike Adam Driver as an actor. Seems talented enough, but he looks like he should stick more to urban hipster roles than roles involving how to take over the galaxy and restore the Dark Side of the Force to its rightful place.

I thought that was awful casting, but he's got two more movies to prove me wrong.

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