Urban Meyer: "Let's beat the sh*t out of Michigan."

Submitted by wjknox3 on

As if we all needed further motivation and focus.....apparently that irrascible dinosaur Earle Bruce just hosted a "Beat Michigan Tailgate" event before this year's version of our beloved, sacred Game.  Urban Meyer assumes the podium and proceeds to pander to the crowd in language only Buckeyes can understand. 

Look, I'm a reasonable man.  Married, 3 kids, a professional with a mortgage who volunteers on non-profit boards.  Despite being a UM grad, my previous held position on all matters OSU could best be characterized as one of mere annoyance and quiet contempt.  However, this little video clip pushed me a step further.....the next logical step.

Urb's highlight:

"There's a reason why you do what you do. These kids love this school. They love each other and we can't forget that. Let's beat the sh*t out of Michigan."


Coach, does Tim Tebow know you talk like that?  

Oh how I hate Ohio State.  Go Blue.  Let's win.






November 24th, 2012 at 5:33 AM ^

Just like a number of people posting, I am not upset he said such a thing.  The difference to me is that, and someone already made reference to this, Hoke would never make a comment like that in public.  In a closed door scenaro, with just the team or the coaches or what have you, Hoke may say things like this.  But never in a place where there's cameras or microphones.  That's the Michigan difference.  Meyer was just being Meyer.  Just another reason to be thankful Hoke is our coach. 

I'm reminded of Bo's account of Chris Spielman's recruiting visit to Michigan.  Great player with a lot of potential, but didn't fit the mold of a Michigan man.  


November 24th, 2012 at 6:11 AM ^

I always bring up the hypocricy in the Tebow-Urban relationship. The coach Tebow plays for covers up and condones criminal behavior the entire time Tebow is there. I won't even mention recruiting "mechanisms", all out lying and the endless character flaws. Tebow claimed to "love the man" and that he was a "mentor" to him (his own words). You cannot believe what Tebow claims to believe, the rules of his life, and connect those to a guy like Urban without being a total hypocrite. It's not an issue of non-judgement or forgiveness but the fact that he is who he is and did not, has not and will not ever change. Urban is pridefull (egomaniac) and no need to look further than his BS departure from UF as proof. He is a compulsive liar, seemingly unable to stop with proof covering recruiting, dealing with his players and, again, his departure from UF. I have no issue with a HC saying things like this in private, in a locker room to rally the troops so to speak. Heck, I think the same about the Greg Williams audio speech if you take out the "tear his fucking ACL" part out. That was just too much but it shows I have a high tolerance for what a coach can say to his players and will chalk up anything below ordering injuries as pep talk speech. If you've played football (or any sport) you know when words are wrong the same way you know the difference between art and pornography "when you see it". So, I m very open to talk like this but to do it publicly is a sign of who this guy is and how little taste he has. Keep that private. What he said was fine in a "coach speak" sense but to say it in/on a public forum is not pandering as much as poor taste and merely a sign of who he is.

Red is Blue

November 24th, 2012 at 8:02 AM ^


2)  Looks like you have some issues with focus.  May I suggest: http://www.wikihow.com/Choose-a-Concentration-Supplement

3)  On the part about Tebow and Meyer.  I think it is entirely possible for someone (Tebow) to love another flawed human being (Meyer) without having or embracing the other person's (Meyer's) flaws.  "A friend is not a fellow who is taken in by sham; a friend is one who knows our faults and doesn't give a damn."  (Author Unknown)

4)  The enter key is your friend.  Please find it and use it occassionally.


ND Sux

November 24th, 2012 at 10:19 AM ^

I didn't have the patience to read your entire rant, but whether Tebow is a good QB or not, I happen to think he's a decent human being.  Why even bring him into this discussion anyway?  Did you expect him to call out his HC while still playing at FL? 

Oh by the way, your computer






November 24th, 2012 at 7:24 AM ^

"Urban Meyer assumes the podium and proceeds to pander to the crowd in language only Buckeyes can understand." - from the OP

He said more or less what that audience expected him to say and in the manner they expected him to say it. Sounded like your average short, motivational speech, although it seemed to me that Meyer was trying to lay on some emotion that might not necessarily have been there naturally. I listened to it and it was "meh" as tailgate speeches go - not the least bit to be upset about here.

Then again, part of me does wonder what the reaction would be if he had said, "Let us now join together in the violent extraction of fecal matter from Michigan." I am pretty sure the Columbus reaction would be...intriguing. 

That being said, Go Blue and BEAT OHIO.


November 24th, 2012 at 8:17 AM ^

Reporter:  "Can you talk about what Michigan did today that was so successful?"

Meyer:  "Well, honestly, Michigan just beat the shit out of us."

Let's make it happen!  Beat Ohio!


November 24th, 2012 at 9:54 AM ^

In college I weaved profanity into every conversation I had.  My first job out of school was working in vehicle assembly plants so swearing was common there too.  It wasn't until I got a proper office job that I realized dropping f-bombs all the time wasn't really a wise career move. 

My epiphany came when went off on the office printer jamming on me for the final time.  After I unleashed my tirade I noticed my cube mates all timidly prarie-dogging to see who the crude, hot-headed, malcontent was....my boss had to take me aside and tell me to turn it down a notch.

So, yeah.....the older you get the more odd it is to be swearing in public.


November 24th, 2012 at 9:00 AM ^

His players to beat the shit out of their arch-rival. So fucking what? If i could speak to our players, I'd tell them to beat the ahit out of Ohio State. You guys try your hardest to make OSU look bad, when you don't need to try at all

Smash Lampjaw

November 24th, 2012 at 9:23 AM ^

Earlier in the week, when he was speaking of growing up in Ohio and knowing who the enemy is, I was reminded that Michigan was one of his 3 contract "outs". Change a circumstance here or there and Ohio would be the enemy, and his initials would be UM.


November 24th, 2012 at 10:01 AM ^

"Lets make sure to give credit where credit is due" *shit, greg mattison was the only reason I had any success at Florida. How am I gonna beat his defense. Oh God oh God oh God oh God. Damnit I'm crying. Okay, stroke your hair.... hoo hoo hoo* "There's reasons....."

Perkis-Size Me

November 24th, 2012 at 10:04 AM ^

Jesus, man. What are you, some kind of prude? This is football. Its a rivalry. A big one at that. If he started bashing individual players, that's one thing. But if I were a Michigan coach, I'd tell my players that we need to beat the shit out of Ohio State, too. This game defines the season. Hoke and Meyer know that.


November 24th, 2012 at 10:17 AM ^

He often comes off as not very authentic.  Sometimes he acts very respectful, calculated, and controlled.  Other times he puts on this tough guy act where he has this tough guy look on his face and his mannerisms and word choice completely change.  It all appears very calculated.  I think he was heavily influenced by Tebow, not that surprising because Tebow is an amazing person.  But, it's almost like he tries to be like Tebow sometimes, then goes the other way and realizes that's not really him.  To me this means one of two things....1) he's not very confident and deep down is very concerned with what others think of him, or 2) he's completely crazy and is unaware of how different he acts in different situations.  I think is the former, because he's too smart and calculated for the latter, which to means he's a tool.


November 24th, 2012 at 10:46 AM ^

I don't think we can hype this game up, discuss the rivalry, discuss how much we hate that school and why we hate that school, then get offended when someone drops a piece of profanity. 


Little tact, sure.  Not really the coaches place, sure.  But if you think he hasn't been saying it since practice #1 then you don't know sports coaching.  I personally embrace the hatrid, embrace the rivalry here, and embrace calling the school and their fanbase lowlifes, so I'm not gonna make a big deal out of someone saying beat the s*** out of the other side.