Taylor Lewan's Development

Submitted by maizedandconfused on

Just wanted to comment on Taylor Lewan...

From last years moments like http://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/what-did-taylor-lewan-do and http://www.annarbor.com/sports/um-football/a-kicking-nightmare-taylor-lewans-interesting-first-half-and-injuries-for-michigan-football/ which made me all..

To this year... I'm having trouble remembering a single penalty (I know he got at least one.. but dang.) Then I was watching the Ohio GlorioussmashingSuckiteverysinglebuckeyefan-
illplaythevictorseveninthebathroom Highlights and saw this... (Go to 6:37)


Taylor Lewan has progressed from a high ceiling prospect to a team leader all very quietly. So damn proud of him and all my wolverines.


December 10th, 2011 at 9:07 AM ^

No, controlled aggression is the Hoke difference.  It shows in all facets.  The offense is a methodical controlling offense that can break a 60 yard play at any time and can score in seconds.  The defense is swarming and quick to the ball without (for the most part) getting beat big.


December 9th, 2011 at 10:50 PM ^

He's been great so far at Michigan. If he could rein in the personal foul calls he'd be even better.


December 9th, 2011 at 11:04 PM ^

Love Taylor.  He is a beast and he definitely played with more control this year and given an off season of working out, he should be even more spectacular next year.

In an effort to bring back the apostrophe, you should correct  the title of your post to Taylor Lewan's Development.  Not only would you then be dramatically correct, it would also elimanate all that confusion that we have more than one player by that name.


December 9th, 2011 at 11:16 PM ^

even makes it look better. Thanks for your efforts to eliminate our grammatical errors, not to mention that whole spelling thing.


December 10th, 2011 at 12:18 AM ^

think the number 77 will become legendary like our #1?  Jake Long and Taylor Lewan would be to 77 what Anthony Carter and David Terrell were to 1.

If only CWood, Marlin and Hall had worn the same numbers, we could have gone for a trio haha.

Zone Left

December 10th, 2011 at 10:04 AM ^


Seriously though, a college football team is by its nature going to have several repeated numbers and none of those kids can participate in the same play. Typically, it isn't a problem, but giving coaches even fewer numbers doesn't really help. Personally, I like the idea of a certain position having a certain number as part of a tradition, but make it all the time. Just because someone isn't an All-American level player doesn't mean he isn't doing his best to carry on a legacy. Give #77 to your best tackle every year the kid who happens to be the best tackle wants it, for example.

As for the OP, yeah, Lewan had tremendous growth between last season and this season. He still had one or two personal fouls that I can remember (and probably should have gotten an offsetting one when Gholston punched him), but I don't know if there's a team in the country that would take their left tackle over Lewan with two more years of eligibility.


December 10th, 2011 at 5:51 AM ^

Admittedly, at this juncture in the game, I was in line for more nachos, so I didn't see this until BTN replayed it.

I liked how it seemed Lewan was almost casually pulling people away in an effort to stop it before it got started - a sort of, "Come on, guys, they can't appreciate jabs they don't understand, so let's just play" posture...

Great, mature move, it was. I like Taylor, I really do. 

El Jeffe

December 10th, 2011 at 10:08 AM ^

At first I thought he was pulling M players away from the pile so he could get to the Buckeyes and donkey them. But then I saw that he was keeping the peace.

I guess I think that's okay...


December 10th, 2011 at 12:34 PM ^

Lewan is developing into being a great player, one of the all time OLs at Michigan if he stays the next 2 seasons of his eligibility.  Not only is he a nasty guy to deal with on the field, but his technician side has really emproved, particularly this season under Coach Darrell Funk.  He flat out dominated in the latter half of the BT season and has tremendous upside from here on out.