OT - Send the Kids to School

Submitted by ijohnb on February 7th, 2019 at 7:16 AM

If you are in the same boat as me, your kids are home for an eight time since January 1.  8 "snow days" in a little over a month.  This is now completely ridiculous.  I don't care if there is ice on "back roads."  I don't care if frostbite can occur on "exposed skin."  I don't care if there are "boil problems."  I really don't even care if there is electricity.

Is the standard for closing school "the existence of winter condition somewhere at some point, kind of" now?  Is that what we are rolling with? 

I here you XM, I need to sit with my family in front of the fire place and read, and read, and read, until everybody falls into a peaceful slumber after a round of "I love yous."  I get it.  And I do love them.  But I have two kids who complained this morning about another snow day.  The kids complained about not having school.

Send these kids back to school.  Enough already.

/End rant

/Until the next "snow day"


February 7th, 2019 at 12:29 PM ^


12 years. And it appears she is misunderstanding the UN CC report that in 12 years we'll hit that "tipping point" to Armageddon we were supposed to hit a while back, but apparently didn't.

This really is religious, not science.

We're still asking questions. We don't need to make up scary stories and shut down discussions by invoking religious end-of-world imagery to figure out how best to deal with the inevitable transition to renewable energy sources.

But it took tens of thousands of years to get from figuring out that burning the waste product of past life on Earth could sustain future life to realizing that we'll run out of that waste product at some point. It's going to take some time to get to the next stage. Let's let our scientists solve that problem properly, without religious interference.


February 7th, 2019 at 3:21 PM ^

Science has offered plenty of solutions. We need to switch to green energy sources yesterday. The solutions are just expensive at the moment and we aren't willing to invest in implementing them or changing our lifestyles in any meaningful ways. We also have an uphill battle to face because fossil fuels are so entrenched in everything and have so much financial influence on the political process. Companies like Lockheed Martin research power production now, so if we're going to give those companies a bazillion dollars a year, maybe it should be to fund their fusion and deep sea tidal power projects instead of more missiles and planes. Climate change is a much greater threat than war with another global superpower, which will result in armageddon if it ever happens anyway. 


February 7th, 2019 at 12:22 PM ^

Maybe I was wrong about the extreme cold temperatures being more frequent due to climate change, but that still doesn't change the fact that anthropogenic climate change is 100% real. You don't get to cite one bad argument by a message board poster and use it to negate near consensus from climate scientists throughout the world. The climate has always changed, but not like this. There is plenty of evidence of climate change leading to extreme weather, but the extreme events aren't even the main point. The planet becoming inhospitable to humans is the point, and that is something that scientists and most of the developed world agree upon. Even Exxon and Shell secretly acknowledged in the 70s and 80s. How someone can call it "their theory of Armageddon" and "the exact opposite of science" in 2019 is unbelievable. 


February 7th, 2019 at 10:27 AM ^

There actually are several ways to measure approximate temperature from many, many years ago.  Ice sheets, tree rings, pollen grains, fossil leaves, marine sediments, etc.  I know science is taboo these days but we actually have figured out ways to measure certain things other than arguing about it on the internet.


February 7th, 2019 at 10:36 AM ^

Yes, we can measure approximate temperature, but that's different from a claim that extreme events are more common now.  Nobody was counting the number of below-zero days in Michigan in 1300 AD.

Nonsense statements like "science is taboo these days" don't help.  What seems to be taboo, if anything, is the notion that we should ever question "science", as if questions aren't the very core of science.  When people make unfalsifiable statements and speak of "settled science" that rests on models and assumptions, that doesn't mean that being skeptical of that kind of thing means "science is taboo."  For example, we are always told that climate change will mean more and stronger hurricanes, yet the accumulated cyclone energy of Atlantic and Pacific hurricane seasons since the 1800s shows no historical trend whatsoever.

I have no doubt the climate is different from how it was in 1900, 1800, 1700, 1600, and so on; I don't, however, swallow without skepticism every claim made about the future of the climate.


February 7th, 2019 at 11:52 AM ^

Scientists question everything, all the time. That is their job. Those are the people who should be the skeptics.  It’s the people who can’t understand the answers (or the questions) that should stop being skeptics. A cohort of people that almost never agree have statistically agreed that the climate is changing. Couple that with a species producing carbon emissions unlike any other in the earth’s history and I’m just not sure how you can conclude that the decisions humans are making in this area are ok and sustainable.

In addition, fossil fuel will run out, period. Even if climate change wasn’t a big deal, why the heck would we not want to transition to fuel sources that won’t run out?? Question for another thread I guess...


February 7th, 2019 at 12:41 PM ^

"I’m just not sure how you can conclude that the decisions humans are making in this area are ok and sustainable."

I didn't say that.  Nor did I say we shouldn't ever transition away from oil.

This is why these political discussions are stupid.  If you disagree with me, you must necessarily agree with every position taken by everyone else who disagrees with me, so let me just go charging at straw men.

I'd be happy to tell you my actual opinions without you assuming what they are.


February 7th, 2019 at 7:54 AM ^

It's already a conversation about it. More extreme weather swings, more polar vortexes, etc. Just because you want to pretend that you and others had to deal with these types of weather events as frequently in the past doesn't make it so. 

So basically what you're saying is I want to bitch about this phenomena but don't want to address it directly.


February 7th, 2019 at 7:58 AM ^

No, what I am saying is that I am not an f-ing scientist and cannot comment on global warming or climate change, nor am I even trying to.  From what I have heard and read, I'm leaning toward yeah, probably.

What I am saying is that I live on a back dirt road in the middle of the ice storm and my road was fine, all of the roads leading to the expressway were fine, and I drove 40 miles to Detroit in 35 minutes. 


Mr Miggle

February 7th, 2019 at 9:13 AM ^

As a practical matter, the decision whether to close schools has to be taken before it's known how bad the roads will be. If the forecast is for icy roads, then you're going to see school districts playing it safe.

The decision to stay open puts a lot of employees on the roads earlier than when students leave home and when the roads are often worse. Staying open also carries the potential of being a major mistake that could directly lead to tragedy. Schools have snow days built into their schedule for a reason.

You should be glad when navigating the roads is easier than forecast instead of bitching about it. Maybe try not to just think about things from your own perspective. /end rant



Rose Bowl

February 7th, 2019 at 10:29 AM ^

The few men who are pushing for a "New World Order" said 60 years ago they need issues calling for a "global" solution.  Maurice Strong - the founder of global cooling and global warming said they would push this hard in schools and media, all of which these few men owned.  Strong even said that many people are easy to control and would lap this stuff up.  He was talking about easy to control people like you Surveillance Doe.  And yes the climate will change - always.  That's what it does.  It has nothing to do with human CO2 production.  The climate is also being engineered by these same powerful men, but you are probably a dangerous denier on that subject also.  http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org



February 7th, 2019 at 8:09 AM ^

This is just an ignorant take. I work in a school and about half our kids walk to the school. Last week, it was so cold that scientists were saying that frostbite could happen to exposed skin in as little as five minutes. Feel like it’s a really bad idea for ~100 of my K-8 students that have a 5+ minute walk to school to be exposed to that weather twice in one day (walk to and walk home). This isn’t even considering the high school in my district that doesn’t offer transportation to these students so almost all of them walk or ride the public bus. It’d be fucking ridiculous.


February 7th, 2019 at 8:27 AM ^

This. Also, no superintendent wants for a kid to get injured or die because they wanted to be a big shot and keep the schools open. A lot of high schools have 16-17 year old students driving to school. These kids might have never driven in bad weather before. Then we are going to put them all on the toad at the same time in the poorest conditions?  Come on. Like some people have said, it’s better to attend make up classes in June then a funeral in February. 


February 7th, 2019 at 8:30 AM ^

Exactly, I used to walk to the same school every day (grades 6-12) and my school closed once in all that time because the power was knocked out during a heavy snow storm. You know how many of those days were in weather below -10 or so? I'd bet 0 of them. That same school has been closed multiple times in the past few years, as it should have been.


February 7th, 2019 at 9:19 AM ^

Back when I was a kid  (I'm a Man, I'm 50) we actually used to DRESS APPROPRIATELY for winter. Nowadays kids dress appropriately for texting. 

How many kids own a face mask? Everybody did when I was a kid. Every single, damned one of us. 

Nowadays I have to yell at my girls to wear a coat! God forbid they should have to take a little time to lace up some boots. Nope! Slip on shoes. "No show" socks. No gloves (can't handle their phones you see). No hat (messes up their hair). 

I blame other kids' parents. My kids were fine until they met your kids. 

p.s. We didn't call it a "polar vortex in 77-78". We called it a blizzard. That of course, doesn't fit the narrative now. 

p.s.s. As someone who once thought of becoming a scientist in college until he learned what they were paid, I can tell you it gives me great pause that we are counting on people who's very livelihood is dependent upon global warming being real to tell us if it is real or not. "Climatologists" were shit back in my day. Not "the shit". Shit. They weren't real scientists. They were the economists of science. Now, they are actually funded, actually can pay their mortgages and send their kids to college without working a second job. And that gravy train will continue as long as global warming is real. 

Also, it bothers me that any weather, ANY WEATHER, is proof of "climate change". Too hot? Climate change. Too cold? Climate change. Too wet? Climate change. Too dry? Climate change. Lots of storms? Climate change. No storms? Climate change. Forest fires (clear the damn dead wood you idiots!!!)? Climate change. 

It also doesn't help that socialists are taking advantage of this "crisis" to grab our money. The U.S. can do all it can to change things, but if anyone thinks the developing countries give a shit I've got a bridge to sell ya. And without them it won't mean squat if I drive a Prius. 

OK, I'm done. 


February 8th, 2019 at 9:00 AM ^

1. Back in your day they were blizzards because climate change hasn't developed to the point where warmer temperatures forced arctic jet streams south.

2. you sound like a cranky old man

3. You know how much I earned as a biophysicist? Less than I do now as a 6th year public school teacher. Take your conspiracy level nonsense out of here. What you said in your pss is insanely idiotic. There is no conspiracy among us scientists to push for results that have resulted before the fact. People like that wouldn't make it pass peer review. Even if they did, there results would get called out pretty much instantly as soon someone tries to replicate the experiment/analysis. Look at the autism/vaccine situation as a good example of someone who tried to fake results for money. That a hole is now sitting in a british prison. 

4. Like all climate change deniers you are confounding weather with climate. I will say it one more time for the people in the back, WEATHER DOESN'T EQUAL CLIMATE. The difference is like comparing a class average with the grade you got on a single assignment. Just because you got an A on assignment, isn't going to change your grade much when you have 30% average. 

5. Again take off your tin foil hat. It is cutting off circulation to your brain. If you hate social welfare programs, then I guess you also hate paved roads, sewer systems, water treatment plants, police, fire, etc. Developing countries do give a shit about climate change right now when they are fighting the effects (droughts, flooding, heat waves). Go talk about the less developed areas of India about their lives or Somalia. In both areas you have thousands dying from starvation due their agriculture industry going to shit because of climate change.