Your Unpopular Food Opinions

Submitted by MeanJoe07 on

What are your unpopular food opinions?  I've never had a bowl of chilli that I liked, tacos are overrated and I like kale.  Also, do you think there have been too many "Your unpopular opinions" threads today?  If so, did this one put it over the edge of too redundant or did it happen earlier?  Also, do you think there have been too many "Your unpopular opinions" threads today?





February 13th, 2015 at 9:00 PM ^

That's not actually an opinion, it's science. Cilantro is actually poisonous. A small percentage of the population is still actually able sense this through taste, which comes off as soapy. So while most of the world gets to enjoy the deliciousness of cilantro, there are some of you who are physically unable to. The more you know...

Wolverine Devotee

February 13th, 2015 at 5:07 PM ^

Ketchup is awful and it's red. 

Sonic is overrated. I went when they put the first one in MI a few years back and there was nothing special about it.

For you Southerners, Krystal burger is an awful version of royalty. Come North for royalty-

Wolverine Devotee

February 13th, 2015 at 5:17 PM ^

They just put one in my area. No one knows what it is because we've never had one near here before.

The only time I ever heard of Culver's was at the outdoor hockey game at wisconsin in 2010 because they were the sponsor.


February 13th, 2015 at 9:39 PM ^

Don't forget chocolate malts/concrete mixers/root beer floats. Also if you're going to elementary/middle school nearby they'll do a fundraiser night where the teachers are the waiters/waitresses, but that doesn't seem applicable here.


February 13th, 2015 at 9:44 PM ^

I say that having lived here for 25 years.  Only upside is a) that Cottage Inn tastes SO DAMN good wihen visiting A2, and b) my pant's size is probabably two sizes smaller than I liked soggy cracker with goop NYers call "pizza"....


February 13th, 2015 at 5:16 PM ^

there is a reason it's blue, it went bad!  you wouldn't eat any other cheese that is blue, why are you eating that crap?