rob f

April 7th, 2015 at 9:29 PM ^

of 3Floyds, you may be right---I'll have to do some more drinking to find out, I suppose.   But I have to travel 40 miles to the Indiana border get it, as it appears to not be available for distribution in Michigan, while Founders is practically everywhere I go in Michigan now. 

I think I've just talked myself into a road trip to their brewery this summer...


April 7th, 2015 at 9:38 PM ^

I prefer Founders. Founders has more breadth of interesting options, like Dirty Bastard, Red's Rye, KBS, Backwoods Bastard, etc. 3Floyds has a better IPA and pale ale, though. My issue with 3floyds is all of their beers have the same piney citrus note - all taste more or less the same (stouts excluded).

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April 8th, 2015 at 9:08 AM ^

3F is great but when I lived in Chicago I got tired of trying to track down their beer. It should be that hard to keep Chicago full of Robert the Bruce, when it's one of your flagship beers. They make great stuff but have always struggled to fufill their relatively small distribution footprint. No one** has time to drive to Hammond every two weeks or get to Binny's at 10am on a Thursday for beer.


**The Lucky Few


April 7th, 2015 at 9:12 PM ^

The fact that Dogfish Head isnt in the finals renders all results suspect to me.  Has anybody here been to the brewery?  Seems like that would be an awesome road trip.


April 7th, 2015 at 9:21 PM ^

1. Palo Santo Marron

2  Dogfish 90

3. Dogfish 60

I have a case (most of it anyways) of 120 which i bough last year and can only say drinking one of those is an experience one must feel to believe.


April 8th, 2015 at 12:09 PM ^

It will have a special place in my heart since it was essentially my gateway into the craft beer world many years ago. But...since then my taste has evolved and to me Oberon just ain't anything special. I particularly dislike the taste of Oberon when it's not super cold....the longer it sits out the funkier it starts to taste. 

Also...I just emailed the meaning of, indeed.


April 8th, 2015 at 2:30 AM ^

Is probably my favorite overall. Centennial IPA is delicious. They just have so much variety, especially at the brewery itself. Founders out of the tap on site is by far the best beer I've had.


April 8th, 2015 at 9:05 AM ^

It's just taste, some like red cars and some like black cars. Some like an Audi RS 5 and some like a BMW M5. I like Founders better, so that's a fact. lol

Unfiltered Manball

April 8th, 2015 at 10:05 AM ^

any of these fine establishments, but the results are bullshit.

Bell's losing in the first round???

Founder's losing to anyone other than Bell's???

The only explanation is people who know are actually out enjoying Bell's and Founder's- not voting on a brewery bracket.

Doc Brown

April 8th, 2015 at 3:06 PM ^

since this seems to be the craft beer thread du jour. I was at the Eccentric Cafe at Bells yesterday and noticed a bunch of Founders employees there with the brewmaster. Am I wrong, in my prediction to my wife that there might be a collaboration in the works. Collaboration between craft brewers seems to be the newest trend (following barrel aging and IIPA's).

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