
April 25th, 2016 at 2:33 PM ^

I don't think this is too spoilery, just a book detail that's not alluded to in the adaptation...






At several points, in the fourth book IIRC, there are reports of a pack of wolves wreaking havoc in the Riverlands, post Red Wedding. The commonly held belief that Nymeria is leading the pack.  A theory is that Arya is even unknowingly warging into Nymeria (she has dreams about being a wolf and leading a pack). None of this is explicitly laid out, but there are plenty of hints.


April 25th, 2016 at 1:17 PM ^

I felt that the scene between Daenerys and Khal Moro was basically a subtextual conversation between the show's producers and its audience: "We have heard from you, and from this moment on the show will be less rapey."


April 25th, 2016 at 1:43 PM ^

That said, the producers' response to no rape in this scene seems to be, "OK, those women who don't get raped have to live out their lives in sexless solitude together" and that sends its own message.


April 25th, 2016 at 1:38 PM ^

So... at the end of season 5, when Sansa and Theon jump from the high castle wall... was there a big fluffy mattress to catch them down below? How is it that Myranda dies instantly when Theon pushes her over... but he and Sansa jump from the top of the damn castle and are apparently uninjured? I'm dubious.


April 25th, 2016 at 1:46 PM ^

They fell from different points. Myranda fell into an interior courtyard onto a hard surface whereas Sansa and Theon jumped on the exterior into a snow bank. I'm not saying that Sansa / Theon living after their fall was necessarily believable, but I don't think you can compare it to Myranda's.


April 25th, 2016 at 2:01 PM ^

Fair enough. But not even a sprained ankle or something? Seems they would've at least shown the two of them landing...maybe a struggle to get up and moving or something. It's a stretch to go from jumping off a castle to running through the woods.  Not such a big deal, really... just an observation.