META/OT/SIAP: Merry Half-Festivus - I've got a lot of problems with you people

Submitted by BiSB on

As the bleak, stark expanse of the offseason drags out before us, a cabin fever of sorts has set in, and cracks in the facade of our collective sanity have begun to expose themselves. We've seen a lot of back-and-forth about OT rules and points and cool stories, bro. These squabbles are merely symptoms of the greater conflicts that simmer just beneath the surface.

In that spirit, I declare today to be the FIRST ANNUAL FESTIVUS IN JUNE CELEBRATION. We shall now commence with the airing of the grievances. I will begin.

  • Pope Gregory XIII - May was too long. June is currently too long. July is not looking promising. If his Gregorian Calendar was better constructed, we wouldn't be in this mess.
  • Ghosts - I feel haunted by the ghosts of a number of coaches from the past. They are less cordial than I was anticipating.
  • People who declare things to the the "First Annual" - At this point, it's just "the first." You need two points to create a line. One point is simply "shit that happened today."
  • Henri - Enough with the ennui. We get it.

Thus begins my list. There shall be more. Your turn.

Ty Butterfield

June 10th, 2013 at 11:45 AM ^

I am sick of people bitching about going back to the old points system. Sure there were times when someone would post a stupid thread or make an insanely dumb comment and deserve to be negged. However, I think it discouraged people from making even well reasoned dissenting opinions because they were worried about a huge neg bang. It allows some people to bully other posters on the board and constantly neg people that they decide they don't like.


June 10th, 2013 at 1:10 PM ^

In all seriousness, I think negging should not be cost-free, or there should be a sliding scale for the cost. For newbies or those with less than 1000 points, the cost per neg should be five points. For those with greater numbers of points, the cost per neg should decline, and at some point totals there should be no cost. The advantage is that it would put a lid on those who gratuitously neg other individuals, or neg things they don't like to read, or just neg because they're juvenile assholes. It would probably mean that the old-style neg-bangs would be lessened, but it would mean users would have to use their points more wisely.


June 10th, 2013 at 12:40 PM ^

School.  specifically inner city schools and the teachers/para pros/principals/everyone else who thinks it is perfectly acceptable for a child to miss extended periods of time, learn basically nothing and still move on to the next level.

I have read shity study after shitty article about how holdign kids back hurts their self esteem or some other dumb ass shit.  Fuck that.  What we need to be doing is only passing students who understand the material.  Maybe then we wouldn't see schools with a three year average ACT score of 14 still in existence.

It's horrible out here. 

I can count on two hands the number of students (out of 180) who have less than 5 absences this semester.    And it isn't like this is some aberation from the norm.

I get that buses suck, and parents lack vehicles, but why the fuck are you coming to a school three seperate buses away?  And why the fuck do you think that I should just consider 'first hour' some magical world where attendance is a privilege?

I teach in Detroit because I feel like the best teachers should be on the front lines where we can have the most impact.  And I am successful with the people who show up.  But, there is nothing that can be done for people who don't fucking show up!!!!

And don't get me started on the concept of poverty that includes expensive ass shoes, new nails/hair, or whatever else, but you need my buck fifty for a bus ride home... cause we are back to the buses and the students attending schools nowhere near their neighbor hood...


Or don't get me started on how school of choice is a great idea in practice but basically it just ends up in kids attending a new school every year and missing out on the instruction from teachers who know them and care for them...

I would retire if I didn't love chaos and a good challenge.

Inne-city education is the ultimate definition of a sisyphean task.



June 10th, 2013 at 12:59 PM ^

  1. I get off the grid for two days, come back to find everything is haunted. That sucks.
  2. [See above comment by Brian]
  3. We had a thread that turned into "worst movies ever" and not one movie from Matthew McConaughey's filmography was featured. Failure to Launch absolutely had to get mentioned at some point; honestly, people, that movie was one of the most terrible things I have ever seen with a script and some kind of studio backing.
  4. Those NCAA commercials claiming they're there at every stop of an athlete's life after college. They're not out planting seeds in Pahokee, they're not out there scouring websites in search of a job for the walkons and non-revenue athletes. Actually do the stuff you're claiming or STFU; both would be preferable, though.


June 10th, 2013 at 1:28 PM ^

I have a dumbphone. We don't even have apps! I just stare at my phone, playing Sudoko, wishing I could read MGoBlog on it like the rest of you. Screw all of you! Develop dumbphone apps!

Wee-Bey Brice

June 10th, 2013 at 1:35 PM ^

1.) I hate that I can't pretend the RR years never happened, which makes me hate RR. 

2.) I hate to have to hate people.

3.) I also hate that Ohio won't rehire John Cooper. Just plain selfish!


June 10th, 2013 at 2:01 PM ^

Fifty years ago today
An Equal Pay Act came our way
But now a woman’s equal work
Still doesn’t get the same male’s perk
That Registry for "Do Not Call"
Still doesn’t seem to work at all
Yet Edward Snowden’s on the lam
With way too much from my webcam
Bachmann’s turned to overdrive
And so, obstruction’s still alive
Dems and Reps still stuck in schism
While tweets and emails go to PRISM
Game of Thrones too soon concluded
After Theon Greyjoy’s neutered
Then Sally Draper caught a shot
Of Daddy Don’s recall-that-not
No videos from Football’s Senior Trip?
Was Gardner hurt? Did Gallon slip?
Hey, Taylor Lewan, still no YouTube word
‘Bout losing Doctor Hamlet, Third?
Grammar cops and trolling haters
Lighting flames for master baiters
And MGoBlog Points still not switched
Despite how angry posters bitched
For those like me who’ve been harangued
By moderators and then neg-banged
May you not suffer from that slight
And may your June Festivus be bright 



June 10th, 2013 at 2:25 PM ^

Fuck you, Wladyslaw II Jagiello. You were a dick to your cousin and caused undue strife within the Lithuanian nobility at a crucial time in history. Despite your dickishness being reconciled, resulting in victory at the Battle of Grunwald, you fucked it all up in the end by failing to take the castle at Marienburg.

That was 600 years ago, but you know what? To this very day, every time someone looks at a world map, there sits the Kaliningrad Oblast as a testament to your utter failure and douchebaggery. Boy, you really screwed the pooch on that one. Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to take those lands now? Not gonna happen. Yet you had a golden opportunity at the exact right moment -- and you blew it.

It's almost as bad as your father not being able to sack Muscovy after three -- count 'em, three -- siege attempts. But you know what? At least he put some real effort into it. What do you have to say for yourself? Now, if you'll kindly excuse yourself and go pound sand, I'm going to rub one out and cry myself to sleep reading Konrad Wallenrod.

Ali G Bomaye

June 10th, 2013 at 2:30 PM ^

My pet peeve is Buzzfeed, Bleacher Report, FunnyJunk, and all other websites who get clicks by stealing content or SEO spamming.  The internet is the largest step forward in the history of human knowledge, and these dicks are ensuring that the information that is easiest to access is low-quality and riddled with typographical errors.


June 10th, 2013 at 3:48 PM ^

I hate girls who make duck lips or some stupid looking sassy face in their pictures. Hint: if you're doing that, it means you're unattractive in the first place.


June 10th, 2013 at 4:19 PM ^

MGoBog I've given you all and now I'm nothing. 
MgoBlog two thousand and thirty points, June 10, 2013. 
I can't stand my own mind. 
MGoBlog when will we end the human war? 
Go fuck yourself with your Bolivion. 
I don't feel good don't bother me. 
I won't write my post till I'm in my right mind. 
MGoBog when will you be angelic? 
When will you take off your clothes?

When will you look at yourself through the grave? 
When will you be worthy of your million banned posters? 
MGoBlog why are your archives full of tears? 
MGoBlog when will you send your recruits to Minnesota? 
I'm sick of your insane demands. 
When can I go into the mgostore and buy what I need with my good looks? 
MGoBlog after all it is you and I who are perfect not the next world. 
Your machinery is too much for me. 
You made me want to be a saint. 
There must be some other way to settle this argument. 
Tom V is in ESPN I don't think he'll come back it's sinister. 
Are you being sinister or is this some form of practical joke? 
I'm trying to come to the point. 
I refuse to give up my obsession. 
MGoBlog stop pushing I know what I'm doing. 
MGoBlog the plum blossoms are falling. 
I haven't read the blog for months, everyday somebody goes on trial for offenses. 


June 11th, 2013 at 9:51 AM ^

Best post ever on this site... by far.

Ginsberg is the man. America is my favorite poem  (well, tied with Mother to Son)

Random Refelection on my time in Ann Arbor:  I remember taking the Beat Generation class and spending the weekends getting high as fuck and then reading the material again to find the true meaning.  lol. 

ps. by weekends I mean any day that ended in 'Y'



June 10th, 2013 at 4:32 PM ^

  1. The MgoBloggers that act like butthurt little kids when someone posts something they don't like (i.e. - Magnus' (and others) stalkers, as well as those who will follow you around the blog for a day or two senselessly negging everything you post just because you commented in disagreement to one of their posts).  Not only is everything on here not worth holding a grudge over, but what an odd, childish way to express your pointless displeasure.
  2. Also, the people who just post "This^^^."  We get it, you very much agree with a post and that's cool, but either comment with something you can contribute to the topic or upvote the person's comment and move on.  "This" and a carat sign does nothing more than just giving yourself a meaningless point.


June 10th, 2013 at 5:11 PM ^

Just people, generally.  Do I need to explain?

But especially people who invent/observe half-holidays.  As it is, Festivus season starts before Halloween, and now we're starting in June?  Go outside and enjoy the nice weather, for cripes sake, and spare me your ill-timed grievances!


June 10th, 2013 at 5:46 PM ^

I feel like a lot of the butthurt and overraction to things stems from a certain segment of the posters coming from places that lack heavy moderation and have virtually no self moderation (beyond hurling racial and homophobic epithets).

This place is not a board version of your local sports talk radio call in show, or MLive.

If you say something dumb, you will get called out for it and admonished. It's that simple.

The amount of people shocked because everyone shit all over their "FIRE AL BORGES" thread (the 15th one started that weekend) is fucking ridiculous.

Then, not only do they refuse to accept that it was an utterly pointless thread that only serves as flaimbait, they get all huffy with righteous indignation. "YOU PEOPLE CAN'T HANDLE THE FLAMING NUGGETS OF TRUTH I'M SPITTIN', MAN! YOU GUYS JUST CAN'T ACCEPT ANYTHING THAT GOES AGAINST THE HIVEMIND'S OPINION! I'M BEING SILENCED! I HATE THIS SITE!"

Someone calling someone out for being a douche or saying something stupid =/= someone being a douche or saying something stupid, and it's certainly not bullying.

Unpopular opinions are welcomed here. I should know. I have a lot of them. The key is, don't be a dick about it, because when you know you have an unpopular opinion, you should also know that means a metric ass ton of people are going to disagree with you. Also, a lot of them are going to voice their disagreement with your opinion, so there is no need to get defensive, or feel attacked.

Another thing, tangentially realted to that...Downvotes are going to happen. People with downvote anything, and for any reason. It might have nothing to do with your post. They might just hate your avatar, your username, or your sig. They might just be in a shitty mood, and your post inadvertantly reminded them of the time their cat, sparkles, got run over by a truck. So there is no reason to be upset about getting downvoted, because not only are your internet points imaginary, but downvotes don't even impact them.

If you don't like an OT thread, fucking ignore the ever loving shit out of it. It will make your day better. It will make the mods' day better. It will make everyone posting in that threads' day better. It will make everyone's day better, period. 

If you fuck up, just admit it and walk away.

The other day an OP made a thread. It got killed, he was upset, and at first he apologized. Good job. Good effort. Leave it at that and walk away. The entire incident would have been over with, everyone would have forgotten in two days, and OP would have been fine. However, OP had to just keep replying and arguing with every single person who didn't like his thread, which ultimately led to him getting downvotes, which led to him complaining about getting downvotes, which only led to more downvotes, which led to an, "I HATE YOU ALL! THIS PLACE SUCKS! YOU ALL SUCK!" rage quit level MGoMeltdown.

This place really isn't that hard to figure out. Just don't post stupid shit and don't troll people.


June 10th, 2013 at 6:24 PM ^

It keeps me too busy during the day, so I miss great opportunities to jump into mass rants like this thread.

I also hate being in the central time zone.  That already puts me in a time warp misaligned with MGoBlog.

I also hate that South Bend is not in the central time zone.  Two hour drive from home, but I have to do damn time zone math dealing with those people. 


June 10th, 2013 at 7:51 PM ^

Half-festivus came just at the right time.  I got a problem with Joe Dumars that will only be solved when Tom Gores grows a pair and shows him the door.  For all the good he did in the beginning of his front office career, he has undone it and thensome over the last 6 years.  Screw you, Joe D, and take your anthem singing, no-playoff series winning, retread of a coach Mo Cheeks with your ass. 


June 11th, 2013 at 1:31 AM ^

1. Motivational speakers. These people are worthless charlatans.

2. I can't figure out how to format my MGoPosts and add video or photos. I think it isn't user friendly, but the fact that everyone else seems to not have similar problems makes me feel old.

3. There are no decent nose-hair trimmers anywhere in the whole world. I've tried every one and they all suck and are made cheaply.

4. Mary Murphy.

5. The Friend Zone.


June 11th, 2013 at 1:37 AM ^

Another thing that makes me feel old is whatever mgolicios is. I've been on this site daily for three years and I have no idea what that is. Something about newspapers? Beats the hell out of me. At least they'll never take my google reader away. And they'll pry away my yahoo electronic mail address from my cold dead hands.

Oh, and why isn't there one spot where we can see who responds to our posts? I have to memorize what posts I posted on and then go scrolling around for hours (years?!). There must be a better way.